Title: Forgotten Memories

Author: ME!

Rating: PG13 at the moment, but I reserve the right to bump it up to an R!

Characters: Morgan, Shawn, Eric, and the rest of the gang!

Pairings: Morgan/Shawn will be main couple, Corey/Topanga, with angsty implied Eric/Topanga.

Summary: Morgan has always had a crush on Shawn, and he's calmly understood it but never reciprocated her feelings. Shawn goes to New York with the gang (just like the in finale), and leaves behind a heartbroken Morgan. Two years later the friends return to Philly for the holidays and finally drag Shawn along with them. So, just what has been keeping him from coming home?

Authors Notes: Majority of the story is set two years after the end of Boy Meets World, but this first chapter is set while they are leaving. Chapters will be different viewpoints. If a paragraph is italicized, it means it's a flashback.

Morgan's Prelude to Heartbreak

It was the end of an era for me. Corey, Topanga, and Eric were moving to New York to start over. I was still going to be stuck here, in the not so posh suburb of Philadelphia that was my home. Mom and Dad were already ignoring me, thanks to my new little brother Joshua. All in all things were not looking good for me. At least he wasn't leaving me…he'd still be here.

He's been my savior, my confidant. Every one of my important moments includes him. He was my first crush, kiss, and now love. But every part of our relationship, if you can call it that, has been hidden.

Three years ago he first discovered my feelings for him. At the time I was only thirteen, and he dismissed it as a "school girl crush". It was a horrible experience for me…probably would have been scarring if it hadn't been for his calm understanding.

"He is going to love this outfit!" I squealed with delight as I smeared on blue eye shadow.

When I was satisfied with my "grown up" appearance, I dramatically waltzed down the stairs. Shawn was sitting on the couch aimlessly flipping through the channels. My mom had arranged for him to drop me off at the movies on his way to the mall. Normally she would ask Corey or Eric to take me, but they were both busy, and she was going out with dad.

"Hey Morg, ya almost ready to go?" He tossed over his shoulder, not realizing I was already waiting for him.

I inhaled deeply, it was now or never, and walked in front of him. His brow wrinkled in confusion.

"Do you like?" I twirled around. "I was kind of hoping you'd go to the movies with me."

Just then the proverbial light bulb flickered on inside his head, and he realized what I was trying to do.

"Um…Morgan, I'm flattered. I really am, but you...you're," He stammered a bit. "I'm too old for you."

I could feel myself breaking at that exact moment. Tears flooded my face and I was losing the ability to breath. So I ran up the stairs and locked myself in my room. I could hear him coming up the steps, taking them two at a time. He knocked gently, but when I didn't answer he banged a little louder.

"Morg, can we talk?"

"Go away!"

"Come on...look it's important okay? I need to talk to you. Please?" His voice softened when he reached his final plea.

My resolve weakened, and I opened the door before retreating to my bed. He stepped into my pink paradise and closed the door behind him. I felt the space next to me slump, and I knew he had sat down beside me.

"Morgan…I'm sorry, I really am." He whispered as he rubbed my head. "But you don't want to be with me. I'm old…practically ancient compared to you."

I couldn't help but smile at his weak attempt at humor.

"There's my girl…" He grinned back. "You know you're going to have guys beating down the door trying to get a date with you."

"Yeah right." I huffed.

"Oh you will…and then you'll have Corey running around the house paranoid, acting like he's your father. Then Eric will try to interrogate all your dates…I wouldn't be surprised if those two made the guys fill out applications."

I sniffled a bit; he didn't seem to realize he was the only guy I wanted.

"So, still up for that movie?"

"I think I'd rather stay home…" I murmured, pulling the blanket up.

"Alright, but I'm not going to leave you home alone. I'll be downstairs if you need anything."

He leaned forward slowly, as if he was about to reconsider, before he pressed his lips against mine in a chaste kiss. He smiled, ran his hand through his hair, and stood up to leave.

"Shawn?" I called out, my hands unconsciously touching my lips.


"You aren't going to say anything about this to anyone, are you?" My voice quivered involuntarily.

"It'll be our little secret." He winked. "I'll tell your folks that you didn't feel well, okay?"

I nodded, as he turned and left.

I calmly watched as everyone said their goodbyes, sometimes they even acknowledged my presence. Corey and Shawn finally stood before each other, and poured out their hearts. As they finished they exchanged a hug, and quickly wiped away any tears. Then Topanga threw a tan duffle bag at Shawn. I knew that bag, it was his. My world crumbled.

"I'm going with you?" Shawn looked back and forth between Corey and Topanga.

Shawn jumped for joy with Corey joining in, while I tried not to curse that woman into hell.

I hated her more at this exact moment than I ever had before. More than when she kissed Shawn in that college video—which yes, I did see, thanks to Corey's decision to get a second opinion at 3 in the morning. I loathed her more than when she made me wear that hideous bridesmaids "dress". I would never have thought it possible, but at that precise second I despised her more than Angela, the woman who broke Shawn's heart.

In the midst of my stewing everyone had finished saying goodbye, and were moving outside. I looked up, and caught Shawn glance at me and smile. I tried to catch up to him, but by the time I was in the driveway, he was already gone.