OMG can you believe it… I'm updating…. For those who don't know me… Ive been around for a while but I have been too busy to update.


(disclaimer: I do not own these characters…. Only this brown lollypop…. Mmm….)


Chapter 2

Tidus' head was about to blow. Yuna was his next door neighbor and he was currently being escorted by Yuna around her house.

"It's just through here," Yuna said opening a clear door to an outside area. Tidus' jaw dropped as they walked past the stables to a massive heated pool.

"Hiya guys!" Rikku said popping up from under the water. Tidus and Yuna jumped and looked at each other several times.

"But wasn't she..." Tidus started pointing at the now floating Yuna.

"Like right behind us" Yuna finished, they just laughed and put their towels down on a couple of beach chairs.

"Shutup and get in here!" Rikku screamed splashing water on the two teens. Yuna stepped forward and curled her toes over the edge as she looked down at the crystal clear pool.

"Shall we?" Tidus, said stepping forward praying for an answer.

"Yes." Yuna, said, she gave him a nod and took his hand. Her warm fingers entwined with his sending chills up his spine. They watched as Rikku walked up the steps and over to the side. Yuna led him over to the stairs where they began to descend.

"I-I like your bikini." Tidus stuttered not taking his eyes off her.

"Thank you..." Yuna replied letting a blush spread across her face. Tidus smiled as he stepped down another step, the water came up to his hips, which were showing over his boardshorts. He took her by the waist and moved her into the water, he blushed as her smooth hands stroked his back. She traced her fingers through the muscle grooves taking in every feature.

"Hey you two! Lets play a game!" Rikku chirped taking Tidus out of his heaven. Yuna gave Tidus a smile and took his hand wading through the warm depths.

"C'mon I'm bored" Rikku squealed getting a big ball from the side of the pool.

"Rikku?" Tidus said giving her a raised eyebrow. Rikku smiled sheepishly and gave him a shrug.

"Volleyball?" Yuna asked still blushing from Tidus' touch.

"Nup, Blitzvolley" Rikku said, she giggled at the two puzzled faces.

"It's Blitz cross Volley ball. In the middle there is a net dividing the two separate areas. So that's like volley ball, but, you have to kick the ball over the net" Rikku said assembling the net.

"You have a lot of spare time, don't you?" Tidus said laughing at the idea. Rikku frowned and started to swim over to her side of the net.

"You're on my team Yunie" Rikku said grabbing and pulling Yuna over.

"What about me?" Tidus said watching Yuna get pulled away from him.

"You're a guy, you don't need us girls to help you" Rikku replied sending him a wink. Tidus just chuckled and picked up the ball.

"My serve!" Tidus yelled kicking the ball in the air. Yuna and Rikku watched as the young man jumped and started to spin sending the ball flying over the net and straight through the metal gate surrounding the pool. Tidus's face turned a ghostly pale as Yuna slowly turned her head twitching slightly.

"THAT WAS SOLID STEEL!" Yuna screamed slowly wading over the cowering Tidus.

"I'm really sorry Yuna" Tidus said backing deeper into the water. Yuna reached out and touched his arm, he quivered at her touch but felt a strange warmth he has never felt in his life.

"Do you work out?" Yuna asked tracing the muscles on his stomach.

"Well…. Umm… sometimes" Tidus said letting out a nervous chuckle.

"I'm surprised you don't have a girlfriend" Yuna whispered slowly stepping closer.

"HEY YOU TWO!" Rikku screamed putting on her puppy dog eyes.

"Are we going to play or not" Rikku yelled adjusting her bikini.

"Actually, I have to go" Tidus said, his heart sunk as Yuna lifted her hand of his chest.

"Oh… well i'll see you tomorrow at school" Yuna said leaning over and pecking his cheek. He blushed a deep crimson and slowly got out of the pool.

"Bye Yuna, bye Rikku" Tidus said sending them a large grin.

"Bye Tidus" Yuna mouthed, Tidus sent her a wink and quickly turned around and started walking.

"Oooo Yunie" Rikku cooed playing with her silky chestnut hair.

"Rikku don't" Yuna cried as Rikku started to plait it.

"I reckon someone has a crush!" Rikku screamed, bouncing up and down with joy. Yuna blushed and looked away.

"NO WAY!" Rikku screamed dropping Yuna's hair.

"He is just… I don't know..." Yuna whispered floating on the top of the water. She let out a deep sigh and looked up at the clouds.

'Tidus' Yuna thought, she quickly dived under the water trying to get the images of his face out of her head. Yuna smiled as she remembered his cute smile when she gave him that small sign of affection.

Yuna sighed and rose to the surface, she felt the cool water slowly drain down her face as she rose to the surface.

"Hey! Yunie come here" Rikku yelled grabbing Yuna's arm and tugging her over to the side of the pool.

"Rikku, if you want to show me how much your bust has improved again. I don't want to know" Yuna said with a sly smile. Rikku stopped pulling Yuna, she blinked a couple of times and looked down at her chest.

"You think?" Rikku asked looking at her chest. Yuna rolled her eyes and started to walk up the stairs leading out of the pool.

"YUNA!" Rikku screamed, Yuna cringed at her unusually high pitched voice and turned around.

"I have something to show you remember!" Rikku said pouting and running up the stairs of the pool.

"Yes I didn't forget" Yuna muttered to herself, Rikku led Yuna around the side of the pool and into the small hut beside the pool.

"So what do you want to show me?" Yuna said crossing her arms and leaning back into the wall.

"Well…. I think I like Tidus" Rikku whispered biting her bottom lip.

"YOU WHAT!" Yuna screamed jumping in front of Rikku's face.

"It's not like you care, I mean with all that teasing you did. A guy catches onto that kind of stuff sooner or later" Rikku said holding her ground.

"I DID NOT TEASE HIM!" Yuna screamed going red with fury.

"DID YOU EVER THINK I MIGHT LIKE HIM!" Yuna added, she ran out of the hut and around the side of the mansion. She hunched in a small ball and began to let hot tears slid freely down her face. Yuna sat under the small tree and looked up at the pale blue sky…

'I did not tease him' Yuna thought, she sighed and layed back against the tree. She let out a content sigh as she felt a warm breeze pass her face leaving a tingly feeling that spread over her body.

"I didn't…" Yuna whispered as she fell into a deep slumber.

Tidus sat on his balcony with his old acoustic guitar. He played a soft melody as he watched the clouds shift in the sky..

There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold

And she's buying a stairway to heaven

And when she gets there she knows if the stores are closed

With a word she can get what she came for

Woe oh oh oh oh oh

And she's buying a stairway to heaven

There's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure

And you know sometimes words have two meanings

In the tree by the brook there's a songbird who sings

Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiving

Woe oh oh oh oh oh

And she's buying a stairway to heaven

There's a feeling I get when I look to the west

And my spirit is crying for leaving

In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees

And the voices of those who stand looking

Woe oh oh oh oh oh

And she's buying a stairway to heaven

And it's whispered that soon, if we all call the tune

Then the piper will lead us to reason

And a new day will dawn for those who stand long

And the forest will echo with laughter

And it makes me wonder

If there's a bustle in your hedgerow

Don't be alarmed now

It's just a spring clean for the May Queen

Yes there are two paths you can go by

but in the long run

There's still time to change the road you're on

Your head is humming and it won't go because you don't know

The piper's calling you to join him

Dear lady can't you hear the wind blow and did you know

Your stairway lies on the whispering wind

And as we wind on down the road

Our shadows taller than our souls

There walks a lady we all know

Who shines white light and wants to show

How everything still turns to gold

And if you listen very hard

The tune will come to you at last

When all are one and one is all

To be a rock and not to roll

Woe oh oh oh oh oh

And she's buying a stairway to heaven

There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold

And she's buying a stairway to heaven

And when she gets there she knows if the stores are closed

With a word she can get what she came for

And she's buying a stairway to heaven, uh uh uh.

Tidus stopped playing and realised he had a small audience of some birds that decided to sit on the railing.

"Hiya guys" Tidus said looking over at the curious birds. He put his guitar down and stood up, he walked to the side of the balcony and peered out at the neighboring houses. He noticed the small brunette sleeping peaceful under the tree.

"Yuna..." he whispered, he watched as her chest slowly rose and fell as she took her calm breaths. Tidus took his guitar inside and put it in a corner, he flopped onto his bed and shut his eyes.

'I wonder if she likes me?' Tidus thought to himself, he quickly dismissed these thoughts and reached over for a pillow.

"Like she would ever like me" Tidus muttered looking up at his plain white ceiling. He stood up and began to walk to the door. He stopped for a second and ran his hand through his hair. He felt the stickiness of it and he turned around.

"Damn chlorine" Tidus muttered walking to the bathroom.

Rikku sat in her room, she had been crying from Yuna's outburst and her tears had made her face sticky and hot.

"Why did I even come here!" Rikku screamed holding her head..

"Why.. Why WHY!" Rikku screamed, she grabbed her bag and and slung some clothes inside. She ripped open her door and bolted down the staircase. Rikku shut her eyes as the tears rolled down as she opened the front door and began to sprint over the front garden.

"No one wants me around, not at home and not here" Rikku whispered to herself. She jumped on the motor bike and shoved her helmet on. Rikku kicked the kickstand and she sped down the road. She did sharp turn after turn taking short breaths with every one.

"Its not like they care" Rikku muttered ignoring the many drivers yelling abuse at her.

"No one cares about me" Rikku whispered feeling more tears slid down her cheeks.

"WHY DO I BOTHER!" Rikku screamed screeching through the red light. She felt a bright light pierce her helmet then every thing went black...


I'm sorry if it was really bad…. But yeh… LOOK A BLUE CAR!

Ok well if you don't review I wont update :P