Outtakes, version 2.0

Scene; Music of the Night

Take One

The Phantom leaps with unearthly grace onto the shore, unclasps his cloak, and swings it off. A loud rip is heard.

The phantom, backside safely away from the cameras looks at his cloak. Several saftey pins hold valiantly onto the shreds of his pants.

"Oh my" Christine cries out softly. Hollilia giggles.

"I do believe, my dear Hollilia, that i HATE YOU!" He shouts, tossing the cloak down and stalking out.

Revealing a marvolous peach of a butt.

"Commando." Meg grins. Piangi frowns.

"Though you'd be happy." CHristine replies to the look.

"I owe Hollilia a hundred now. Damn that sexy bastard."

Scene; Music of the night

Take Two

Phantom stalks behind a bunch of candlebras, adding dramatic flare.

"Lets your soul take you where you long, to Be!" He sings, shocking all into silence.

At which point, the form fitting suit that he looks so good in, catches on fire.

"AHH! GET IT OFF GET IT OFF!" Erik screams, running about, consiquently lighting the whole set on fire. Christine, glorious curls nothing but a halo of flames runs about, screaming like a banshie, hitting a high C and shattering every piece of glass in the room. Finally both flaming actors toss themselves into the lake, rising up blackened. Erik, to everyone's joy, naked as a jay bird.

A light applause begins, then grows as the flames onset die. Finally, with everyone loudly aplauding, Erik sinks slowly down, up to his neck, an adorable blush on his cheeks.

"New scene." He says a little defeatedly.

"Gladly. Someone toss him a cloak " Hollilia grins. Meg turns to her.

"How in the hell does he keep that stupid mask on?"

"Havn't the foggiest." Hollilia shrugs non-commitally, frowning at her shattered glasses

Scene Think of Me

Take One

"But no! Because I 'ave not my costume for Act Three because, SOMEBODY not finsh it." Carlotta screams, the points to the rediculus confection on her head "And I 'ate my 'at."

"I wonder, as a personal favor..." Mr Firmin says. Carlotta bursts out crying then smiles.

"If my managers command." She says. "Monsiur Reyer?"

"If my Diva commands." He sighs.

"Yes, I do." She states, then begins to walk foreward, before tripping and falling with a splat. There is silence.

"See, I didn't even have to do anything!" The Phantom says cheerily from the rafters. Everyone begins laughing, Carlotta the loudest.

"Cut!" Hollilia shouts, betwixt giggles.

Scene, Prima Donna

Take One

Firmin and Andres carry Carlotta in the wheelbarrel, carlotta waving gracfully

Without warning, the wheels fal off and Carlotta goes down, and like dominoes, her onterage follows.

"Um...clean up in Ailes One!" Meg shouts and everyone begins laughing.

Scene Prima Donna

Take two

the wig is placed on Carlottas head as she smiles. The smile dissappears and she begins to tilt, the slowly to everyone's shock, fall to the floor.

"Timber!" Hollilia says softly as the diva tilts over. The crew giggles. "Cut!"

Scene Don Juan

Take one

"Poor young maiden, for the thrill on your tongue of stolen sweets. You will have to pay the bill, tangled in the winding-" A large stage light falls onto Carlottas head, smashing her into the ground.

"Erik!" Hollilia gasps, he appears, from behind the curtain.

"I didn't do it!" He says, aghast. Meg, unnoticed, appears and tossed a large pair of sissors away.

"Not me." She sing-songs.

Scene Think of Me

Take Two

"Flowers fade, the fruits of summer fade, they have their seasons so do we, but please promise me that sometime you will think... Ah aha aha aha aha...Ahaharihahahaaaaaaaa. Aaaahhh ha ha hahahahaaaa-of... M-" Christine pauses on the last line, her face in its usualy expression...slack, when she tiwtches. A mechanical grinding is heard and she twiches several more times, the voice fading softly and vacant eyes dropping as the fron half of her body droops. She hangs there, limbly for a few moment, before static is heard and electrical sparks fly from her.

"She's a robot?" Meg asked. Hollilia lets out a loud triumphant sound.

"I KNEW IT! no one can have uch a gorgeous voice and body and face and temperment and all the goddamned HAIR and still be human ! WHoohooo! I KNEW IT" She does a happy dance. then calms. "MEg, send it to the shop, we'll move on. Music of the Night set fixed yet?"

"Still burned." a crewman shouted back.


"Still dead to the world." another one yelled

"What about Raoul?" Hollilia frowns.

"Doing his hair. He's gonna be a while"

"Well, fuck." Hollilia thinks a minute. "We got Erik?"

"Here!" the Phantom appears beside Meg. Hollilia shrugs.

"Nothing for it then. How about we act out a scene from Tears of Joy? Preferably the sex one?" She asks.
