Important: None of the Ronin Warriors and Sailor Moon belongs to me. So don't sue!
Ages: The Senshi are 17, Ronin warriors are 18, Ken and Andrew are 20, Mia is 19, Yuli is 7, and Pluto of course is a thousand but she looks 21 in my story.
Good guys: Everyone will be a warrior in this fic! Mia will be one of the guardians of Jupiter and Andrew is Eternal Knight. Lita and Ken are siblings! Ken is older. Mina is going with Ken, Serena is with Andrew and of course Lita and Sage are an item. Yuli won't be in here that much, sorry! He stays with his parents most of the time and White Blaze sometimes stays with him.
Bad guys: 1) Takiru is the ultimate bad guy. He is obsessed with Lita.
2) Keiji was one of Jupiter's guardians until Takiru kidnapped him and turned him to his side. He was Lita's trainer
3) Sumio was also one of Jupiter's guardians until Takiru kidnapped her. She was their caretaker when the King and Queen were not around.
4) Yeshio was yet another of Jupiter's guardian and he was Ken's trainer.
ATTENTION: I'm probably forgetting something. If I am and you are lost please feel free too.