She squeezed her eyes shut praying that it would work, hoping that he wouldn't have a fit and storm out again. Liking the way his lips tasted like teriyaki sauce.

He froze in shock when her lips pressed against his. He didn't know how this was happening. His mind couldn't think coherently; his thoughts were spluttering like a fish desperately trying to find water.

And then it was like a major shutdown. And instinct went into autopilot. She gasped as he lowered his body on hers and smashed his mouth down letting his tongue in to assault hers.

When it came time to gasp for air Kyo stared up at him dazed. His eyes were dark with desire and in a matter of moments had Kyo arching up against him, tongue halfway in his mouth and hands in his hair.

They were beyond thoughts and reasoning by the time Kyo had pulled Chiharu's shirt up over his head and threw it on the floor to join his other articles of clothing. Her hands smoothed over his chest, admiring the fine definition, and over his back.

They were kissing again, heatedly, bodies pressed together, both breathing heavily when Kyo pushed against Chiharu trying to push him on his back.

She succeeded. The two of them crashed into a heap onto the semi padded floor. Kyo was sitting atop his chest and after two short blinks they both let out a howl and jumped apart onto their opposite sides of their room as ifburned.

Chicharu was breathing heavily andmuttering violent little thoughts not noticing the little sniffles from the other side of the room. The pull of tape and a loud yelp/cry did catch his attention however. He turned to see a tearful looking Kyo pulling at the tape in her hair. And something in him softened upon seeing her looking so fragile and frantic and so obviously upset. He never really noticed how small and girly she really was. Why had he always been so tough on her? She was only a girl after all, albeit a girl with a lot of spirit, but a girl nonetheless.

He walked over to where she was struggling almost hysterically now to pull the tape off her leg and in one swift pull he ripped the rest of it off. Another yelp and then a glare stabbed at his head. Maybe it was because he had started to laugh. She had looked ridiculous with tape wrapped around her after all.

"You're such an asshole."

"And you should be on a wild life documentary," he managed to get out between his laughter and gasping for air. The look she was giving him wasn't helping much.

But as someone once said, "Laughter is infectious."

By the time she had laughed herself out she found herself smiling up at him. And not a moment laterwas in his embrace.

'His bare skin feels nice,' she contemplated, cheek rubbing against his chest. A soft kiss soon followed, and another. And by the time she was finally allowed to catch her breath her eyes looked a bit dazed and dreamy.

"Does this mean there is no more line?"

His eyes narrowed at the mention of the demolished line and the smile on his face was carnivorous at best.

"Don't worry about that."


The day was great. The day was marvelous. Today was different from yesterday for sure. And it was all because of that little annoying line of tape. Who knew that hearing voices in your head could be such a good thing?

She was now opening the door to their room. Their. She liked that word. She liked a lot of things at the moment. That might explain the huge smile on her face as she stepped into the room.

'Hello darling, did you miss me?' came a sultry purr.

She stopped dead, smile frozen on her face.

The solitary object on his desk caught her eye.

A hideous scream rang throughout the boys' dormitory.

He had redone the line with permanent marker.