Disclaimer: Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi, the richest woman in the Universe.
This story takes place later in the series and movies when you know for damn sure how Sango and Miroku feel about each other. It's told from an omnipotent POV but mostly focuses on Sango for now. It's lame and cliché so far, but I promise it'll get better. This is my first Inuyasha fanfic, as well as the first fanfic I've written in about 3 years. Please be gentle.
Sango knew that people thought of her as strong. A warrior. A person of almost infallible morals. In many ways, they were right.
But what they didn't know was that at night she would close her eyes and dream of her friend, her companion…her Houshi-sama. She would dream of their eyes locking, then in a moment of understanding their lips would go together in a passionate kiss, and he would bring her body close to his, their most sensitive areas brushing together causing a fire to build inside of Sango that only one thing would extinguish…
Then she would wake and see him sleeping so close to her. He would look so innocent and peaceful, with a little bit of drool creeping out of the corner of his mouth.
As the Inuyasha crew traveled miles together each day, and as the days turned into weeks and even years, Sango finally realized that she had fallen in love with her friend, Miroku.
She didn't want it. She never asked for it. But there it was. Love. She had made a silent promise years ago to her little brother, Kohaku, that she would stop at nothing to kill the demon who had imprisoned him, Naraku, and free Kohaku from his control. In a perfect world, nothing would have gotten in Sango's way. She had always traveled alone before coming across Inuyasha's group, and there had even been times when she had regretted joining up with them because she knew better than anyone how dangerous it is to care for others. Especially mortals. She could lose them all again, just like Kohaku, her parents, and her village. But, still, she knew how helpful they would be in battle and in locating Naraku, so she went along. It was the logical thing to do.
It had nothing to do with the handsome monk with eyes the color of fresh lavender. Really, it didn't.
She always knew love would definitely get in her way. She just didn't know it would happen so soon.
"Sango?" The monk in question broke her from her reverie. "Are you all right?"
"Yes, I'm fine!" Sango replied, a little too loudly. "I was just thinking."
"About?" Miroku inquired. He usually knew better than to push his luck with Sango, but his instincts told him something important was happening.
"About how we haven't been in battle for a while. I'm itching to get to it!"
Miroku knew her well enough to know that she was lying, but decided to let her get away with it. "I see. Well, I think the lack of demons is a blessing. We might even get a chance to truly rest tonight. I know I wouldn't mind finding a nice spring to cool down in."
"Me too," Sango said, getting that far-away look in her eyes again. Miroku sighed.
That night, Miroku got his wish.
"A spring!" Yelled Shippo, the excited little fox demon. He jumped around, transforming into things for fun and to show have relieved he was. (You know, like a balloon or an octopus. Though they could never quite tell what he was supposed to be.)
"Ladies first, I guess," said the disgruntled half-demon, Inuyasha. He was always disgruntled, so that part was nothing new, but his grudging politeness was something he had been learning slowly but surely from Kagome.
The priestess from the future smiled at him, "Thank you, Inuyasha! Come on, Sango-chan, let's go get a bath!"
Sango followed Kagome behind some large boulders and the two girls began to remove their clothes. They usually let Shippo bathe with them since he was just a little kid, but he had run off to gather firewood. Everyone in the group understood that Shippo got scared sometimes and didn't think he was much help to the group, so he would put forth the effort to do little things for them. It was really very cute.
When the girls finished folding their clothes and got into the water, Sango said, "Kagome-chan, can I ask you something?"
"Anything," Her friend smiled at her.
"Have you ever been afraid of losing Inuyasha in battle? I know he's strong, but we've fought some enemies that are even stronger. You always seem so brave, so I was just wondering."
Kagome's face turned serious, and she sat silently for a moment thinking of how she would word her answer. Finally, she spoke.
"Sango…everyone gets scared. It's human nature. Just because I'm from the future, or because I have some spiritual powers, doesn't make me any braver. I would think you're much braver than I am, anyway. But, yes, I do worry. I do get afraid that the next fight will take Inuyasha away from me…or any of you, really. I care for each and every one of you in different ways. You're…the best friend I've ever had. You're not catty and gossipy like the schoolgirls I know. I look up to you a lot. I want you to know that."
Sango turned a bit pink around the edges and said, "That means so much to me. Thank you. I didn't know you felt that way. So…since we're alone, and being honest, there's something else I wanted to say…"
Unfortunately, Sango's train of thought jumped the track due to some noises coming from the surrounding woods. She stood up and went to grab her clothes when Shippo came hurling out of the woods.
"Kagome! Sango! Come quick! A big butterfly demon is attacking Inuyasha and Miroku!"
The two girls looked at each other and said, simultaneously, "Butterfly Demon?"
"It's scarier than it sounds, I swear!" Shippo said, grabbing their hands, "Let's go!"
The girls threw on their clothes and ran after him.
When they reached the clearing, it was indeed a giant, disgusting butterfly-looking insect that was attacking their friends.
"Hiraikotsu!" Sango yelled, throwing her giant boomerang at the demon. (Never leave home without it.)
The boomerang, made of demon bone, sliced through the demon's large wings, but only slowed it for a moment.
Not even giving the two girls a glance, the demon continued attacking the men of the group. Miroku stabbed at its body with his staff, but hardly made a dent. Inuyasha unsheathed Tetsusaiga and was about to unleash what (he's pretty sure) would be a death blow to the creature, when the insect used one of its sharp, giant legs to angrily brush Miroku out of the way. Unfortunately, what may have been just a swipe to the creature left Miroku slashed, bloodied, and unconscious.
"Houshi-sama!" Sango wailed, running to crouch down by his side.
What if this was the moment she had feared? What if it was really happening? What if all the guilt she had about falling in love without first rescuing Kohaku had kept her from saying the things she should have said, and now she'd never get another chance? What if he died without knowing….
"Sango?" Miroku opened his blurry eyes to take in her face. "Sango, get away. It's dangerous."
"Dangerous?" Sango was confused. "The demon is way over there and…"
Then she knew what he meant.
"Oh. Get your hand off my ass, you ass."
Miroku grinned up at her. "Just wanted to get that in there in case this was my last chance. No slap?"
Sango gave him a sad smile. "Not today."