Disclaimer: Since this is the last chapter of my fic, I'll fully do the disclaimer… I do not own any part of Pokémon or its characters.
AN: sighs the last chapter… such a story… it's amazing what a person's imagination can do… I've enjoyed writing this fic, and I hope you enjoyed reading. Oh and Bluejolteon, your suffering has ended, I'm wrapping up this story. If anyone has "If Only Tears Could Bring You Back" by Midnight Sons you should start playing it after you read "On with the story…"
Dedication: This final installment is dedicated to all those people who have review to my story. (Except for West-RiverBastard)
On with the story…
Chapter 10 – "Misty's Epilogue"
Dear Diary,
It's been five months since it happened, though the thought still haunts my mind. I've learned quite a bit too. It's what makes us grow. I plan to write our story someday. How we met, how we changed, how wespent our days… just keeping memories.
I asked him one time in the hospital, "How will go on without you ? Who will guide me?" he just smiled and said, "The mind is a complicated thing, and it can trick and hide your feelings. But the heart is always true."
I feel that I'm getting better, I've even started dating again, and I know he's the one, but does he know? Now I'm rambling… I have to stop writing now anyway; it's my turn to set the table…
She gently closed the book and placed it in her lap. Misty sat on a hill over looking the sea. She gazed out over the tranquil waters, the setting sun, just sinking under the horizon. Lost in the serine beauty, she became oblivious to her surroundings.
She felt a gentle tap on her shoulder, snapping her back to reality. Slowly she tuned face the young man.
"Oh, hey," she greeted rather dully, her mind still wandering.
"Peaceful up here, isn't it?"
"It was… until you came."
"Ha, ha."
"What are you doing up here anyway?" her hopes rising.
"Just came up here to see the most wonderful sight in the world…" he replied simply.
Misty felt her heart drop a bit, she turned back to the orange orb in the distance, "Oh, it's beautiful isn't it?"
"Yes you are…"
Misty's attention once again flew back to the young man.
"Mystique Kasumi Waterflower…" he lowered himself onto the knee, "…will you marry me?"
Misty's felt like she was flying, she looked deep into his loving chocolate brown eyes, a single tear of joy on her cheek.
"Yes… Ashton Shatoshi Ketchum, I will marry you."
Ash gently slipped the ring onto Misty's finger then stood up. He leaned in, about to kiss her, when he heard several clicking noises. He walked over to the bush where the sound was coming from, and pushed the brush aside.
"Brock!" he said rather annoyed.
Brock made a nervous laugh "couldn't help it…"
Misty was half way to where Brock lay when she tripped over Tracy.
"Not you too!" she said, becoming more aggravated.
"Hey Brock… I think I hear the phone."
"Me to, Trace lets go."
They sprinted down the path back to Ash's house.
"Well… at least were alone now," Misty stated numbly.
"Where were we? Oh yeah…"
He leaned in slowly, their faces coming closer and closer. Finally they met and shared a long passionate kiss. They stayed that way for several minutes before the need for oxygen overcame them. Slowly they detached themselves from each other and sat back down on the grass.
They looked out over the open waters, Misty's head resting on Ash's shoulders, while he gently stroked the familiar red hair.
Duplica had been watching form a tree opposite from Tracy and Brock's previous hiding spot. She laughed and cried silently to herself.
"That was SO beautiful… I can't believe I got it all on tape!"
The End
So that's the end… I hope you liked it. I'm trying to find a new idea for a fic, but there are too many possibilities. But I think AAML are my specialties though (curse this softie interior!).
I also know that the last few updates were rushed, but I wanted to make sure I had this fic done before I lose the internet. My dad is going to get a second line so we can use dial up. I'll try to update from school though.
UPDATE: 6/6/05
as always, and forever…
Write from the Heart
Comming Soon...
"The Five Months in Between: Ash's Journal"
"The Five Months in Between: Misty's Diary"
Here is where the missing gaps of their lives will be filled.