Drive – Chapter 3

Opening: Heaven or hell, which path will fate choose?

Inuyasha gazed over her punctured body, his heart skipping beats to a few sudden crashes of gunfire, the car's rear windows shattering as Kikyou fell towards Inuyasha, longing for his hold to numb the growing pains in her body. "Inuyasha. Inuyasha…" Her fingers clenched the neck of his sweater, Kikyou's eyes as pure as the silence around them now. Inuyasha narrowed his eyes towards the pitch-blackness, failing to follow a shadowed figure breaking off past and through the trees.

"… Game over…"

He wanted to say the world to her, Inuyasha couldn't put how much she meant to him, but the words just wouldn't pass his lips. Inuyasha's mind was overflowed with anger, fear, sadness, lacking courage, happiness, and hope. He couldn't bear watching Kikyou squirm in agony and anguish, Inuyasha's heart being torn right out of his chest, her body and eyes sharing the same feeling and look as Inuyasha's though it seemed that they were in two separate dimensions in this point in time.

"… Kikyou…" Kikyou let off a soft cry as her eyes weakened, it seemed her hold did no less of the same. "Kikyou!" He screamed towards her, Kikyou's body dangling like a rag doll in Inuyasha's arms. She was voiceless, the sirens of the ambulances and squad cars having more say than she did, Inuyasha draped with lines of blood. Emotionally he caved into the temptations of the moments and surroundings. The cops and paramedics turning Inuyasha and Kikyou's dream into a nightmare.

"The things you long for aren't handed to you on a platter."


"You've done everything but wrong tonight, you simply took back what was rightfully yours."

He sighed, Inuyasha restless, his body fixed over a small chair outside of the room where prayers were answered to many and ignored to even more. Inuyasha lifted his head to the door to hell and the stairway to heaven, the doctor approaching Inuyasha, looking as if he were walking the green mile. "She-"

Closing: Will he recover, well she recover, the master and his servant? The naked truth can be of the cruelest cloaks.