Author's Notes: Hey guys! Sorry for the delay, but I'm on Spring Break now so I'm gonna try and get out a chapter of Hated Love too! I've been kind of avoiding it because I'm stuck...I'm not sure where I'll take the storyline from here, lol, thanks for trying to be patient!

As a general note, it's true! There's no more Rurouni Kenshin episodes on Cartoon Network! Go to my bio and you'll find a link where you can complain. I encourage you all to do so! Do it for me, lol. Also, the Jinchuu arc was never animated. Me and someone else were going to start a petition to get it animated, lol but the forum crashed right then and she never registered, what luck...anyway go complain!

A smile was on the red-heads face. His innocent expression was back, his eyes their rich amethyst color. Kaoru reached out and cupped his scarred cheek in her small hand and laughed softly.

"Kenshin,' she whispered his name, loving the feel of it on her lips.

He reached out his own hand and cupped her own cheek, gazing intently in her eyes. Kaoru closed her eyes and leaned forward slightly but suddenly she was shoved away. Snapping her eyes open, she looked up to see his eyes a burning amber again. They were filled with hate and worst of all, hate for her. She didn't know what she'd done and her eyes filled with tears. He turned and fled away from her.

Standing now, she followed him, racing through twisting hallways, only knowing the direction because she could see him turning at the end right as she reached the beginning of the next hall. No matter how hard she ran, she felt like she was walking and couldn't catch up to him.

"Kenshin! Wait for me! I'm sorry!" She shouted down the hallway, not knowing what it was she was apologizing for. All she wanted was for him to come back to her.

After sprinting down the last hallway she stopped dead in her tracks to see Kenshin facing another man. A large man with a sword drawn. Kaoru's breath caught in her throat. This scene looked so familiar. There was no time for reflection, nor even panic as the burly man charged Kenshin.

Nothing seemed to move at first but suddenly there was a crash and Kenshin fell to his knees, sword dropped at his side. He was clutching his side while he bent over in agony. Kaoru dropped to her knees as well, staring after him with huge eyes. She couldn't even cry.


Kaoru snapped open her blue eyes and sat straight up, her breath coming abnormally fast for someone who had just been asleep. Gasping silently while trying to get into her mind that it was only a dream, she stood on shaky legs and walked over to the shoji door. She slid it open quietly and stepped onto the cold wooden floor of the inn hallway.

She took care to avoid steps that looked as if they might creak as she made her way downstairs. She passed the dark quiet kitchen and then found the hallway leading to the backyard. She followed it slowly until she finally got to the door. It was a sign of relief for her and she stepped out into the cool windless night air.

She took several deep breaths while leaning against the outside wall with her eyes looking up to the stars. Soon those stars would disappear and their light smothered by the sun's bright rays. Okami would be up by then and the men would slowly wake coming down for breakfast. But she was on her own right now. The tree where Kenshin had sat looked lonely out in the middle of the yard. Things were so peaceful that she could hardly believe that earlier a fight had nearly erupted between Kenshin and another man.

She was about to walk over to the tree and trace the heavy cracks in the bark when a slight noise distracted her. Someone was entering the inn. Her heart skipped a beat and she went back inside, creeping along the wall until she could look at the kitchen from around the corner. There was a soft glowing light coming from a smaller room down the hall past the kitchen. Kaoru's curiosity got the better of her and she walked up to the room.

Peering inside, she almost gasped as she saw Kenshin. She covered her mouth to keep quiet. His Gi was stained with red. She suddenly felt like she couldn't stand and she leaned against the outside wall. She kept her stomach steady though and looked back inside.

"Kaoru, you shouldn't be down here." His voice was soft and not demanding, though it was clear that he meant his words. Her heart lurched when she found she had been discovered. Well, no there was no point to hiding. She stepped forward and into the room.

"Kenshin, you're hurt..."

He sighed and turned away from her to look at the basin full of water that he had set out earlier. "No, no I'm not."

"Well then-"

"I think you know Kaoru. You just don't want to admit it to yourself. Why? I don't know but you seem to think you know me better than you should."

She bit her lower lip to keep it from trembling. So, this wasn't his blood. That made her incredibly happy and depressed at the same time. Was that even possible? There was no way for her to deny it now. She didn't know how she ever really did, but hearing it for herself had some sort of effect on her and it wasn't a good one.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bother you. I'll- I'll see you tomorrow I guess." She desperately tried to hold in her tears, and she managed, at least until she was halfway up the stairs. Her sobs came freely then, though she stifled them as to not wake anybody up.

She threw herself onto her futon and cried until she couldn't cry anymore. Her breath came in hiccups now. She didn't even notice that Megumi was awake and listening.

Kaoru was quiet the next morning. Megumi was trying to keep the mood light. Okami seemed to notice that something was wrong, but for now, wisely didn't mention it.

"Do you always have to make so much food Okami," Megumi asked, searching for a conversation. Okami laughed.

"Yes, you wouldn't believe how much some of these men can eat. I don't think they even eat their fill sometimes," she answered while stirring the Miso soup. It's scent was wafting through the inn, drawing many of the men downstairs, their stomach's growling for food.

Megumi laughed too. "Well, I think I can believe it. Say, where's Sano anyway?"

As if on cue, Sano came lumbering into the kitchen. Apparently, he had heard Megumi, for he grinned as he walked past her.

"Aww, miss me Kitsune?"

Megumi rolled her eyes. "Like a rash."

He looked at her in a puzzled way and let out a laugh. "Man, have we got to work on your insults or what?"

Kaoru didn't even look up and Sano watched her carefully. Maybe, just this once...He turned around and began to walk out of the kitchen.

"You better not let them eat that food," he said gesturing to the vegetables Kaoru was dicing. "At least not if you want some of them alive to win this war."

He stopped for a moment, everyone in the kitchen was silent. He let out a soft chuckle, satisfied with himself that he had finally succeeded in insulting her cooking without-


He heard it threw the air but it didn't register in his mind. Finally, he felt the pain in the back of his head.

"Oh Kami-sama! I'm dying! I'm dying!" He crumpled to the floor thinking it had been the knife she threw. He clenched his eyes as he laid on the floor, twitching dramatically.

Loud laughter filled his ears and he opened them halfway and looked around. A wooden spoon lay beside him. He uncurled and sat with his legs crossed to see Megumi doubled over in laughter and Okami laughing as well but trying to hide it. Kaoru wasn't as thrilled. Her eyes were narrowed and her hands were clenched at her sides.

"Damn, Kaoru, that hurt," he said rubbing the back of his head. He looked at his hand, checking for blood and then raised his eyes to glance at her. "Ah, it didn't hurt that bad, you throw like a girl." He grinned and looked back up at her, his smile instantly vanishing.

He screamed and scrambled to get off of the floor as she picked up the knife laying next to her. When he was turned around she dropped it and chased after him, screaming at him the whole time.

"Sanosuke Sagara, I'll teach you to insult me! You won't be so worried about your poor hollow head in a second! Just you wait!"

His eyes were wide as he ran through the hallways, shutting every door he went through behind him. He knew she wasn't messing around. He was looking back as he sprinted around a corner, satisfied that he couldn't hear her footsteps anymore when-

He ran right into someone else, knocking them to the ground. He gave a screech, scared that it was Kaoru cutting him off and backed up against the wall. When he finally looked at who he had knocked down he saw Kenshin quickly standing up and glaring at Sano.

"Oops...sorry Kenshin. I really didn't mean it man," he walked towards the smaller boy and brushed off his shoulder causing Kenshin to back up. Sano held up his hands in defense. "Sorry, sorry. It was Kaoru's fault anyway."

His scream had alerted her and she ran towards it. Her footsteps were getting louder and finally she spotted him ahead, talking to Kenshin. Sano jumped and grabbed Kenshin, shoving him in front of himself. Kenshin blinked as Kaoru ran towards them but stopped when she was in front of the two men. She looked past Kenshin and up at Sano who was trying to crouch lower while holding onto Kenshin's shoulders.

"Sano, you wimp. Let Kenshin go."

"Nu-uh, no way Kaoru. Only if you promise not to hurt me."

She rolled her eyes. "Sano," her tone had a warning edge to it.

Finally having enough of this, Kenshin quickly ducked and easily got away from Sano who looked around for him quickly.

"Oh come on man, I said I was sorry! Don't leave me!"

Kenshin looked at him confusion and annoyance across his features, but Sano didn't have time to explain before he took off down the hall again. With a shake of his head Kenshin turned to walk where Kaoru had come from, probably for breakfast. She didn't follow Sano, but instead watched him leave. She sighed and walked the opposite direction, looking for another way back to the kitchen.

When she got there, Sano was nowhere to be seen, but instead Yahiko had made his way down. Apparently, he too was looking for Sano for a deed he had done the other morning. It was probably smart of Sano to avoid the pair right now.

The breakfast had been finished and the men were eating in the other room. Every time Kaoru went in there to refill bowls, she searched for Kenshin, but he wasn't there. Where had he gone? When she returned to the kitchen on her third trip, she decided to ask Okami about it. Maybe she would know.

"Okami-san, doesn't Kenshin eat breakfast with the other men?"

She didn't look at Kaoru as if she was weird, like she had been afraid she would. She merely answered her as both of them began cleaning things up.

"No, not usually. He used to when he first came here, you wouldn't believe how much he changed... I hardly see him eat. I think he sneaks food or something," she said with a laugh. "He must get that strength from somewhere."

Kaoru nodded and gave a polite smile. At least he wasn't avoiding her. "Yes, I know he's changed."

Okami didn't disagree, but only nodded her head with a pleasant smile on her face. Yahiko had finished stuffing his little face now and he leaned back, resting against the wall. He gave a sigh but his relaxation didn't last long.

"Get up you lazy boy. Why don't you do something? Help us clean or go find Sano," Megumi pestered.

There was no pondering there, the young swordsman immediately jumped up and ran out of the kitchen, apparently to find Sano.

"Good riddance,"Megumi muttered. "We don't need him here cluttering up the kitchen."

Okami laughed and Kaoru gave a smile. Though her mood still wasn't the best it had been, she did feel better. Being around people always cheered her up. For the second time since their arrival, Kaoru found herself searching for Kenshin. She wanted to see the familiar flash of red hair in the corner of her eye. Along with that hope, she felt a great dread to see him knowing it would only hurt her. He didn't want her.

For now, she wouldn't have to worry about that. Kenshin was nowhere to be seen. The men were done with breakfast, there was no more cleaning to do which left Kaoru and Megumi alone with nothing to do while Okami and her girls straightened up things upstairs. She wouldn't allow Kaoru and Megumi to help, insisting they were guests. They tried to argue, but there was no way to debate with Okami.

Defeated, Kaoru and Megumi wandered outside chatting lightly near a cherry tree. The light pink blossoms looked almost white, and they littered the ground floating from the branches ever so gracefully. Kaoru held out her hand to catch one of the flying blossoms and it rested on her finger. Megumi was not to happy with the quiet behavior of the usually rowdy Kaoru.

"Kaoru, what's bothering you?" There was no answer. "Kaoru Kamiya, I'm sick of your moping! Tell me what's wrong and maybe I can help you!"

"You wouldn't understand Megumi!"

"Oh I wouldn't? I wouldn't understand love? I wouldn't understand the feeling of being ignored by said love? Well guess what Kaoru, I do. I do and I know that's what's bothering you!"

Kaoru was near tears now and she turned away from Megumi. "Then why did you ask?"

"I asked because you need to admit it yourself. This Kenshin, he doesn't know you, he doesn't know any of us. Do you think you're that only one that hurts because of that? We're all his friends too. He's done something for every one of us."

Kaoru sniffed and wasn't near tears anymore, they were freely flowing down her cheeks.

"But it was different for me, I-"

"You what? You love him? We knew, we all know. Stop being so selfish Kaoru!" Megumi was getting all worked up and she took a deep breath. She closed her eyes, feeling better. "I'm sorry Kaoru. I know how you feel, but we can all get through this together. It's still Kenshin."

"He's not the same," she whispered. "I miss my Kenshin-our Rurouni."

"Well all do Kaoru. We all do."

It was true. Everyone felt the same. Sano found that fighting with Yahiko wasn't as fun, Yahiko didn't take as much joy in bothering him and Kaoru didn't like yelling at them. Even Megumi wasn't feeling to happy.

She still loved him. She always would, but she had learned he was out of her league. She had to accept that Kaoru loved him and he most likely loved her back. That wouldn't change how much she cared about him though. He would always be her friend. After all, he had showed her how to live again.

Kenshin went down the stairs silently. He didn't have a mission, he just wanted to go outside. He couldn't sleep, like he often couldn't and he always came down here when that happened.

He slid open the door only to find that he wouldn't be alone that night. Under the tree was the lone figure of Kaoru. She had her head leaning against the trunk and her face was tilted to the stars but her eyes were closed.

He was about to go back inside before she saw him, but it was to late.


He stopped and closed the door behind him, slowly walking out into the yard. She looked so sad...sad...because of him? He barely knew her. This was all to confusing.

"Kenshin, I wanna go home," she whispered looking to the stars again. "I just wanna go home." Even Kenshin's sensitive ears could barely pick up her voice, that's how soft she said it. Her blue eyes were shining with unshed tears and he only grew more confused.

"Then, why don't you go home?"

She let out a strangled sounded laugh that was more of a choke on the lump in her throat. "Because I can't."

Kenshin's first that was that maybe her village had been destroyed in the war and she couldn't return for there was nothing there. Maybe her village was the one that had been raided. That had been the night he found the odd group of friends. Then why did she insist that she knew him? Was she crazy?

"I'm not crazy Kenshin," she whispered again. "I can see in your eyes that you think I am. If only you knew." She was so tired and so unhappy that her legs couldn't hold her anymore. She grabbed the large tree trunk but she couldn't reach around so it did no good. She expected her knees to hit the ground but the impact never came. With a sob she opened her eyes and through blurry vision she saw Kenshin.

At the last second he had jumped forward and caught her before she fell. He looked at her, worry and confusion on her face. She must be delirious. What to do, what to do? Tea...maybe she needed some tea. He froze when she stirred though, and she lifted her hand up to trace the single scar on his cheek. His eyes widened, but he didn't flinch or jerk away. She smiled and whispered his name again. This just wasn't right.

The Battousai's mask was slipping back in place and he repositioned her so that she was standing straight up while he held onto her shoulders for support. He let go, letting his hands hover at her shoulders to see if she could stand up herself. Her head dropped and he caught as she fell forward again. He was feeling rather uncomfortable now, but he picked her up and gently carried her upstairs to her room. Megumi was already asleep and he made sure not to look her way as he laid her down on her futon. He stood and looked at her once more before grabbing an extra blanket to cover her with. With that, he felt, feeling rather spooked with the encounter he'd just had with the obviously upset and distressed woman.

Kaoru peeled her eyes open carefully. She laid there staring at the ceiling for the longest time, just letting the memories of the previous night flood her. Finally she thought to get up and looked over to Megumi.

Megumi was gone which wasn't necessarily a surprise, but her futon was gone too, and the room was smaller. It looked familiar. She sat straight up when she realized where she was...the Kamiya dojo in Tokyo Japan!

Author's Notes: I'm so sorry it took so long! I had most of the chapter done, and then my computer got taken away. Lol, oops! But we've all had those days! Thanks for being patient, and if you haven't been patient, thanks for not screaming at me!

Well, I don't think that was to bad. The first part was better because I took more time on it and I didn't really know where to end, lol. I think it's okay though, but my next chapter will hopefully be more exciting. I'm planning for it to be quite angsty and pretty OOC, so you've been warned! Lol, thanks and as always, please review! I won't know how I'm doing if you don't! I really appreciate feedback!