Disclaimer: None of the characters belong to me. They all belong to KA Applegate. You knew that, right?
A/N: OK, OK, I should be focusing on my other two stories. But this little plot bunny wouldn't stop hopping around in my head until I started to write it. Let me know what you think.
The Homecoming- Chapter 1. 'Aboard the Dome Ship'.
My name is Alloran- Semitur- Corass. You may know me better as Visser Three, Visser One or The Abomination. For 24 years, those were my only names, my real name forgotten, almost even by me. Now the slug named Esplin is gone from my head. I am free, and I am returning home.
I am travelling on a Dome ship with many other returning Andalites, and some human, Hork-Bajir and even Yeerk tourists. Among them are the newly minted Prince Aximili; Cassie, a member of the former Animorphs; Illim, a peace movement Yeerk, newly morphed, and his ex-host, a human named Adam Tidwell. The Animorph Marco has also come, paid by a human company to write a report and do some' TV interviews' when he returns to Earth.
The room we were in was one that we (Cassie, Illim, Prince Aximili, Tidwell, Marco and I) all shared. We each had our private quarters surrounding it, which opened onto this room. It had several human entertainments: a 'CD player'; a 'TV and video' (the TV did not now work since we were so far from Earth, but it would play the videos), a 'fridge' to hold human food and a large collection of human books, old magazines, newspapers and games. Marco had also brought his 'Play station', a human invention of which the purpose was a mystery.
At the moment, only Illim, Tidwell, Marco and I were in the room. Prince Aximili had gone to teach a class of young Arisths about humans, and Cassie was up in the dome. Tidwell was currently doing a newspaper 'crossword', another form of human entertainment, Illim was reading a book, and Marco was attempting to persuade any of the three of us to play against him on one of his Play Station games.
"Are you sure you won't have a go, Illim?"
Illim groaned. "For once I would actually like to be in my natural body. I wouldn't have to hear this."
I turned from the window.
"You'll play with me, won't you? I'll let you pick the game, any game."
(I don't know any of your human games.)
"I can explain them to you."
(I do not think I wish to play.)
"Good decision, Alloran," said Tidwell.
(Are your human computers not sophisticated enough to allow you to play against the computer?)
"Yeah, but the computer always wins," Marco replied. "And it's nowhere near as fun."
"Just because you like to beat everyone, Marco. And then spend all day boasting about it."
Marco scowled at Illim. "You're jealous that I am the master of the Play Station. The supreme Lord of the Gameboy. The…"
(How, how, HOW did you manage to win the war?)
"Because I am intelligent, all- seeing, godlike, the most handsome guy in the universe.."
"Modest, too," said Illim.
(Marco is not modest,) I corrected.
"It's called sarcasm."
At that moment, Prince Aximili walked in in human morph.
"Ah, sarcasm. Asm. Casm. Sar- cas- um. Humans use sarcasm for humour, War Prince Alloran."
"Ax, change back, man," Marco instructed. "And what were you doing in human morph?"
Prince Aximili morphed back to his Andalite body. (I was teaching my class of Arisths how to blend in as humans and about using a mouth for taste,) he explained.
"Ax- man, you're awful at blending in as a human. Real humans do not eat the cigarette butts out of ashtrays or eat popcorn boxes."
This was a typical day. Boring, but we could not go any faster through Zero Space. Part of me wanted to get home, but I was uncertain as to what I would find there. Would I ever truly recover from 24 years of infestation? Would I ever be able to settle back into my old life?
Questions like these plagued my mind daily. I often spent time staring out of the airlock (a clear panel, similar to a human window) in this room or in my private quarters, just musing on this. I was, without realising it, doing that now.
"War- Prince Alloran?" Illim's quiet voice cut through my thoughts.
I turned away from the airlock. The humans and Prince Aximili were playing a human game called 'cards'. (It's just Alloran.)
Illim came to stand beside me. "Not much to see out there."
(I was thinking.)
(Going home. I'm wondering what will be different, and whether I will ever be able to really settle into my old life.) It may seem strange to you, if anyone ever reads this, that I would feel able to confide in a Yeerk after my years of enslavement. But I think that I, above anyone, truly appreciate the bravery of the Peace Movement Yeerks, as I am the only Andalite who knows how vicious the Visser could be.
"I thought so. Look, it'll probably be hard at first, but staring out at Z- space thinking won't change anything."
(You are right. I must just be in the habit of thinking; after all, I've not had much else to do for over twenty years.)
Illim looked troubled.
(What is it?)
Illim looked across at Tidwell. "I'm no better than Visser One. I did that. I enslaved another sentient creature… several, actually."
(It was a hard choice you had to make. I have done worse than you have. I killed many of the Hork- Bajir race, I…)
"Yes, I know. Let's not spend all day thinking about the past. Do you want to play a game? Watch a video?"
(I haven't tried 'cards' yet.)
We walked over to the others. I played a simple 'card game' with Tidwell. I lost.
Cassie came in a few hours later.
"What have you been doing all day?" Tidwell wondered.
"I've been in the Dome, meeting Andalites and.."
"Hugging trees?"
"Shut up, Marco." Cassie said. "I was actually discussing renewable energy resources with some Andalite scientists. They say they can help us design solar panels which will catch more of the Sun's rays, and that they can make human electric devices more efficient." She paused. "How was your first day as a teacher, Ax?"
(It was very good. But some of them appear to not be paying attention, although I cannot be angry as regretfully I, too, did sometimes not pay complete attention in class.)
I give this as a basic example of many of the days we spent aboard that ship. I was often bored, but I would soon miss all of my friends, even Marco, when we got to the Andalite world.