Formerly known as FrenchPussnBoots, ConstanceLee is back; with sass, class, and a bit of a bigger ass.

The other day I was looking at my old as sin email and saw that someone put Forbid-N as a favorite?

My first thought: What is wrong with you? Can't you see that I fell off the face of the planet?

And then I realized what a HUGE compliment this had to be! So I anxiously looked into what the other Blood and Chocolate fanfics were like.

…My poor darlings. Momma Con will make it all better for you. Or she will at least try her hardest! Give you guys something worth reading maybe? 3

This is just so you guys know that I've got something in the kitchen for y'all.

Mmm, it smells good too! I'm not too sure I remember where I was going with the story earlier…I recall what I was doing with Brian and the main jest of the Charlie/Greenlee…

BUT NOW it will be better. I will start the revamp immediately. It might not be very long, but damn it I will complete this story if it's the last thing I do.

…Speaking of last thing I will do. I plan on this being the last fanfiction thing I ever do ever again. …Unless for some crazy reason I feel an undeniable urge to write about something…

So a bit of an ADD moment, I gotta get to my doctor's for an appointment.

Look out for me!
