Opening: All because ofmy girlfriend Tues (MakatoMai) and her fan fiction A Drunken Tale, I had the ideas and inspiration to start writing myself, without her or her writing(s) Drive wouldn't exist. Thanks again, Tues, I love you!

Drive – Chapter 1

"Inuyasha, honey, Inuyasha!" Izaoi called from the kitchen. It was one of those beautiful spring mornings, the sun shining, the birds singing, the... "Get your ass out of bed, boy!" Inutaisho added. "Just my luck..." Inuyasha groaned. Classes were minutes from starting and he was still lying in bed, barely wearing his boxers. Inuyasha moaned as he rolled out of bed, slipping into a T- shirt, a pair of jeans, socks, and gym shoes before quickly brushing his teeth and throwing his hair together, what matched didn't matter and he didn't have a choice whether or not to skip breakfast.

He was late for school. Again. "I'm reliving Monday..." Not bothering to say goodbye to his parents, leaving the front door wide open far behind, he made his way out of his house and onto the first block, moving faster than the white clouds rolling above him. Welcome to Inuyasha's typical weekday morning. A minute on the go, Inuyasha was stopped to the sound of a car horn. He blinked clueless to the black sports car before recognizing it. The window nearest to him rolled down to reveal his best friend and crush since the ninth grade even though he would never admit it.

"On top of things as always." Kikyou laughed. "What gave it away?" Inuyasha slamming the door in at his side. "Feisty are we?" She nudged playfully. He folded his arms behind his head and closed his eyes in response. "..." "You never told me you could drive with your tongue." Inuyasha remarked sarcastically. Kikyou lowered her head towards the steering wheel in silence. "We're not moving, are we?"

"... You tell me..." She leaned into him, placing her hands on his shoulders with a firm but gentle grip. Kikyou inserted her tongue in Inuyasha's mouth, he being captured by her soft brown eyes. Inuyasha lowered his hands to Kikyo's sides before she pulled her tongue away from the warmth of his. "... Kikyou..." Inuyasha whispered. "... I want you to know that I'm yours..." Kikyou brought his arms down and around Inuyasha, bringing herself into and against his chest. "... Now what I want to know is, are you mine...?" She asked sitting on his lap. "... Forever and always..." He answered, wrapping his arms around her.

That day changed their lives forever, little did they know so would this one. Inuyasha sighed waiting for the end of geometry class, though he couldn't help to smile just thinking back on the day that Kikyou first confessed her love to Inuyasha, and now thinking forward into the present. Today was their first anniversary, and he had a lot planned and a lot more to look forward to tonight with her.

Then again, Inuyasha could never hold his train of thought. Everyone around him made the day longer than it already was, Kagome being Kagome, the school slut was too close for comfort, she was one of the many people alongside his half-brother Sesshomaru and a few of his friends, showering his anger and frustration in spit balls and the bits of candy that Inuyasha always hated picking out of his hair. His mood instantly lightened, Inuyasha relived by the sight of his girlfriend Kikyou. "There is a god…" Inuyasha smirked towards her.

Kikyo walked up to him. "Even so, you're the only god I worship…" She grinned. "Who are you supposed to be?" The look on Kagome's face giving everyone around her proof that hell was a place on earth. "I'm Inuyasha's girlfriend, and you are…?" Kikyo cocked a brow, she almost rolling her eyes to her expression. "I'm what you think you are." She placed a hand on Inuyasha's knee, Kagome taking the pleasure to light Kikyou's fuse. "Hands off, bitch." She narrowed her eyes. She stroked his leg, ignoring Kikyou's words. "If I don't?" She slapped Kagome across the face as the seventh period bell rang, leaving her to eat her words, Kikyou tying an arm around Inuyasha's and him with her into the hallway. "School's out!" The demon prince and his underlings cracked up, the word whore echoing behind Kagome at her knees. "She's going to bleed for this…"

Closing: Chapter two, what will happen with the conflict between Kagome and Kikyou? Not to mention Inuyasha and Kikyou's anniversary night, think of the possibilities…