Chapter 1 – Prologue

It was a beautiful spring day in the small neighborhood of Privet Drive. The birds were chirping the bees were humming; the neighbors were outdoors watering their plants, while having a chat with each other over the fences and discussing the latest news. The women were mostly in the kitchen but those who were outside were gossiping about the latest tabloids had said, most of their conversations started with the words "did you hear the latest….". Kids were on the street on skateboards, children were playing in the park, and some were feeding the ducks and the geese in the ponds, people taking their dogs for a walk. From a certain point of view this all seemed perfect normal, but for the person residing in the second bedroom of 4 Privet Drive, this is a dream that he believed he could never be part of, because you see this person was not like those other "normal" people outside, this person couldn't enjoy the simpler things in life like the others, and the only thing that made him different from the others was the lightening shaped scar on his forehead, which destiny had marked him for facing far more darker things. This persons name was Harry James Potter or as his friends called him Harry and the rest of his kind called him the Boy-who-lived. By his kind we mean wizards, because you see Harry was just not your typical child of destiny, he is part of a segment of the world population that is different from the normal people, these people were a community blessed with magic in their blood, they could perform things which could only be fantasized by us in our dreams, but like every dream, they can also become your worst nightmare.

Since the dawning of mankind there has always been people who believed in the good of all, and people who would just about do anything to satisfy their greed for power, and control. Some call the former people of the light, saviors, hero's, etc, and the latter spawn of evil, dark lords, villains. An old saying goes something like "Good always triumphs over evil", but the problem is after one villain is defeated another rises and the next one is more powerful then his predecessor because he wont make the same mistakes, so can the old hero slay down the new one, or does destiny have to produce another hero who can match with the new villain.

Light and dark, two terms used to define the world that we live in, but like the morning and the night can we survive without one of them, could you survive with the sun always in the sky and never see the moon and the stars, or never see in the sun and live in darkness. Thus without good there would be no evil and vice-a-versa. But what people don't realize is that there is dawn and dusk too, people believe in only in the morning and the night that they forget that you could also survive in the dawn or the dusk. Hero's believe if they use the same ideas as those of the villains they would stoop to their level, what they don't realize is that you can only defeat someone if you use the same weapons, in such cases the pen is not mightier than the sword.

Getting side tracked, we were discussing about our hero the child of destiny looking out of the window seeing a world which is on the other side of the glass which he can never be part of, let us talk about this boy. He defeated the darkest of darkest wizards at the age of one, this dark lord killed his parents first and used the same spell on him but somehow the spell backfired dispelling the spirit of the dark lord out of his body and leaving only a scar on the child face showing proof of him being hit by the darkest of all curses. This boy since that day lived with his relatives who always reminded him of what a freak he was, but one fine day he gets to know he is a wizard and is part of another world where he is famous. For the first time in his life he made friends, felt wanted and at home with his fellow classmates in Hogwarts. But alas our hero was not meant to have a easy life, he was forced to battle evil possessed teachers, giant sixty foot snakes that could kill you if you look them in the eye, overcome soul sucking creatures, survive a tournament and battle for his life with the dark lord after he regained his body, lose a friend in doing so, and lastly battle for the life of his godfather with his friends where in the end he lost his second last connection to his parents, and found out his destiny from his headmaster.

Some would say the hero must be somewhere around 25-30 years old to have survived such a life but never would they believe that young Harry achieved all this by the age of 15 going to be 16 this summer. Great things are still yet to come for the boy and let us see what is to come and what weapons destiny shall now provide him.