Hello, I wanted to say a special thanks to everyone whom reviewed……. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH ;P lol jokes Anyhoo I am tired right now so no answering reviews right now, promise next chapter I will try, thank you love you.

Chapter 3

"It's best if we try and get some rest." Jack said as he moved out in front of the group.

"Sleep………………Sleep when there is something out there?" A man yelled out.

"What is you're name?" Jack asked.

"My name is Charlie." Charlie replied.

"Charlie…… Right we are going to have to…………. Build a fire and stay together." Jack said as he picked up some sticks.

"What was that?" Beastboy looked at his friends.

"Something…………Big." Raven replied.

"Gee thanks Rae." Beastboy said looking at her.

Raven shrugged as Jessica clung to her neck.

"Umm Robin……. You're little brat sister is kind of choking me." Raven looked at Robin.

"Oh right………………Jessica get off." Robin walked over and pulled at his sister.

"NO!" Jessica yelled.

"JESSICA!" Robin yelled back.

"Robin…………Jessica come here." Matt walked over to Jessica.

"But I want Ravy." Jessica said as she let go.

"Yeah well Ravy doesn't want you." Robin replied as he walked over to Jack.

"What's wrong with him?" Beastboy asked.

"Are you an idiot or what…….." Raven put her hands on her hips as she looked at him.

"Yeah man I mean why just survived a crash." Cyborg said as he walked off to help Robin and Jack.

"I guess I am an idiot hey." Beastboy looked at Raven.

Raven nodded.

"I am cold." Starfire said as she rubbed her hands up and down on her arms.

"Me too." Raven agreed as she did the same thing as Starfire.

"Then fire is almost ready." Charlie said to them as he threw the sticks onto a pile.

"Thank you." Starfire smiled at him.

"You don't look to good." Charlie looked at Raven.

Raven's clothes were ripped in some places; on her arms she had scratches up and down them on both. And on her right leg it looked to be burnt a little bit.

"I'm fine." Raven replied.

"Ah that's good then." Charlie said as he looked at Starfire.

"You don't look hurt at all." He said.

"No I am lucky." Starfire smiled a bit.

Starfire had a couple of little scratches on her arms, her clothes were ripped in little places nothing to big though.

"So you're ………………"


"Charlie, okay then." Raven nodded at him.

"Glad I got you're approval but I must go help some more." Charlie stood up and walked off to help more.

"Raven I don't like this island….. There is something about it." Starfire stood up and more over to her.

"I know what you mean Star." Raven looked up at her.

"Why did this happen to us?" Terra hugged her only moving leg.

"Don't know." Raven replied.

"Fire is working." The boys ran up to the girls.

"Okay." The girls said in unison.

"Let me help you." Beastboy said as he picked Raven up.

"You know I can walk by myself." Raven looked at him.

"No you can't you're hurt." Beastboy smiled at her.

Raven rolled her eyes as she put her arms around his neck.

"Need help Terra?" Starfire asked.

"Yes thanks Star." Terra smiled as Starfire walked over to her.

"I'll do it Star I'm not as hurt as you." Cyborg looked at her.

"You are also much stronger too." Starfire smiled.

"Come on Star." Robin said as Starfire walked down to the fire with him.

"Was she calling me fat?" Terra frowned.

"I don't think so." Cyborg replied as he picked her up.

"Right." Terra replied as they walked down to the fire.

They all sat around the burning fire in silence, no one really knew what to say.

"We are all going to have to sleep in groups or a group." Jack finally said something.

"Dude like I think we should all stay together." A rather lage guy said.

"What's your name?" Jack looked at him.

"Dude I'm Hurley." He replied pushing back his curly brown hair.

"That's right you helped me." Jack pointed to him.

"That's right dude." Hurley smiled.

"Hurley is right………. We should all stay together." Jack announced.

"Yeah, like stay in a group is going to save us." Terra mumbled into her knee.


"Terra…………Terra stop that." Her mum snapped at the five year old Terra.

"But I want to play with them." Terra whined.

"Don't be a stupid child." Her mum yelled.

"What are you yelling about now?" Terra's father walked into the room.

"Terra is being stupid again Stanley, can't you do something about her?" Her mum asked as she put a plate in the dishwasher.

"She is five years old." Stanley replied.

"If you won't do anything about her, I sure as hell will." Her mum yelled as she threw the cups into the dishwasher.

Terra began to walk around the kitchen.

"I am hungry mummy." Terra looked up at her.

"Shut up Terra you are already fat enough." Her mother snapped.

"Sarah stop it." Her father yelled.

"She is a pathetic useless girl." Her mother yelled as they heard a plate smash.

"TERRA!" Sarah screamed.

"Terra?" Raven looked at her.

"What? Yes?" Terra looked at Raven.

"You okay?" Raven asked.

"Yeah I am fine." Terra smiled at her.

"Dude I am so tired." Beastboy yawned.

"I am too afraid to sleep." Starfire looked at Beastboy.

"If we are together nothing bad will happen Starfire." Robin said as he laid down on the sand.

"I still do not feel right." Starfire replied.

"Don't worry you'll be fine." Kate walked up to them.

"How do you know?" Raven looked up at her.

"Because we are together." Kate replied.

"Doesn't mean anything." Raven replied.

"Tomorrow we are going to go through the stuff and pull out anything useful." Jack also joined Kate.

"We will help." Robin nodded.

"Thanks we need all the help we can get." Jack replied.

"How long do you think we are going to be here?" Cyborg asked Jack.

"I really don't know." Jack replied.

"Do you think anyone will come?" Matt asked.

"As I said before I really don't know." Jack said again.

"You'd best get some sleep." Kate looked at them.

"I agree." Beastboy yawned.

"I am tired." Starfire yawned too.

"Don't worry everything will be fine." Jack said as him and Kate walked off.

The group had laid down, all of them was almost asleep all but Terra, she looked at her new friends that had saved her, Robin had his arm around Starfire, Beastboy had his around Raven, Terra laughed when Raven would hit Beastboy's hand, but he would always move it back. Cyborg was asleep on the sand and Terra was sitting up. She took a deep breath as she looked out into the ocean.

Flash back.

"Why are you so difficult?" Terra's mum yelled at her.

Because I am sick off you, I hate you." Fourteen year old Terra yelled back.

"No wonder you're father left it was because of you, you ungrateful cow!" Terra's mum slapped her.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" Terra yelled as she ran off.

"Terra you get back here!" Terra could hear her mother scream.

Terra continued to run she didn't know where, she just had to get away; her father had left her, left her with a stupid old hag.

"HOW COULD HE DO THAT?" Terra yelled as she kicked the tree next to her.

"Leave me here with her." Terra lent up against the tree.

"Why…" She mumbled as she slid down the tree side as she was now sitting on her butt.

"TERRA!" She could hear her mum run after me.

"AHHHH!" Terra screamed as she pushed off the ground to stand up.

"Stupid girl get back here!" Her mum ran after her.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Terra screamed as she ran down the street.

The sun hadrose early as everyone began to wake up.

"Dude it's too early." Beastboy whined.

"You're lazy." Raven said as she walked back up from the water.

"What did you do?" Robin rubbed his eyes.

"Washed my leg." Raven replied.

"Do you know what the time is?" Starfire asked.

"Haven't talked to anyone else yet." Raven replied.

"Morning kids." Jack walked up to then.

"Hi." Robin replied as he stood up and stretched.

"Are you still going to help us go through stuff?" Jack asked.

"Sure." Robin nodded.

"Then we better start now." Jack said.

"Cyborg, Beastboy and I will help going through the plane." Robin said as all three boys stood up.

"Okay." Starfire shrugged.

"I'm going to walk around the beach." Raven said as she stood up.

"I am going to sun bake." Terra said. "Nothing else to do I can't walk."

"I shall lie down too, until I am needed." Starfire nodded.

The boys walked over to what was left of the plane.

"Be very careful." Jack looked back at them.

"What are we looking for?" Cyborg asked.

"Anything, manly drugs and stuff." Jack replied.

"Okay." Robin replied.

"What ever you do, do not shake the plane." Jack said.

"Dude we won't, we don't want to die." Beastboy replied.

"Good." Jack said as he entered the plane first.

Raven walked along the beach until she found a big, bellied girl sitting in the sand.

"You okay?" Raven walked up to her.

"Oh yes." The girl looked up at her with one hand on her belly.

"Boy or girl?" Raven asked.

"I not quite sure." She laughed a bit.

"I'm Raven." Raven sat down next to her.

"I'm Clare." Clare replied.

"Hi." Raven said.

"Hi." Clare smiled.

"Terra?" Starfire called out to her.

"Yeah?" Terra looked over to her.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Starfire asked.

"Yeah………………why?" Terra asked.

"No reason." Starfire lied.

"Sure?" Terra looked at her.

"YOU ARE SUCH A JERK!" A girl yelled as a boy walked past Starfire and Terra.

"Shut up Shannon." The guy yelled as he walked off.

"Oh my god." Shannon pushed her short blonde hair back as she looked at them.

"Brothers." She laughed a bit.

"I don't have a brother." Terra looked at her.

"Oh right." Shannon looked around.

"I'm Terra." Terra smiled at her.


"I'm Kori, but friends call me Starfire." Starfire smiled too.

"Hi." Shannon walked over to them.

"Want to join us?" Starfire asked.

"Why not." Shannon said as she sat down.

Terra laid back down on the sand as she began to think again.

Flash back

"I'm going back to dad!" Seventeen year-old Terra yelled.

"Like he would want you, you worthless rat." Her mum growled.

"We did we have to move to Australia, I WANTED TO VIST DAD!" Terra yelled.

"Because I wanted too." Terra's mum yelled back.

"I didn't I never wanted to LIVE WITH YOU!" Terra screamed.

"Little miss perfect aren't you." Her mother yelled.

"UNLIKE YOU, I HATE YOU! LET ME GO TO DAD!" Terra yelled as tears came down her cheeks.

"That's right cry you're way out of this one." Terra mum yelled.

"I hate you." Terra mumbled.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you." Terra's mum mocked.

"I HATE YOU!" Terra screamed.

"What makes you think you're father would want you Terra? He left you in the first place, he didn't take you with him, he didn't come back for you, he doesn't want you now, I don't blame him either, you're a pathetic excuse for a daughter." Her mother crossed her arms.

"You are a liar, I hate you, let me go to DAD!" Terra yelled as she cried.

"Princess, you're not going to cry you're way out of this one." Her mother laughed.

"I'm going!" Terra yelled as she ran towards her room.

When Terra got to her room she locked the door, she grabbed a bag and began to pack.

"Terra!" Her mum pounded on the door.

" TERRA!" Her mum yelled louder.

Terra looked to her window.

"I'm going." Terra said quietly as she threw her bag out the window.

"TERRA!" Her mother screamed as she pushed, punched, kicked, and pounded on the door.

Terra jumped out the window as she picked up her bag and ran towards the airport.

"Dad pick up." Terra said as the phone rang.

"Hello?" He dad picked up.

"Dad?" Terra asked still crying.

"Terra?" Her dad asked.

"I want to come home to you." Terra cried out.

"Where are you?" Her dad asked.

"At the airport I just bought a ticket." Terra replied.

"I will be waiting for you." Her dad said.

"I love you dad." Terra cried as she hung up the phone.

"I'm going." Terra thought to herself.

"Hey Terra?" Shannon waved her hands in her face.

"Yeah?" Terra looked up at her.

"Nothing you just looked like you where about to cry." Shannon replied.

"No I'm not." Terra replied.

"Oh okay then." Shannon smiled.

"Yeah." Terra said as she laid back down.


"Hi I'm Terra!" Terra said as she walked into the plane and sat in her seat.

"Hi I'm Roy." The guy she was going to sit next to smiled.

"I guess I'm next to you." Terra said as she sat down.

"Guess you are right." Roy said as he went back to his book.

Then plane began to take off, Terra liked flying in planes.

"I like planes you know." Terra smiled.

"I don't" Roy replied.

"Why not?" Terra asked.

"Well because you are never sure what is going to happen." Roy replied.

"I understand you now." Terra smiled as she lent back into her chair.

Terra had fallen asleep and had been asleep for the last six hours.

"Hey Terra." Roy shook her.

"Yeah?" Terra opened her eyes.

"Did you want desert cause you missed dinner." Roy asked her.

"No I'm okay." Terra replied.

"Okay then." Roy smiled.

"Yeah." Terra smiled.

The plane began uncontrollably bumpy.

"What is that?" Terra looked at Roy.

"Don't know." Roy replied.

The fasten you're seatbelts sign lit-up as Terra and Roy quickly put them on.

"I don't think I like flying that much anymore." Terra looked panicked.

"Don't worry you'll be fine." Roy grabbed onto her hand.

"Oh Righ—AHH!" Terra screamed as a big bump whacked people out of their seat and hitting the roofs.

Then the plane shook as the tail came back.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Was all the noise Terra could hear besides the screeching and beeping of the plane.

The masks fell down as Terra and Roy reached for them.

"WE ARE GOING TO DIE!" Terra screamed as she put her mask on.

Roy grabbed onto her hand as they closed their eyes.

The plane began to fall rapidly.

"TERRA!" Cyborg yelled in her ear.

"AHHHHH!" Terra screamed.

"Chill, we have a favour to ask." Cyborg looked at her.

"What?" Terra looked back at him.

So how was that? Anyhoo please if you like it review, thank you sooooo much

Love ya all

Form me :P