Randy and Me..

Chapter 1

Summary: This is a story about Randy's best friend from the past, coming back into his life, just when he's getting ready to get married to Stacy Keibler. Can this new woman put closure on her and Randy's past or will she seal herself into Randy's future? Randy-OC

A/N: Yeah, I know it's another Randy/Natalie story, but I love the pairing SO Much!

Disclaimer: No, I don't own or know any WWE Superstars or Divas. I just write these for yours and my personal enjoyment.


Chapter 1


Natalie Edwins walked down the hall to her new office, at the WWE Corporate Headquarters in Connecticut. She smiled at the ladies in the office, most of whom she had met at her second interview. After that, she strolled down the hall into her newly decorated office, and sat down in her rather large leather chair. She sat there and couldn't believe how far she had made it, Assistant Talent Director. She was next in line with Stephanie McMahon.

As she sat there and pondered of what path her life was now, Steph as she liked to be called, came into her office.

"Oh hey Steph."

"Hey Natalie. I was just wondering if you could do a couple favors for me."


"Just fax these papers and then I have a big Superstar meeting at 1, so could you run my office, until I'm back from the meeting?"

"Yep, anything else?"

"Nope. You're such a huge help."

"It's my job. But thanks anyway. I'll see you later." Natalie said getting her fax machine ready.

-2 hrs later (12:30)-

Natalie was just coming out of her office, when she noticed a pair of eyes on her. She looked up to see eyes from her past, the eyes that she would know anywhere, the eyes that belonged to Randy Orton.