Disclaimer: CCS is not mine. Neither is Valentine's day.

This is a little late in coming out… but it was just an idea that popped up… written at a horribly late time of night.



Hershey Kisses



"Ano… Syaoran…" Sakura stood in her Little Wolf's room, the happy smile on her face had completely disappeared. It was their first Valentine's Day together as a couple… and Sakura was there to give her koishii a present. Unfortunately…

The room was filled with… chocolate… and pink hearts. It was true, she should have known that this would happen… Syaoran was popular… insanely so. But… still…

Her slender fingers were clasped around the small piece of chocolate she held behind her back. Her present was so…

"I'm sure he'll love it, Sakura-chan!"

Tomoyo's reassurance had been enough to lead her all the way to her boyfriend's home, yet the sight of all the large, wonderful gifts he had received completely belittled her tiny, insignificant Hershey kiss.

"Hm? Sakura, what's wrong?" suddenly he was right next to her, pressing a large, warm hand to her forehead, trying to see if there was anything wrong. "You don't have a fever… We could rent a movie instead of going to the theatre… you might catch a cold."

There was a smile on his face, and that by itself made her feel even more unworthy to give him such a stupid…

"What's that?" He cocked his head over to one side, looking directly at her.

Sakura glanced up, startled, "What's what?"

He grinned and motioned to her intertwined hands behind her back, "That. The thing you're holding… is it for me?"

Busted. It was too late. Sakura could only nod and shyly tuck a strand of auburn hair behind her ear before presenting Syaoran with the one Hershey kiss wrapped in red foil. He would probably be offended… or not really care. All the other packages in the room were so elaborate and expensive… she had tried to make him some chocolate… but since she messed up on it, she could only go out to buy it… and all chocolate was pretty much all sold out…

Her breath caught as she found his amber eyes surveying her face. She could feel a pink stain rushing across her cheeks, and she turned away from his stare, putting her head down.

… please… just don't say anything… it's just a small Hershey kiss… don't be mad… it doesn't mean I don't care…


Were her ears functioning properly? Did he just… thank her? For that dinky, minute chocolate?

Syaoran placed two fingers under her chin, making her gaze into his deep, brown eyes. There was an extremely large smile on his face, and he seemed extremely happy. "You want to share?"

"S-Share? B-But it's so small… how could we possibly— "

He cut her off and pulled her into a hug, popping the chocolate into his mouth.

Sakura pouted. She really thought that he was going to cut it in half and share with her…

But all thoughts were silenced by his kiss. It was a sweet, compassionate liplock… filled with a deliciously familiar taste. They were, indeed, sharing the chocolate. She felt it melt on her tongue as her lips opened. It was perfect. Just between the two of them.

Maybe a small Hershey kiss… wasn't so bad after all.

… it is sweet…

very sweet…




o w a r i

Happy late Valentine's Day.

They shared a Kiss… with a kiss.

Please review!