CH 1
Summary: Wizeman decides to do an experiment, and finally gives Jackle a new visible body! He seems to like it, but what about the others? How will they react when they, well, finally are able to see him? And the big question is: Will it be permanent?
Disclaimer: The characters belong to SEGA.
Shuffle. Shuffle. Shuffle. That was all Jackle did with his hundreds and hundreds of cards while alone in his chamber. He liked his solitude, especially when it was a slow day in Nightmare. Of course, Wizeman was going to have them out and about finding Ideya sooner or later; Jackle decided it was more later than sooner. He thought a little more, then snorted. Having to go out everyday to look for Ideya was a waste of time. The main reason they were to do that was to see if there really was a Red Ideya. The Ideya of courage. And Wizeman wanted that. But to Jackle, it was only a legend. Everybody else seemed to get the same idea, since they never actually found one yet. But enough about Wizeman, let's talk more about Jackle.
What about what I want? he thought to himself, finishing his final deck. He sat for a second, trying to think of something else to do. Then he concluded on building that ever too famous, house of cards. His record was 2 ½ ft. with ten levels of columns. And that was just the day before. He had spent 3 hours on it, shock and sound proofing his chamber, so nothing will be able to knock down his work. And surprisingly, his hands were very steady when he concentrated on something he really wanted to accomplish. Just about everything else, he was exactly the opposite.
He was just about finished with his second level of columns, when a knock came to the door, breaking his concentration and ground leveling his progress.
"Damn it…" He cursed under his breath, forgetting to proof his room. He gathered up his cards, shuffling them in their deck again. The visitor on the other side seemed a little impatient and knocked again, a bit louder this time.
"Jackle sir?"
There was a short period of silence before the door creaked open slowly, and a short Nightmaren boy looked inside. Jackle stared back at him with his dark blue piercing eyes. He drummed his dagger like nails on his desk, waiting for the young Nightmaren to explain himself for demolishing a perfectly good house of cards in progress.
"Lord Wizeman wishes to speak with you immediately, sir."
Jackle's heart sank even more as Wizeman was mentioned.
Oh great…probably wants me to waste my precious time and genius again with those stupid Ideya…
He dismissed the messenger and put away his cards, wishing he had more time to himself than serving Wizeman. He had a lot of reasons to think so. For one, Jackle was a genius. Sure, he was known as the psychotic idiot, but that wasn't the real him. He only played that part to scare off little Nightmaren and Nightopian, and those who tried to go against Wizeman. And after he thought about it, he declared himself smarter than even the "Great" Reala himself.
Reala isn't that much of a competition when it comes to brains. Jeez, for a rabid clown, he sure is clueless now isn't he. I can't see how he became the General of the Nightmaren Army...But what about Wizeman?
Closing the door behind him, Jackle headed off towards Wizeman's chamber. He paced himself; not too fast as if he was in a rush, but not to slow either so as to keep Wizeman waiting for too long. For that afternoon, the halls seemed pretty quiet and empty, with the exception of a few maids running around here and there, walking into one room and walking out another. You could very easily get lost in the halls if you didn't know how to get from here to there. But Jackle knew his way around like the back of his hand. He would get lost once in a while, but that was only because he was either going too fast towards his destination, or he was lost in a train of thoughts. Pacing himself was what kept Jackle from getting lost physically, and mentally.
Finally reaching Wizeman's chamber, Jackle fixed himself up a bit to look a bit more presentable in front of The Master, and stood for a second or two.
Jeez, I'm calling him Master already and I'm not even inside yet…
Jackle smacked himself on the head mentally, cursing himself for having that one habit of his. Wizeman was a force to be reckoned with, having everyone and everything cower before him and his power. There was one thing that stuck in everyone's mind though; NEVER, and I mean NEVER get Wizeman angry. Jackle cringed a bit, remembering that one day when his foolishness got him on the wrong side of Wizeman's whip…Jackle rubbed his invisible right arm, feeling a few scars that still hadn't quite healed yet.
The Master hurts…he hurts so bad…
Jackle sometimes still couldn't control his childish side around Wizeman. At night, the only thing Jackle would do, the only thing he could do, was cry in pain, and misery. If he was lucky, he would be able to endure the pain for a few hours or so into the night without crying out. But he wasn't as strong as Reala.
Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the giant, colorful door, then silently waited fro a reply. At least he wasn't as persistent as that other bugger from before. After a few seconds, he heard the familiar, "You may enter…" and pushed the doors open, entering Wizeman's territory…
Ok so this is a short beginning but the others will gradually be longer than this. For now, please review. Thankies!