Hey everyone long time no see but it's here if a little later than i'd like

It's a short chapter... Jules has a little bit of a nervous breakdown in this bit and then the action begins hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: Nightworld aint mine but Jules is and i love her so please let me keep her!

Swept Away

Chapter Five: Desperate

Jules no longer cared about anything else but getting this mission completed the sooner she found Kaitlin the sooner she would stop feeling like she was being ripped apart. She had no idea where Kaitlin was and no matter how much she tried to contact her there was nothing coming from the telepathic link she shared with her charge.

Kaitlin she whispered, where are you? Again there was no answer and Jules swore. This was not how it was meant to be. How it was meant to be was that she was at Kaitlin's side and protected her from everything and she had failed her.

It wasn't fair. Jules should be there with her charge and instead she was acting as an stand in agent because they were in short supply and it was stopping her doing her proper job which was protecting Kaitlin and looked at what had happened because she had not been there. Kaitlin had gone missing along with the other Wild Powers and now Jules had no idea whether she was in trouble or in need of help.

But she knew she needed to find out. But she took comfort in the knowledge that the bond, however weak was still active so that meant that wherever she was Kaitlin still lived although looking at Kaitlin's past experiences and past record since she had joined the Night World that did not go along way to persuade Jules that she had other things to concentrate on.

It only made her concentrate more on her missing bond mate but the only thing that did was give her a headache so she give up. She felt close to tears as she left Thierry's office and went to prepare for her next trip to the Iris.

She met Gillian and David on the stairs. "Change of plan guys were going back to the Iris tonight be ready in three hours." Gillian blinked. "Three hours? Jules that only makes it six o clock I never grace the Iris before 9 it's just not done!" "You do tonight." "I can't." Gillian said. "My contacts both Breakers and Night People aren't there until later besides I can't blow my cover."

Jules looked at her and knew she was right. She wasn't thinking like an agent but she didn't care she needed to be back in that club. The sooner she did that, the sooner Kaitlin came home. "All right make it ten but I want results tonight Gillian."

She went to walk past the soul mate couple and David grabbed her arm. "What's going on Jules." He asked seriously. Jules sighed. She hadn't really wanted to talk about it if she could help it but now she realised she really didn't have a choice.

"Balise was killed on the High road on the way to her mission and now the Wild Powers are missing we have nothing guys so we are going back to that bar in the hope that we can find something. Be ready I am taking no prisoners tonight."

Gillian and David gasped and obviously wanted answers but they could also see what it was costing Jules to talk about it so they asked for the information they needed. Jules was thankful for that she didn't think she had got away with it, not for a minute but until they were ready Jules wasn't going to discuss anything but the mission.

Gillian said nothing simply started to get ready. David was nothing if stubborn. "Jules we need more information than that." Jules knew they did but she didn't want to articulate something she had no desire to even think about let alone talk about. "I'll give you more information when I have it." Jules said shortly, "I can't give something I don't have."

Gillian regarded her and smiled softly. "We know this has got to be hard for you but you can't just go in there like a bull in a china shop and somewhere inside you know that." Jules did, she knew there could be no mistakes but the knowledge only seemed to make her want to make more. She couldn't help it she just wanted Kaitlin back. She hadn't been separated from her charge since Thierry had put her in to guard and now Kaitlin was away from her, in danger and for all intent and purposes, under magical blackout Jules found it hard to concentrate.

She needed to get this done. She needed to get some answers. She needed to know Kaitlin was alright and if this was the only way she was going to achieve this then she was willing to go in all guns blazing to get results she wasn't bothered about what happened to her anymore.

She wasn't with the one person that she had been created to protect and while she cared about Daybreak she was only there as a service to Thierry because ultimately being useful to Daybreak meant that Kaitlin was in safe hands but now she had no idea where Kaitlin was and it was tearing her apart.

She knew soon she would break her promise to Thierry. If in the next 48 hours they did not find anything concrete she knew she would have to go out and search herself. But right now she had a job to do and to be any use at all she had to do it well. She looked at Gillian.

"I know that." She said quietly. "It's just the only lead I can think of will be in that Club." Gillian nodded. "Okay." David nodded. "Okay we do this and then you share what you've got."

"I'll see you at the garage in three hours." It was both admission of their statements and a verbalisation of the plan she had.

This time Gillian didn't fight her and Jules left to get ready herself. Get ready and do something, anything to take her mind off her missing charge.