"Hey Tino here! So you know how Lor likes Thompson right? Well he asked her out and now we hardly ever see her! To make it worst I know someone else who likes Lor…It all started last month...


"Hey Tino wait up!" Lor yelled from behind him

"Hey Lor! Whatsup?" Tino asked

"Not much, where are Carver and Tish?" Lor asked with a puzzled look

"They took the bus today, Tish said her foot hurt from her theater practice or something like that and she didn't want to ride alone. So Carver went with her." Tino said smiling

"Oh, so it's just you and me." Lor said smiling back

"Yep, hey Lor I heard the girls basket ball team needs more players, you trying out?" Tino asked. For some reason it was weird walking with just Lor.

"Yeah, I but I'm thinking about Volleyball though so not sure "Lor what are you doing?" Tino asked

"That's Thompson up there." Lor said getting nervous

"Oh, well if we stop were gonna be late for school." Tino said

"Hey Lor, do guys need a ride?" Thompson asked turning around and seeing them

"Sure!" Lor yelled back grabbing Tino's hand and running up to Thompson


"Thanks Thompson." Lor said stumbling out of the car

"No problem Lori." Thompson replied with a smile

Lor sighed as she and Tino walked into school looking for Tish and Carver.

"He is such a nice guy." Lor started

"Yeah, sure." Tino said in a bored tone

"Don't you like him?" Lor asked

"Sure, he is nice." Tino replied

"Hey T!" Said Carver catching up with him and Lor

"Hey Lor!" Tish said

"Hey guys." Lor and Tino said in unison

"T, are you ok?" Carver asked

"Yeah, absolutely." Tino replied

"You sure Tino?" Tish asked with concern

"Yes." He answered simply

"Well Lor and I will be late if we don't get to art class." Tish said

"I can't believe I agreed to take this class with you." Lor said moaning

"Well you did so lets go!" Tish said anxious to get to class

Tino smiled, Tish had begged Lor for about 4 months before school started to take it with her.

"Bye guys" Tish said dragging Lor away

"Bye." Tino said

"Tino you sure you're alright you've been slouching since I got here." Carver said concerned for his friend.

"No, Thompson gave us a ride here." Tino said in a sad tone

"Ok and that's a problem how?" Carver asked

"I like Lor! That's why!" Tino said

"Whoa, T are you serious?" Carver asked

"Yes and if you tell anyone I swear I'll have to hurt you." Tino said

"I swear I won't but this is big! I never thought you and Lor would end up together." Carver said looking at his friend

"It will never happen, she likes Thompson." Tino said in a depressed tone