I was beginning to feel that this story is getting too dramatic and anguished. I was considering to move its genre to angst, what do you think? I never really understood the classification of the fanfic's genres. Could someone help explain it to me? Pls…

Standard disclaimer applied…

Just A Kiss

Chapter 3

Kazuha felt a sharp pain tingled through all of her body. She tried to open her eyes but failed for she felt like there was a stone placed over her lids. She tried to lift her hand, so she could use it to rub her eyes and throw away the stone from above her lids, but to no avail. She felt like her arms was tied to the ground. But she tried again, this time harder but still didn't succeed a bit. She was on the verged of crying when suddenly she felt a warm sensation running through the edge of her finger. And somehow the sensation brought her the power to over come the pain. It's like a medicine she had been waiting for.

It was indeed a medicine that was injected through her IV. What Kazuha didn't knew, she was in fact had succeed to move her fingers a little. Her parents who had obediently waiting for her to regain consciousness caught that slight movement. Her father informed the nurse, who then give her the injection to speed-up the healing process.

Kazuha felt the stone that laid over her lids, slowly being taken off. She opened up her eyes. Her gaze was a bit cloudy first. When she tried to focus, she heard voices greeting her. Turning her head to the place where the voice came, she blinked couple of time, trying to focus her vision. And slowly, her vision became clearer. She then saw her parents stood at her bed. They look very tired , yet their face look very pleased since by now, both of them had a very wide smile placed upon it. "Mom… Dad…?"

"Yes sweetheart, we're here. How do you feel?" Her mom asked.

She inhaled deep, then shutting her eyes for a second. "Not so good" It's only 3 words but it felt like she had just saying a sentence that has more words than that. "What's happened mom?"

"Don't you remember kazu-chan?" Uncertainly, Kazuha shook her head weakly.

"You've just got stabbed."

"Stabbed?" It was a rhetorical question she announced to herself. Then a glimpse of memories rushing in. She remembered that when she walked on the pavement, a man who walked opposite her, purposely slammed and stabbed her with something sharp, a knife she assumed.

"Yeah stabbed by unknown when you were with Heiji" her dad continued with worried.

With Heiji? Another pieces of her memory starting to come. Yes, she was being stabbed when she was running away from him. Kazuha frowned, trying to remembered why she had to run away from him. But why would I run away from Heiji?

She pulled her self to a sitting position. Her father helped when he saw she was getting a trouble pulling herself up. She never thought her body could felt this heavy. She scanned the room immediately when she had finally sat and lying her upper body onto hospital's pillow that felt so cold. She never liked hospital. It gave her a creep.

"Where's Heiji?" This is weird. Why isn't Heiji here? She was being stabbed when she was with him and he didn't even bother to accompanied her to the hospital? That didn't sound like her childhood friend. Kazuha knew perfectly well that even tough Heiji sometimes looked ignorant to her, he did cared for her. So why wasn't he here? Was he hurt like she was now?

Her father answered, "He's in the station." Ah she was again had been defeated by his cases. "Trying to find your stabber" Well maybe not.

She looked up to her father. He was smiling broadly, "He was here, waiting for you all night long. But when his partner Yuki called and said that…."

Yuki? The last pieces of her memory then came along. Now, she had the full picture of what had just happened. She was running away from Heiji because she saw them kissing in the street. Something sting at her heart. 'Look, it's just a kiss for heaven sake' As she remembered his word, she felt another sting in her heart and a thud in her head. She shut her eyes tightly and bit her lip, trying to hold back tears that almost came out.

"Are you okay Kazu-chan?" Her dad's voice came back to her ear, she nod. Trying to cheered up her daughter, he continued, "Heiji only want to take a look at some files. It won't take him long"

Kazuha opened her eyes. "I see," She said weakly.

Her parents glance at each other when they heard her unenthusiastic response. Hesitantly, her mother began to spoke, "We can call him if you want"

"Yeah. In fact, I've just remember that I already promised to let him know if you have awake. So why don't we…" her father starting to dived into his pocket and taking his cell out when Kazuha spoke, nearly screamed. "No dad! Let him alone. Let him deal with the case first." She bit her lip, "I just didn't want to bother him and his work"

Her parents change glances. "Are you and Heiji had a fight?" Asked her mother quietly, Kazuha shook her head. "No mom. We didn't have a fight. I was just simply didn't want to bother him and his work."

Especially when he was working with Yuki. Let them have their quality times.

"As your wish sweetheart. Now try to get more rest, okay?" Her mother elbowing her to change her position from sitting to sleeping. She then fixed her pillow and blanket so Kazuha would feel more comfortable. She smiled and then kissed Kazuha's temple.

Before her mom could say a goodnight greeting, Kazuha grabbed her arm. "Mom, please don't call Heiji. I don't want to make him worry." Her parents frowned, so she smiled. Trying to find more 'common' reasons to her parent's ear. "Besides if he comes, we would surely end up in an endless fight. And if that happen, I would never get more rest like you had asked me to" Kazuha rolled her eyes as she finished stating her wishes.

Her parents giggled, "Just imagine that…"


Lavender's Cake and Bakery.

Heiji looked at the inscription written on the window of the bakery store. This was the store where she had bought his mom's birthday cake. He recognized it from the text Kazuha had sent him. A text that explained the precise location of this very bakery so he could pick her up. Unfortunately, he never did…

A lady greeted him the moment he stepped in. Didn't want to waste a time, he cut the crap and began to questioning her immediately. And to his surprise, she remembered Kazuha clearly. From the time she came, the dress she wore, the cake she'd ordered and also most of her remark.

"I was feeling bad for throwing her out of my shop but it's already 7.30 and I had to get home before my husband does. So I gave her a cake as a bonus and told her to wait in the café around the corner instead"

"So according to your story, she left this bakery around 7.30. Right?"

She nod, "That's right"

"Did you see something unusual about her?"

She frowned, "Unusual?"

"Yeah, like maybe there was a guy who following her or maybe she looked a bit tensed?"

"A guy following him? No, of course not. She came and went off alone. I'm sure of that. Although I think, she looked a bit itchy"

Now it was Heiji turns to frown, "Itchy?"

"Itchy… I mean a bit irritated… angry. But who wouldn't feel that way if your boyfriend had stood you up for hours when he had promised to picked you up" Heiji turned pale instantly, she was talking about him. Fortunately the lady didn't saw his face and started to asking him a question, instead, "What happen to her anyway?"

"She was being stabbed by stranger not far from the café."

"What?" the lady gasped, closing her mouth with her hand. "How's that happen? Why would somebody stab her?"

"That's what I want to know"

"You should asked her boyfriend!" exclaimed the lady, startling Heiji. "She was about to see that boy at the café. He must've know something"

Heiji gulped, "Yeah, her boyfriend. We'll asked him later." He smiled inwardly; she was talking about me, right? And then just for a teaser, he asked, "Tell me ma'am, did he mentioned something about her boyfriend? I mean like his name? Or maybe his appearance? His work? Anything…?"

The lady, on the contrary, took Heiji's question seriously, "No, unfortunately no. She didn't mention his name or anything. All I know is that he seems to be always late at picking her up." Heiji felt like being slapped. "Oh yeah and she also mentioned that he often forget their date for a …."

"Their date?" well he didn't know Kazuha considered their meeting as a date.

"Well she didn't mentioned it as a date, only a meeting. But what do you called a meeting between lover? A date right?"

Heiji gulped, "I guess. So your saying that her boyfriend…."

"Often forget about their date. And judging from her behavior, it wasn't the first time he stood her up for hours" Heiji felt like being slapped again. "Whoever this guy is, he doesn't deserved her" Another slapped "As a matter of fact, I guess her boyfriend had to be responsible for this tragedy". Slapped again.

"Why? He didn't do a thing right?"

"Well for never make it here on time so that she had to walk alone to the café and being stabbed on her way to it" answer the lady irately. And now not only Heiji felt like being slapped but also like being stabbed by her words.

She's got the point. What if he was there on time to picked her up, then maybe this whole thing would never had to happen. He, too, was responsible for the tragedy that happened to her. He was also responsible for every pain she'd gone through.

If only he could turn back the time…

To Be Continued …
Time for my reviewer… THANK U ALL. You all are my motivation :)

Amy85 : I'm sorry I couldn't update quickly. A friend borrowed my notebook and when he finally returned to me, I got sick for 1-2 week. I was just to tired to wrote. I'll try to update quickly next time.

Miss Linda : Thank u so much for pointing out my mistakes. It really helped me. I hoped I made less mistake this time. But if I still made mistakes, pls let me know.

Fyliwion : Updating and uploading stories… yeah that was a tricky matter.

ClampLover : Thank u so much. I hoped u had read my stories in slower time. I mean not in a rush anymore. Geez, I hoped u understand what I mean. My english is getting worse :(

Moon Shadow Witch : Thank u for your offer. Maybe for the next chapter, I will have u read it first. If u don't mind.

Chibi-Nao : I wish I could make more ff bout heiji & kazuha, but I think I'll focused on this one for awhile.

SnowyKitty : You were in suspense when reading my story? Well maybe I should move its genre to angst.