Disclamier: i dont own Degrassi, becasue if i did mike lobel and daniel clark would be sitting right next to me.

A/N: Hey this is my first fan fic that ive actually posted. Im not that much of a writer so excuse that. i guess. Neways in this story Manny is Mexican-Canadian instead of phillipeno...it just works alot better that way for this story. I know some people dont like jay and emma together but i thnk there fun together. Okay hope you enjoy! please review and please be nice. :0)

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Chapter 1 - Not Bitter Mad

"You want a ride" he said driving up to the buetiful girl walking down the street.She turned around loking who was talking to her. She saw him and rolled her eyes.

"Leave me alone"

"Come on Em, just get in the car"

"Jay just go away, i dont want to talk to you, i dont want a ride from you, i dont want anything from you anymore"

"You dont mean that," he said "come on, its about to rain and your wearing a a skirt"

"I have a jacket" Emma said as she bagan to walk again. Jay pulled his orange civic forward while stil trying to talk to Emma.

"Look, all i want to do is give you a ride home, you dont even have to talk to me if you dont want to. I dont want you to get sick" he said looking as if he actually cared.

"You dont want me to get sick? Why because you already got me sick this year..." she said still walking "Thanks but i think ill take my chances"

"Stop being so stuborn, you know you want a ride so just get it" He said flashing the famous Hogart smirk. She tried to say no. she really did. But for some reason she couldnt resist him. But she would never admit to it. But she did get in the car.

"I knew you'd finally see things my way" he said giving her a quick smile.

"Sure whatever, just can you drop me off at Mannys instead" Emma said galncing out the window trying to avoid looking at him.

"Where ever you want,"

"Bye" She said while opening the car door.

"Emma" he called to her. she turned back around to see what he wanted. "Yeah"

"Just so you know you looked really good today" he said. Not saying anything back she gave a quick smile, and began walking up the driveway. She felt great, she loved it when he gave her compliments or even showed some sort of emotion toward her.

"Finally, come on we need to get ready" Manny said grabbing Emma's arm and pulling her inside.

"Get ready? For what?" emma said with a very confussed look on her face.

"Hello, dont you remember were going to meet Chester and his brothers at the dot"

"Oh yeah i forgot"

"Yeah so, was that an orange civic i saw you getting out of?" manny asked while applying her makeup.

"Umm was it, i didint notice?" emma said trying to get off the subject.

"Pretty sure it was, n hmmm the only civic i know belongs to Jay.." she said eyeing her freind in the mirror. "The same Jay who gave you ghonorea"

"Look it was just a ride, okay nothing more" emma said looking through Mannys closet. "This is cute whered you get it?"

"Stop trying to change the subject, just dont do anything youll regret" manny said as she stould up and walked over to emma.

"I wont, im not that stupid anymore" she lied, she wanted Jay.

"Good i dont want to come back from Mexico to find my friend sick and broken hearted again."

They went to the dot, ate dinner, and enjoyed themselfs. Luckily for Manny, Spinner had the night off, it was still a little weird between them. She hadnt exactly broken up with him but hadnt spoken to him since he confessed. She hoped he would take the hint but everyday she still had a one or two messages from him. She wanted to be there for him, she knew how it was to be abbandoned by everyone, but she still couldnt get past the fact of what he had done. He was pretty much responsible for Rick's death and Jimmy's paralization. Then the thought of how she to had been responisble for someones death as well, her own babys life. She came to a conclussion she was going to be there for Spin but not as his girlfriend just as a friends. Finally after a few minutes still contimplating, she dialed his number, and told him how she felt. He took it good, he still wanted to be with her, but to just have her in his life would be great.

"Manny you ready to go?" Emma said nuging her arm.

"Yeah" she said getting up from the booth.

"Bye guys" emma said giving Chester's brother's hugs.

"See you guys in 2 months or so" Manny said, giving hugs as well.

"Later girls" Chester said with a slight grin on his face.

"So are you excited about going to Mexico?" Emma asked

"Yeah i guess, its always fun but ive never been gone for so long"

"Yeah but at least you get to go somewhere, i of course have to stay home and do nothing"

"I know, its gonna be a horible summer without me" Manny said sarcasticly. Both girls began to laugh.

The girls had a fun last night together. As soon as she knew it Manny was on the plane headed for Nogaleous, Mexico. To spend the enitre summer with her tia Helene and cousin Nikki.

A/N: hey hope you liked it, nothing really happend in this chapter but promise something will be comign up soon. remember please review and try to be sorta nice.

later...Nikki 3