Surviving Hogwarts.

A slim figure battled her way against the crowds of students, desperate to get a spot on the train and see her friends again after the long summer with her sister. Her long red hair was swept back into a high ponytail, framing her high cheek bones and faded freckles. She fought her way against the shoulders knocking her back repetitively.

Just as she moved away from most of the crowd, a group of first years ran straight by her and her luggage, effectively knocking her backwards. She threw her hands out to brace for impact, but instead two muscular arms wrapped around her waist.

"I always knew you'd fall for me Evans," came a familiar voice from slightly above her. Lily squeezed her eyes shut and tried not to scream in anger.

"Bugger off Potter," she growled in anger.

"Come now Evans, you know you want to snog me right here, right now."

Lily's hands clenched and unclenched repetitively at her sides. "Yes Potty," she said savagely, "you've just discovered my longing and lustful secret fantasy."

James just kept his hold on her, still in his arms, looking down on her with that normally heart warming smirk. "Isn't it nice to get your secrets out in the open?"

Lily rolled her eyes before thrusting her elbow into his gut with all the force she could get. James began coughing and sputtering behind her before Lily felt the warmth from his arms leave her waist. She heard him groan in pain one last time before grabbing her trunk one last time and boarding the train.

"Tough luck Prongs," came a voice behind James. Still clutching his stomach he stood up straight and turned to face his best friend Sirius Black. Sirius had shaggy black hair, with grey eyes sparkling with laughter. He was also just a hair taller than James himself. "Still hates your guts?"

"Not to worry, Padfoot my dear boy. I can just feel it," replied James, grinning widely.

"Feel what? Evans' elbow in your gut?" asked Sirius, laughing at the dirty glare James sent.

"This will be the year Padfoot. She will finally agree to go out with me this year."

"Yes because I had this sudden image of her throwing out five years of hating your life out of nowhere."

Ignoring his last remark James suddenly noticed the certain lack of companions. "Where's Moony and Wormtail?" he asked.

"Remus had to go tell off some second years and you know Pete's always just on time," said Sirius casually.

"Common. Let's go find a compartment then."

Meanwhile inside the Hogwarts Express Lily was searching the compartments for her best friends. It took her quite a bit of manoeuvring around others until she found the compartment she was looking for around the end of the train. Smiling she slid open the compartment door to reveal two of her best mates lounging on the seats inside. Elliene Summit, otherwise know as Elle or Ellie, had an olive 

complexion with dark brown hair and brown eyes. Anna Weston was similar, but with a lighter brown color in her hair and eyes. Upon hearing the compartment door slide open both girl stopped and turned to look at their friend.

"There you are Sweetie!" said Elle brightly.

"Where have you been?" asked Anna before Lily could reply. "I thought you said you were going to get here at quarter to?"

"And I was. But the smarmy little toe-rag held me up," said Lily, glowering in disdain.

"Ah! James found you even earlier this year!" laughed Anna dryly.

"I wish he wouldn't find me at all." Lily closed the door behind her before putting her trunk into the overhead compartments.

"He's really not as bad as you think he is Lils," tried Elle in vain.

Lily shot Ellie a dirty glance before taking a seat and changing the subject. "So how were your summers?"

Anna smiled brightly before launching into a full explanation of her events. Still pretending to pay attention she saw the look of complete bored etched onto her face as she quietly smacked her head off the window. Lily felt a stab of pity, realizing Elle had probably been through the story before.

"-So then John had gotten a hold of Rachel and they were able to make the pla-" continued Anna, unaware.

"A very long story short," interrupted Elle, "She was able to go and see her old friends in Kent and she had a marvellous time."

Anna shot Elle a nasty glare, before punching her in the arm. Elle only smirked in response. "How was your summer?" Elle asked, looking at Lily.

"As good as I imagined," replied Lily dryly. Anna and Elle sent her sympathetic looks and Anna put her hand on Lily's shoulder.

"What happened?" asked Elle.

"Well, Petunia was even worse than I imagined," sighed Lily, leaning back against the plush seat backing. "It seems my dear sister and that hippo have gotten engaged." Lily almost spat out the last word. "So you can imagine the impression she wanted to make on Vernon, you remember Vernon? I told you guys about him last year. She was all over the place making all sorts of wedding plans and hectic schedules. Of course she always made time to go out of her way to call me a freak. I swear she almost killed my owl after it returned from delivering my letters to you guys."

"Well," said Anna slowly. "The good news is she will be out of your house and out of the way, you know?"

"The downside is I can never look at teal blue the same way again," said Lily, laughing slightly.

"I wonder where Alice is," said Elle, glancing at her watch. "Train leaves in five minutes."

As if on cue a fourth person came hurdling into the room. She smiled as she straightened up and looked around at her best friends. Alice Predon was the nicer, calmer one of the bunch. She had pale blue eyes and her dirty blonde hair was pulled into a skewed bun on the top of her head.

"Sorry I'm late guys," said Alice, breathing heavily from her running. "We were backed up in the traffic, I was so afraid I would miss the train. But I made it, and that's what counts, right?"

There was a collective laugh from the compartment as Alice took the empty seat beside Elle. "So, what have I missed?" she asked looking around.

They spent a good deal of time explaining everything from their summers, to Lily and James prospects, to Petunia.

Hey guys, I don't know right now if anyone is reading this, but if you are, Thanks, now please review.

This title is only temporary, so if anyone has any suggestions, we would LOVE to hear it!

I know it seems kind of dull at the moment, but we have many plot points and a rollercoaster ride awaiting you.

Please don't flame. Criticize constructively please, not flames.

Thank you!

Deanna + Julie