Raven and Ebony

By: Lakija

Author's Notes: Okay. Some of you guys said that Hiei was Outta Character. Me? I agree!

It's just that I really didn't feel right holding out on you guys. So, I have about five stories I'm juggling now, plus school work, and crazy stuff that's been going on.

So I just kinda gave you guys something. I've changed chapter 2, so you all can read it. Hiei's colder. Mwahahaha!

And I really like Hiei/Ray too! But I always loved Kurama, just not within a romantic relationship with Ray. So… if you've read my stories before, nothing stays the same! Ever. So… I'm thinking of… an original character…for Kurama…I don't know… what about you guys?

No? Yeah? WTF? I dunno? Lol?

I'm kinda still thinking of the two section thing. Hmm…


Section One/Two: Chapter Three: The Seven Demons (A/N: Both sections together. I plan on this being a long chapter.)

Raven was not with us at our city patrol. She must have been in her room dwelling on thoughts of peace and lambs… or whatever it is that she thinks of as she meditates. ;;

I was busy, floating around the city looking for the cause of the great calamity that made the ground shake. It reminded me of that day when we celebrated the great returning of Blindolkorp to Tamaran! Oh it was magnificent the way he destroyed the beasts from Aurish belt of Asteroids!

Oh! I am sorry for straying from my topic!

Hem! Anyway, kids frolicked about the sidewalks. Adult people went to and from to work. Cars producing throat-tightening fumes inched toward the blinking traffic lights. Young people screamed to the tops of their lungs for TAXIS! Pranksters dumped water on peoples' heads from high lofts and condominiums. Other spray-painted perfectly clean walls near businesses.

The city looked just fine to me.

Sighing, I turned on my Teen Titan talkie thing, and I spoke very clearly into it: "Calling Robin. The city looks as if everything is sprinting like watchwork!" I said.

"Copy Star… and it's running like clockwork," Robin said. Robin turned his talkie thing off. What difference does sprinting and running make?

Anyhow, since I did not have to do any other patrolling, I floated to find Cyborg. He was very easy to see, because he is bright and blue.

Instead of seeing someone white and blue, I saw black and red. The two visitors.

They were hanging around on the very top of a building, sitting carefree on the edge of the rail. Actually, they were standing on it.

The red one, whose name is Kurama, looked over at me, as did the one in black, Hiei.

"Hello Miss Starfire. Are you done patrolling already?" Kurama asked of me.

"Oh, yes I am finished… Hello Mr. Hiei… sir!" I said. I am kind of… afraid of Mr. Hiei. He is so tough and strong!

"Hmph," he replied. That is Mr. Hiei language for "Hello Starfire! How are you!"

"Um… well… have either of you seen my friend, Cyborg? He is the tall one with the metal body? It's white and blue?" I asked. I was a little afraid of asking anything of the two demon men.

Kurama looked from Hiei to me. Then he smiled at me. Phew!

"I've seen Cyborg, yes. He was last searching an open field at the edge of town. You may want to try there first. If he's not there, then I can assure you, he will be in the surrounding area. After Robin is finished, I suppose he'll want us to reconvene at the Tower," he said.

I expressed my relief to Kurama, and thanked him profusely. "Thank you so much. And Hiei, I am quite sure that if you were in a good mood you'd be happy to help as well," I tried.

"In your dreams you little red-headed brat," he muttered. I saw his hand touch the top of the cover for his sharp sword that he calls a katana.

"Eep!" I screamed, panicking.

Kurama glared. At Hiei. "You're not implying anything about red-heads are you, by any chance? Because if you hadn't noticed, Starfire and I have exactly the same shade of red hair," Kurama said.

Hiei laughed, though he did not look joyous.

"Stop fooling around Kurama!" he said, his voice still mean. "I know perfectly well what I meant by red-head. You are a brat sometimes."

"In your dreams Hiei," Kurama said.

I found this conversation between them a chance to leave and find Cyborg.

"So you're telling me the same thing I'm tryin' to tell you?" Cyborg said to me.

"Yes. There is not a disturbance in the city. It was just a little earthquake. So we can go back to the tower to check on Raven," I said.

Cyborg scratched his head. "Well alright then. We'll meet the others back at the Tower. BB is checking out the zoo, go figure."

We both went to the Tower, where I went to Raven's room. She was not there. I walked back out of it, but Raven was behind me. One of her many talents!

"What were you doing in my room?" she asked.

"Looking for you, friend! We are done patrolling the city. There was no disturbances!" I said, happy for no trouble.

"Wrong. Whatever shook the city is gone now, but something else left this on the front porch," Raven said. A package.

"What's that for?" I asked.

"From Slade. I don't know what he wants, but Robin and the other had better get here soon."

We all sat in the living room, watching the television. Slade sent us a D V D.

"Hello Titans. Glad you could see my message. I want to introduce you to my new friends. They are called the Seven Deadly Assassins. They will be your opponents. If you lose against these slayers, I will destroy the Earth. Allow me to introduce them one by one:

Junsei Nurasake: A young man of 900 years with pale, deathly-glowing skin. Appears to be only 27 or so His eyes are piercing. He is tall and thin. Graceful. His hair is long and ice blue. His hair trails the ground. His fingernails, long and blue. Beautiful. He carries two things with him: a Bo Staff, which is a long rod, and a spear with blue and white feathers near the blade to soak up all blood that reaches it. His smile looks both inviting and deadly. He is a manslayer of many hundreds.

He has the power of grace and swiftness. He will kill you and you will not know that you are dead. Robin, this is your mandatory opponent.

Vigor: Another young man. Very muscular. Very powerful. He has spiky hair with long bangs. His face is youthful. He carries no weapons, only dons iron knuckles. His smile is neither sarcastic nor playful. Only apt to kill. His skin is tanned from months and years of training in the mouth of a volcano.

Cyborg, I knew that you'd love to fight him. That's why he's your mandatory opponent.

Cain: A girl with dark powers. She is from a place called Eewraith. She has complete and total control over her emotions. Only sixteen, she is the second youngest member of the Seven Deadly Assassins. With her long black hair and sharp nails, it is no surprise that her older brother is Junsei Nurasake. She also uses the Staff and spear, but is partial to her sniper rifle. She favors long distance weapons.

Raven… dear Raven. She belongs to the sister planet of Azarath. She's your mandatory opponent.

Caprice: A lively girl. Her hair is short, and pink. She is the only nice member of our group, and that's not saying a lot. She loves to read minds, and does it well. Caprice can speak to animals. Nothing more is to be said of this girl. She is of 18.

Beastboy, did you honestly think that she was not your opponent?

Connor: A boy of fourteen, his powers are unknown even to me. He looks like you average teen. Into sports, academic, everything you would expect if an ordinary boy. However, I am aware that he feeds off of emotions, and they make him stronger. It is up to his unfortunate opponent to find out what his power is. He is the youngest member of the Seven Deadly Assassins.

Starfire, wouldn't you like to be his opponent?

As for the other two members, they are a secret. You Titans will determine who amongst you will fight them. Choose well.

The television screen cut off. We all looked around at each other. Hmm… Who were these Seven Assassins?

A/N: I wrote this in like 4 hours! I should have been doing my HW! But, it's for you guys. I'm bad at doing Hiei aren't I? T.T

Lakija X