The Loyalty of the Wolves

Seine: Well, since my other story hasn't gotten a single review, I thought I might as well try something different. I'm not sure how it's going to turn out, but hopefully better then the other one...

Kouga: Seine doesn't own nothing.

Seine: (sad face...)

The air was cold, but not as cold as the fierce hatred racing through her veins. The rain was as close as it could be to falling ice, but she couldn't feel it. She caught him. His deep violet eyes looked up, and for a moment she saw shock, perhaps regret. But she didn't care.

" Wait, Sango, I can explain!" He called, putting his gloved hand up, throwing an old blanket over himself and the local prostitute that he had within his arms. She didn't hear him through the emotion, the words she needed to say sticking to her throat like molasses. So she smiled.

" Goodbye, Miroku. " Sango turned on her heel after grabbing Kirara, and stole off into the night, her tears and footsteps lost within the rain. She felt her composure melt away, felt her emotions spill out to be absorbed, for it was nothing. She ran as far as her mud-soaked feet would take her. Sango slowed down to a simple walked, Kirara finding shelter beneath the lumbering form of Hiraikotsu.

She could see torches and weapons held high a few meters in front of her, so she quickened her pace, grabbing her katana. Then she heard it. The whimpering, sounding like an injured dog. She sped up to a sprint, slashing forward, deflecting a series of arrows aimed at a fallen shadow upon the ground. The villagers ceased all motion, stopping to stare at the beautifully clad exterminator, to stunned to speak. The tallest man stepped forward, snarling.

" Slayer! Why do you protect such a foul wolf demon? Kill it and end out suffering! 'IT'S' been stealing from us for days now, destroy it!" Sango stared back into the eyes of the villager.

" It's just a pup. The wolf demon's are noble, you killed it's mother, I presume. Then you deserve to be slain, since when do farmers eat the meat of hunters?" Sango said, her katana glimmering in the light. The leader snarled.

" Villagers, she has defied our honour! Slay her and the wolf pup!" He exclaimed, tossing is torch at Sango. She slashed it back to him, the embers spraying at the front line of villagers. Suddenly, the wolf laying on the ground let out a piercing howl. The mountains howled back. Sango quickly threw back the first 2 rows with Hiraikotsu, the embers lighting her aura, so the light would dance beautifully through the blood.

" I hate to slay humans, but you are just as bad as Naraku!" The torches went out, and it was almost pitch black. Sango let her hearing take over, creating an image with the ice rain hitting the group. The night, all the way back to Kaede's village, was filled with the screams of unsuspecting villagers.

Kirara transformed, providing light for Sango as she wiped the blood off of her katana. She tucked it away, and turned her attention to the wolf pup. He was bleeding from his side, and his leg was broken. The wolf whimpered, licking Sango's hand as she pet his head lightly.

" Poor thing..." Sango took an old rag and wrapped it around the wolf's leg, and tried her best to patch the wound on it's side. Within a minute, she felt the aura of the jewel shards, and she could see the whirling wind that belonged to Kouga. He stopped in front of Sango and the wolf, anger plastered on his face.

" What happened to my wolf!" Sango looked straight up at Kouga's blue eyes. She pointed to the bloody mess of villagers.

" The villagers attacked this pup. I managed to defend it, but I think I may have gone a little overboard. Here, you're faster then I could ever be. Take your wolf back to the den, I believe it's mother is dead." Kouga blinked for a moment. A human, defending one of my wolves? Never thought I'd see a day like this... She has Kagome's scent lingering with her... She's that hunter that travels with Inu-trasha! Geez, she's been crying, and she looks like she got hit by tree... Kouga scooped the wolf into his arms, and gave Sango a smirk.

" Hakkaku and Ginta will help you back to our den. I hope you will join us for dinner, it's mandatory now. See ya." With that, Kouga flew past Hakkaku and Ginta, who just arrived on the scene.

" Oh man, there he goes again... Oh, hello. I suppose Kouga wants us to escort you to the demon layer. What a mess..." Hakkaku said, his Mohawk nearly drooping down from the rain. Sango frowned a bit,

" Yes, it is a bit of a mess... I couldn't let them kill that wolf though..." She said as she began walked. Ginta came up beside her, and looped his arm around her arm, Hakkaku doing the same to the other side. Sango blushed.

" I'm Ginta, and this is Hakkaku. Let's start going before Kouga gets angry." Sango nodded, but didn't expect them to both pick her up and begin running.

" Wah! Guys, I could just ride Kirara! But then again, weehee!" Sango exclaimed as they jumped across a river, stopping a little before the den. Kirara shook herself out, meowing loudly. Sango smiled wide at her two 'escorts'.

" That, was really fun!" Ginta and Hakkaku blushed a bit.

" Well, could we know your name?" Sango smiled, smoothing out her hair as they walked into the base of the cave.

" My name is Sango. Arigato, for being my escort. Um, what exactly should I be doing right now?" Sango asked, for her father had not taught her much about the wolf demon tribe. Ginta smiled wide.

" Well, we take pride when we do something courageous, noble or kind. We'll get you cleaned up, perhaps get that muscle knot out of your right shoulder blade, then you can have dinner with us. Kouga will decide after that." Sango blinked.

" How did you know that I had a sore shoulder?" Ginta smiled, showing a little bit of his fang.

" Well, because of your weapon choice. I figured that your shoulder must get extremely sore after a while. Besides, Hakkaku here is a very good masseuse. (sp?)" Sango smiled, blushing a bit, her eyebrow raised a little bit.

" I'm honoured. Thank you very much for your hospitality." Hakkaku waved it off.

" No problem, it's the least we can do considering you saved a wolf pup. You'll receive high honours. Well, let's get you to the baths! " Hakkaku pulled Sango along to the hot springs. She got a few confused looks, but nothing major, people respected Hakkaku.

Little did they know, Kouga was watching intently.

So modest, but extremely powerful. And beautiful, even after battle... I may have to observe her more then I have taken notice. Something is wrong though, her aura is mixed with happiness and sadness... Hmm... And she has as nice legs as I do... Where the hell did that come from, the hell? I really need to get out more...

Seine: RR! I just had to add that end part...