Alright, a few things to get out of the way before you can start reading… This should only take one to two minutes at most, and then you can start reading…
In this story, Red X is the main character, but since this is a school story, I had to come up with my own person to put into the suit… So in my story, when he is outside of the suit, Red X's regular name is Kale Riley… I know many people out there have there own version of who he is, but since this is a school story, and mine, this is who I picked, an original character…
Now, since this is going to be a high school story, I decided to base the school's layouts and rules off of my school…
First off, a main term used in out school is 'the trail.' What this is, is exactly what it sounds like… Our student parking lot is at the stadium… In order to get from the parking lot to the school, the students have to walk up the trail… Its not much, just a pretty wide sidewalk with railings and light posts running along side it… It's about a five to ten minute walk going up/down, and its not that bad, unless its during the winter months, and then it's a bitch… There is also a creek that it goes over and we call that 'the creek.' Original eh? So ya, the trail will be a pretty important factor in chapter two, so look out for it…
The next thing is the schedule my school goes by… We have eight periods, each an hour and a half long, and four periods a day… A requirement that happens throughout the entire four years of attendance is to have SRT (Student Resource Time) sixth period… In other words, a mandatory study hall every other day for four years… Cool eh? Also, we have ten minute passing periods, meaning we have ten minutes to get from one period to the next…
For the lunch schedule, we have four lunch periods that are about forty minutes long, with passing periods in between each one… The reason I am telling you all this is that I may or may not include the rules, regulations, scheduling in my story, but if I do, you will know how it all works…
Characters that will appear in this are the Titans (which I will be using their real names), Red X, and a few others that you will just have to read and find out who they are… Now, since Red X is the main character, and he has always been the enemy of the Titans in the show, I decided I was going to keep that relationship the same in this, with one exception, but you will have to read and find out who that one person is… So, that pretty much means that the Titans will sort of be the enemies… Weird, oh ya, but it works out well… Hope this little switch-a-roo doesn't bother you guys… There may be some special cameo appearances by other characters in the show, so look out for them ;) Ok, now that the technical and informative crap is out of the way, read on people, read on…