As um 'dark and serious' (friends thoughts) as this story may be, compared to the other one anyway, you still have to sit thru my lame humor. Lame? You ask…yes. You'll see what I mean when you read it. Please….just act like you thought it was funny.

Might As Well Be On Mars

City streets are wet with rain tonight

The taxi drivers swerve from lane to lane

The lonely guitar man playing down the hall

Midnight blues coming through the wall

Jareths powerful wings flapped in the dark. The rain was falling hard as he flew through the night, not thinking of where he was going. It was Sarah's city, but where she was he didn't know.

He flew down over the cars, being careful to avoid the swerving taxis as he playfully swooped between them. The old feeling of enjoyment from scaring the human drivers wasn't there. Inwardly he sighed, and flew higher.

He enjoyed the rain, his excuse for why his face was wet tonight. They aren't tears, he told himself. It's the raindrops.

He landed on a maples barren branch. The leaves had completely fallen from this one, while others above him were desperately hanging on to the last of their beauty. He looked around. His large owl eyes widened further. He hadn't meant to fly here.

Sarah's apartment stood across the small grass that they claimed was a backyard. A cold hand gripped his heart as he stared at it. How long had it been since he'd gone inside? Four months? Six months? He knew it hadn't been a year. Yet.

He willed himself invisible, and glided over to her apartments brick wall and floated through. The feeling of going through solid objects was a strange one, but not a stranger. The sensation of looking at your hand but not seeing anything had long ago lost its amazement. He remembered how he had used it to watch Sarah in his labyrinth. Sarah…

He shook his head and started up the stairs. As he got to her floor he had a sudden urge to turn and run. But he was a king, and a king wouldn't run.

He headed down the hall, and the door a few down from hers was slightly cracked open. A sad guitar tune flooded the hall, and Jareth felt an irrational anger begin to stir. He had no reason to be angry with the man playing the song, he didn't intentionally start it as he stepped down the hallway. Still, Jareth thought, it all seemed like a very bad romance story.

He reached Sarah's apartment, and stopped. He knew, without testing it, that it was locked and chained. He wondered how she felt, knowing he could come to her whenever he wanted, while she could never get to the Underground without calling him. Scared, most likely, he thought.

He took in a sharp breath as he heard it. Coming softly through her wall, was a familiar song. Within You. He'd written it long ago when he was sure that he had lost her. Did she feel the same way now?

But…why had she pushed him away?

He raised his hand to the door, and the tip of his finger went through it. It was an odd sensation, looking at the door and seeing nothing but feeling his finger start to freeze. He brought it back quickly, as the song ended and another started.

"There's such a sad love, deep in your eyes…" She must have gotten the soundtrack for the movie they'd made together. A small smile shied its way to his lips. Not many knew that he and Bowie had both sang them. True, David Bowie had sang most of them, he was also the one who had written Underground, but Jareth had been the one who insisted on writing and singing As The World Falls Down.

A mix of emotions ran through his veins. Longing to sing to her again, and to hold her. Pain at the memory of that night she'd left. Hope, for she kept his songs and he knew she listened to him/them. Desperation-how badly he wanted her back…

He closed his eyes as he backed away, and faintly, even with the music drifting through the thin wall, he heard her crying. She'd been doing that a lot lately, he knew from watching her through his crystal. Each time she'd start with putting in her CD, and she'd curl up on the couch, hold her bear Lancelot that she had gotten back from Toby as a moving out present, cry almost until morning, and just before she'd fall asleep, he'd hear her whimper his name.

Why would she put herself through that, why push him away, when it seemed she needed him so much?

He continued down the hall, through the brick wall and mid fall turned into an owl and soared away.

I tried to call you on the telephone

I left it off the hook, just to hear it ring

You told me you were better off alone

He flew fast, wings beating as hard as they could. The mixed emotions in him had finally decided on one and he darted through the air, rage edging him along.

Why would she do this to both of them? She knew he loved her, and she'd told him repetitively she loved him in return. So why, WHY would she do this?

He made a sharp turn and continued his thoughts, all of them blurring until he gave up and concentrated on his speed. No matter how fast he went, it wasn't fast enough. He swooped over the cars and kept up their steady pace, and even started to go faster. But flying wasn't enough. Angry that his usual way of calming down seemed to be doing the opposite tonight, he stopped abruptly and changed his direction, going considerably slower. That's when he noticed it.

A payphone on an empty street. He looked around as he landed, and thought it odd that there seemed to be less cars driving by as well.

He looked at it. It seemed to be taunting him. Should I? He wondered. He'd never called her before. He walked over, it was in the side of a building, it was to dark to read the sign that was a ways over above the front door. He reached out, his hand visible again, and ran a finger over the numbers. He closed his eyes, concentrating and willing the number to his mind. He dialed, holding the receiver steadily to his ear. It rang…and rang…and rang….She wasn't answering her phone tonight. Just as well, I don't know what to say. He sighed, dropping the receiver and following, sliding down the side of the building. The phone continued to ring…and ring…His thoughts wandered back to that day…


He appeared behind her, and as he wrapped his arms around her she gave a surprised squeak, which was soon followed by her wriggling around to return the embrace. As she breathed in his scent, she smiled. But then she sneezed and backed away. It was obvious to Jareth she had faked it, and he saw in her eyes she knew he could tell. She gave a weak smile and shuffled to the sofa. Pausing a moment, he headed over and sat beside her, leaving an unusual amount of distance. Something was wrong with Sarah…

She hugged a pillow tightly against herself with one arm, curled up on the couch.

"Something…wrong…Sarah?" he asked, eyeing her makeshift shield cautiously.

"Oh…no…" she said, looking at him but not really focusing. She had one hand on the sofa still, and he tested her, reaching to hold it with one hand. She tried to be casual as she pushed a strand of hair back with that hand before he got to it. I thought so… he sighed silently, shoulders falling slightly from their usual straight, proud stance. Perhaps…he thought without much enthusiasm, that was just a coincidence…along with her sneeze…no, he didn't believe it. But to be sure…he'd have to try more. But not at the moment…

"So," she started with an attempt, a surprisingly good one to, at a cheery smile. "What have you been up to?"

"The usual. Goblins have been complaining about the neighboring kingdom having too much of the lands forest, which would be including the Bog. Why they'd want to keep it is beyond me…or why some would actually fight for it…" he waved his hand around lazily and Sarah gave the appropriate amounts of noises indicating she was listening as he continued. He knew he was boring her. He hoped it would encourage her to get to her point. But whether that was a good thing, he didn't know.

"So my dear," Jareth said as he ended his story, "How have you been? Writing more lately? You've got such great talent," he smiled. She shifted uncomfortably.

"Well…about that…" she looked over his shoulder, avoiding his gaze. "I've been working hard on a novel lately, and with you on my mind so much…I can't concentrate as well." His eyes narrowed slightly, hoping this wasn't going where it sounded. She cleared her throat softly and he noticed her knuckles getting white from the grip on the pillow.

"And well…I don't know how to word this," she mumbled.

"You would prefer…if I weren't around as much…?" He suggested. Already he had only been coming maybe once a week.

"Well…actually…" her eyes bore into the wall behind him.

"You'd actually…not want me around…at all." He finished slowly. He closed his eyes, resting his elbow on the sofas arm as he leaned his temple against his fingers.

"Oh Jareth no…" she said hurriedly, "I want you here but-"

"No no, I understand. Business first, of course," he lied. He didn't understand at all. Where was this coming from? She'd been writing books and scripts ever since they'd finished the movie without any problem. That'd he'd noticed, anyway. Had it been a bother that long? The movie was finished just over a year ago…He schooled his features into that of a mask of understanding, then no emotion, while the tears began in her eyes and her mouth twitched slightly.

"Jareth-" her hand moved to his, which he left for her to hold. "-I do love you, you know that." Oh, yea…he thought, I can tell. He stopped. That's not fair, she had been wonderful before this day. When did she start feeling like this?

He raised his head to acknowledge her, but his face was still expressionless.

"Jareth-" but he cut her off.

"-no, excuse me. I'll be leaving now, if you don't mind." He didn't think he could keep his mask from slipping much longer. He began to fade as her tears streamed down. "I love you…"he said as softly and smoothly as the wind.

'…She needed to work on her novel…'

I never knew that tears could sting

Jareth realized that a voice was coming from the phone that was still dangling at his side.

"If you'd like to make a call, please hang up and try again. If you need help, hang up, and then dial the operator." He needed help alright, he thought as the tears he'd been able to hold back then threatened to fall. As the phrase was repeated, he lifted a hand to his face, and realized he'd been unable to stop them. The taste of salt reached his lips, and he licked at them as the sadness once again changed.

He stood quickly, and flew into the midnight air.

I'm on the roof and I'm staring at the stars

Looking down at all the cars

I can see you

He flapped angrily. How easily his emotions were replaced. He assumed it was his old nature telling him kings never felt defeat. Underground kings were never defeated-except for him. He was the one exception and he found it unfair, and he laughed at it and himself. Unfair seemed to fit with everything.

It was unfair that he had lost to a child. That she had captured his heart. That one human could make him insanely jealous enough to come aboveground and play in a mortal movie to prove his point-that she was his, as he was hers. Only to finally be pushed away by the only one he'd ever been open and defenseless to. And it wasn't fair that he ended up quoting the very line he'd urged her to forget. 'It's not fair.' She was everywhere.

He landed on the roof of the closest building. He looked at the stars, so far away from here.

While studying humans, he had seen a child's film that had said the stars were past kings watching over the living. While the other had laughed and dismissed it, he had been awed that the humans finally had started getting their tales right. They were indeed kings, his father among them, and he wished he were one of them more than ever. To be away from this all…but no. He would be farther than he already was from Sarah. While she didn't know it, he hadn't gone more than a week without checking in on her. He'd never enter her house, of course, but he'd watch her through his crystal, or find her out on a walk. Crying. Always crying.

A small, clicking noise caught his attention. He turned and was surprised to see Sarah walking quickly down the street, and turn into a bars entrance. He watched as she sat near the dusty window, the seat closest the door for an easy escape.

In the window of your favorite corner bar

Jareth, who had been in the human form as soon as he landed, quickly dropped down as she gazed out the window. Laying on his stomach, his chin on his arms, he settled down for yet another night of watching Sarah.

Sarah hardly noticed she'd left her apartment and walked the whole way there. It was so ordinary now.

She sat nearest the door. Eventually she'll hate herself for coming yet again, and her seat made it easy for a quick exit, and she didn't have to walk down the isle of gawking men. Even in her fragile state from malnourishment, she was beautiful. But for now…she'd drink. Her thoughts took her back…


"Page three hundred…forty…five…"she said slowly as she scribbled the last few words. "Finished!" With another chapter done, she headed to the kitchen for a drink, but as she turned she was halted by the arms around her waist. Giving a delighted, surprised squeak she twisted around to hug him back. She smiled as she took in his scent. Indescribably wonderful. She tightened her hold, but remembered what she had told herself to do. She was going to do it today. The joy of finishing her story was slowly slipping away.

She faked a sneeze and backed up, knowing that it must have been obvious. The confused look in his eyes confirmed it. She gave a weak smile and shuffled to the sofa. He hesitated a moment before following. She remembered how he had left a good deal of space between them. He hadn't been sure what was going on with her, he seemed almost afraid of her.

"Something…wrong…Sarah?" he asked carefully.

"Oh…no…." She couldn't look at him, but had to try. Her gaze focused on the wall just behind his ear. One hand was on the couch while she hugged a pillow close to her, hoping it would protect her from both Jareth and herself. She couldn't remember another time she hadn't wanted him there. He reached for her hand and she quickly used it to pull back a loose strand of hair behind her ear. It hurt her to see the I thought so look in his eyes but she gave a forced cheery smile.

"So, what have you been up to?"

"The usual. Goblins have been complaining about the neighboring kingdom having to much of the lands forest, which would be including the Bog. Why they'd want to keep it is beyond me…or why some would actually fight for it…" She didn't remember all of what he'd said, she was trying hard not to run from the room. She wanted to hold him even as she was trying to figure out how to push him away. She nodded and 'mm-hmm'ed enough to show she was making an effort at paying attention.

"So, my dear, how have you been? Writing more lately? You've got such great talent," he smiled. She shifted uncomfortably. Now or never, she thought, opting for never but starting the other.

"Well…about that…I've been working hard on a novel lately, and with you on my mind so much…I can't concentrate as well." She shrunk back slightly as his eyes narrowed. He must see what's coming…oh God I don't think I can do it…Her eyes squeezed shut for just a moment "And well…I don't know how to word this," she mumbled.

"You would prefer…if I weren't around as much…?" He suggested almost hopefully. I would really prefer you here everyday…

"Well…actually…" her eyes bore into the wall behind him.

"You'd actually…not want me around…at all." He finished slowly. He closed his eyes, resting his elbow on the sofas arm as he leaned his temple against his fingers. Her heart sank as he spoke, even though she knew he hurt, she didn't think he knew what she was doing to herself.

"Oh Jareth no…" she hurried, "I want you here but-"

"No no, I understand. Business first, of course." She didn't believe that.

"Jareth-" her hand moved to his, which he left, "-I do love you, you know that." Oh how much I do! Everything I've said I'd take back in a heartbeat…if I only could. His face was still expressionless. Sarah knew by now that he did that to hide pain, which he considered weakness.

"Jareth-" but he cut her off.

"-no, excuse me. I'll be leaving now, if you don't mind."

He began to fade as her tears streamed down. "I love you…" was soft and flowing like the wind, and at first she thought perhaps it was…but she knew it had been him. She squeezed the pillow harder as she crumbled onto the rest of the couch. It was such a pitiful lie…'she needed to work on her novel…'

As she sipped the remainder of her third drink, she laid her chin on her folded arms, mimicking the unseen Goblin King outside, a tear made its way down her face ever so slowly, finally falling with a soft plop on the table.

"You okay?" asked a waitress. Startled, Sarah looked up quickly. After a moment her brain registered what the waitress had said, and she nodded. "Would you like another one?" she asked.

"Oh…no thank you. I've got to get going." Sarah rose and left quickly.

The waitress noticed she hadn't paid again. She smiled sadly, there again was a napkin, frayed around the edges from the girl playing with it, with Jareth written in beautiful, flowing letters. There was always one after she left. Once again, the waitress paid her bill, wondering when that poor girl would find whoever he was. She'd been depressed for so long…

Jareth watched Sarah through the window in the bar. She was crying again. She placed her head in her arms and gazed out the window. She never looked in his direction though. While he knew she had no clue he was there, he had thought maybe she'd be able to feel him…but apparently not. He sighed, but straightened as Sarah stood up and left. She stumbled slightly, seeming dizzy.

His eyes followed her, and without a wall between them he couldn't stop himself from going to her. Surely, he thought as he flew down to her, he'd been away long enough.

He circled her once, and she froze, eyes following him, before he was himself again, landing softly on the cement in front of her. He gave his trademark smirk.

"Hello, Sarah," he purred. He was barely a yard from her, and her tears threatened to fall at the sight of him. She took a step, paused, then another and nervously wrapped her arms around him. He did the same. "You're looking as lovely as usual."

She gave a small, empty laugh. Her hold on him was weak, despite her whitening knuckles. She was sickeningly thin as well. As hard as he wanted to hold her, he was afraid he'd break her.

"You're novel," he started, speaking into her hair, "it's going well?" She stiffened slightly.

"Y-yes. I'm working wonders."

"Wonderful. I'm anxious to read it. I loved your last one." He forced a smile, but she didn't see it anyway, she hadn't looked up into his face at all.

"Oh, it-it won't be ready for some time. It's a rather long one."

"Well, I can wait." Sarah wasn't sure if there was something more behind that. Did he mean he'd wait for her too? She squeezed her eyes closed, and as she opened them she backed up, still not looking him in the eyes. One hand lightly played with his vest.

He put a gloved finger under her chin and tilted her head up. Her eyes fluttered closed. It didn't take Jareth long to notice it. It wasn't that she didn't want to look in his eyes, it seemed she couldn't. He frowned as he let her go.

But your reach is just to far

As his hand fell she scooted closer, her hand gripping his vest weakly as her forehead rested on his chest. She gave a small, almost sighing, noise.

"Sarah…are you all-"

"God I've missed you," she said quickly, not noticing she interrupted him. He patiently waited for her to continue. He wasn't sure how to respond…she seemed so…far away. Her eyes stared into his vest, not really seeing anything.

"Sarah," he started when he decided she wasn't going to add anything, "have you gotten far enough in your novel, close enough to finish, that I could come back?" It was the question he'd battled with for the last few months. Would she call him when she finished? Wait for him to come to her? And…what he really wondered…was that really the actual reason?

Her eyes continued to stare blankly, almost frightening him.

"Do you want me back?" He asked nervously. She blinked and the glazed look began to fade.

"Of course I do, Jareth," she said softly, then jerked back. "I've got to go."

"What?" Where did that come from?

"I-you-I need to go," she stuttered as she jogged in the direction of her home.

Jareth stared after her. Alone again.

A few minutes later, he conjured a crystal and looked through it. Sarah was leaning against a building a block or so over, crying. The dazed look in her eyes were gone. She slammed her fist into the side of the building, turned, and slid down it to the ground, hugging her knees.

'I'm right here,' he thought.

'And I might as well be on Mars'

The city seems so old, and gray and beat

It closes in and makes me want to suffocate

Jareth decided his normal clothing wouldn't fit in this world. Sarah's outfits, no matter how strange the Aboveground was, obviously wouldn't work for him. The only other humans he had met, who hadn't been in masquerade outfits, were Taylor, Marie, and David Bowie. The girls were a definite no, and he smiled when he remembered David Bowie. He really had David to thank for him returning to the Aboveground for Sarah, but thinking back to how he'd been struck by resemblance, and he assumed that wasn't the average attire. Didn't Sarah say something about him being a king as well? No, he wouldn't do. He waited in a dark corner for someone to walk by, and copied his clothing.

The world seemed less inviting than when he'd first come. It'd been alive then, and he'd enjoyed walking down the street, Sarah on his arm, and watching the cars speed by, looking at the people walking beside him. And of coarse, his favorite, flying between cars. Sarah had always gotten a kick out of it, trying desperately to not show she knew the owl was intentionally driving them crazy. But she always burst toward the end, falling onto a nearby bench, eyes wet with tears. Eventually, although he enjoyed it as well, he did it to see her laugh.

But now…the city barely resembled what it had once been. It'd gotten old fast. The walks down the street through the streets, without Sarah with him, were annoyingly loud and he was jostled around-but he didn't care much. The cars speeding by were noisy distractions from his thoughts, and he let them know by circling them and hooting loudly on some days, but it wasn't the same without her laughing on the sidewalk.

But maybe…

Turning into an owl once again, flying quickly, he found Sarah curled up by the wall. She shifted around and knelt, hugging herself. Just then…he walked over. He was obviously confused as to why Sarah was on the ground crying. Jareth landed on a lamp post nearby. As the man knelt beside her she fell forward onto him, sniffling and snuggling into his embrace.

Who the hell is this! Jareth thought angrily. The idea that this was why Sarah got rid of him ran through his head, but he refused to entertain the idea. He flapped nervously, unable to pace. Apparently the ruffling of his feathers was louder than he thought, for Sarah looked up. She saw him perched on the light. Owl…? I just saw…It clicked. She jumped back from the man and sprang up, the automatic reaction to tug her shirt into place was done just before she took of running. Both men stared after her. One confused, the other angry, jealous, baffled, and hurt.

It wouldn't do him any good to know the truth, she thought as she darted down the streets. He'd either agree with me and dump me himself…or worse…act like it wasn't there. That we could always be how we were.

Jareth watched through his crystal as she finally reached home. She had stopped crying at least. He hated to see her that way. Hated that he couldn't be there to help her.

He was in the park that she had originally practiced the Labyrinth in. He gave a sad sort of smile.

He had enjoyed watching her. Even after the movie she'd act out a few of her favorite plays. Inside of coarse, she'd gotten older and hadn't wanted people to know she was still fascinated by them. Once he even joined her. She'd been doing one he was familiar with, and in the middle he'd appeared, to her delight, and acted along with her. The title now escaped his memory.

He hardly noticed that he wasn't walking around the park anymore. He walked without thinking, and wished he hadn't.

And you just live across the street

Once again, he'd come here. He knew she was in there, but should he risk going to her twice in one evening? The side of him who wanted to know who the man was earlier wanted to go in, but what he assumed was his rational self said to hold back. With that thought he reminded himself he hardly ever was rational in important situations and slowly shuffled to the stairs.

Just as he started on the first step, he stopped. She wouldn't want to see him now. He turned and headed down the front walk. He sighed as he looked over his shoulder. What are you up to Sarah? What's going on with you?

Almost expecting someone to answer him, he was discouraged by the silence. That's all there had been for the past few months, and it was killing him. He disappeared from her yard.

He kicked a goblin away from the foot of his throne.

But that's a billion miles away

You turned my world into a dark and lonely place

He did circles around his Labyrinth, flying this way and that, trying to figure her out.

A little over a year ago they'd finished the movie. Sarah had been excited, she hadn't been in a film before. Jareth, not from that world, grasped the concept that it was a unique experience many humans never had, but still wasn't that worked up about it. And afterward she'd been as clingy as he felt, but as a king wouldn't show, and seemed truly happy.

Around eight months later, out of the blue, she'd asked him to leave. It was about six months ago now. 'Work on her novel' she'd said. He didn't know if he really believed it or not. A weak reason, but he supposed it fit with mortals.

And then…there was tonight. She hadn't run right away, but held him hard. She had missed him, which could mean everything or nothing

But…who had she been with?

Scared maybe she was dating another he flapped harder. This time, flying over his beautiful maze, it was relaxing. He closed his eyes and flew around wherever the wind took him. This way and that he soared, not looking or caring where he went.

Like a planet lost in space

He opened his eyes as he just brushed past a tree. He was lost, but not with which way to fly. He was lost in thought, in feeling, and he was lost without her. As the stars twinkled happily he cursed and wished he could tear them down. Why should everyone but him be happy?

He shook his head. He was wrong. He knew from watching Sarah she wasn't at all better off than him. Probably worse, he thought, since she wasn't able to control emotions like him. He could hold his tears back, but after a while he wondered if he would let his emotions take control for a while, if the storm building in him lessen. Most likely, he concluded, but he wouldn't. Kings don't cry.

My lights fadin'

His hope of getting her back was dwindling. No tearing up, he told himself. Sarah was far away and in pain…no…he could go to her, hold her-no-just a moment away…

No…an Underground king wouldn't lose his mind this way. He wouldn't. No running after her, no begging and NO crying, he told himself. I never cry, he insisted. The feathers around his wide owl eyes were damp.

It just happens to be raining…only where I'm flying…and only on me….

I'd cross the universe to be right where you are

Jareth dropped heavily onto his bed. Ok, he admitted,maybe I was a little upset. Sort ofHe closed his eyes. Truth was…he didn't think he had much of a chance to get Sarah back. By now he was willing to do just about anything for her, but she never called, never asked him. What was he supposed to do now? Drive himself crazy waiting for her?

He'd go the distance, across the world-the universe-to reach her if she'd just ask. He heard her whisper his name before she cried herself to sleep each night, but he needed more than that. Stupid rules, he complained, says I need them to actually ask me to come. When he had visited Sarah freely without an invitation before he'd been breaking the rule but he had been willing to sit through the lectures afterward. Now…well now he didn't want to risk getting yelled at by both Sarah and the court. The motivation just wasn't there anymore. So…he sat…and waited.

He reached out for a pillow. He laughed as he remembered when he was little, and whenever he'd get into trouble and yelled at, he'd disappear to his room and squeeze his…what was it called?…ah, yes, his 'huggie pillow.' He winced. He'd been that pathetic of a boy to resort to such a thing?

He glanced at the pillow in hand, looking inviting. The boyish side of him wanted it, and he groaned. For the love of-I'm a grown man! He thought angrily, bringing the pillow closer and tightly wrapping his arms around it. He frowned. This SO did not happen, thought the evil Goblin King as he fell asleep.

Sarah fell back onto her bed. This had to be the most emotional day she'd had in months. Jareth appeared and wanted to come back, and she was glad he hadn't forgot about her, but stressing out about how to answer. She can't tell him she was working on a novel again…she was supposed to be almost done by now. Slow writer? No.

Plus…she gulped…Jareth had seen Kyle. There's nothing wrong with a friend comforting another, but that's certainly not what Jareth must be thinking. Ahhh! she moaned. Why did my life have to end up like this? I just want to be with Jareth forever…but it can't happen.

Angrily she threw a nearby scatter cushion towards her writing desk.

She slumped up to her pillows. She squeezed one close, falling asleep.

The cushion slipped of page 345.


Hello all, it was getting rather long so I thought I'd give you a break. Get up, stretch, and bring me back some snacks. I mean…um…get yourself some. But if you wanna think of me and make my day…any kind of cookie is welcome J. If you don't remember, in chapter one of My Replacement Kyle called her but she ignored it, only thinking of Jareth. Well, while she still only wants Jareth, she is hanging out with him more. I couldn't find a spot to put that in so I thought I'd add it here. Lol its so overly dramatic I love it hehe. Ahem…sorry if it's annoying. Theres a joke coming up when Kyle is talking to himself, let me know if you get it. Think carefully, I cant wait to see ur answers, my friend had some totally random line and im like 'uh…no.' and she's like 'well where the hell is it!' but its so obvious (laughs as no1 gets it)

Well with that said, and some yummy cookies by my side, here we go!


Jareth awoke suddenly to-was that screaming? He listened harder as he fought of his daze. What the? It was Sarah screaming! He heard her shrieking his name, calling for him. In a second he was dressed and in her room.

She was thrashing violently on her bed, sheets tangled tightly around her. To worried to be thankful it wasn't something worse, he stood beside her bed.

"Sarah!" he shouted over what had turned into sobs. "SARAH!"

"Oh God no!" she choked, "NO!" He reached for her shoulder to shake her but at the touch she jerked away. "Jareth!" She shrieked.

He tried again, getting a good grip and he shook her, screaming his name all the while.

"SARAH!" he thundered, and with one last good shake her eyes opened as she started gasping for breath. She focused her gaze at him and gave a small scream. Having just enough time to roll his eyes at her reaction to him she grabbed him around the neck and fell back onto her mattress, dragging him down along with her.

"Oh my god…"she whispered before lightly kissing his forehead then leaning hers against his. "Oh…I thought…" her eyes were squeezed shut as she started to shake.

"S-Sarah?" he asked as he struggled for breathe from her tight grip around his neck. "What happened?" This was quite a change in attitude.

"Oh god…it…you…" she let go and he straightened a little, leaning on his hands as she looked up at him. "you…I saw…I thought…you had died I was just standing there…I froze and…" she looked terrified, and she curled up in a ball, wrapping the tangled sheets closer around herself.

"I'm right here, it's ok," he whispered as he reached for her shoulder, balancing carefully on the one hand on the mattress.

"No! It's not ok!" she snapped back, tears in her voice. "What if that had actually happened Jareth? If you left me for good?" He straightened at her tone and choice of words.

"Me leaving you for good!" he started, placing his hand back on the bed. "If I remember correctly Sarah, you're the one who asked me to leave." She frowned.

"And do you think I wanted to?"

"How should I know? You haven't seemed to eager about me returning, have you?" She shifted around so she was flat on her back, arms crossed, right underneath his gaze.

"No." She said.

"No?" He asked, so she didn't want him after all? Mental gasp before he asked to make sure. "No what?"

"No I didn't want to. I love you Jareth, you know that."

"You have an odd way of showing it." He grumbled. She heard him and frowned harder.

"It's just…I mean…we can't. It wouldn't work."

"Why not?" he asked, starting to get a bit angry. I swear…if she mentions that other guy…

She paused.


"Because why?" he asked, feeling like a kid trying to get a secret out of another, and it was frustrating as hell.

"Because because." She answered as she rolled over to face the wall.

"Sarah," he warned.

"Jareth," she mimicked his angered tone, but it turned to a whisper. "Leave me alone." He frowned.


"Leave me alone, please." She hissed through clenched teeth.

"No Sarah, I'm staying here until you help me figure out whatever it is you need to figure out. You love me, I love you, what's stopping us from spending eternity together?"


"Sarah do you even have a reason for this?" He asked with a sigh.

"I…" He leaned lower to hear her soft voice. "I…wish the goblins would come and take you away. Right now."

"Now that's just sad," he laughed, finding this terribly amusing. "I'm the Goblin King you know, I can't very well wisk myself away."

"Jareth," she said quietly as she rolled back over with a chuckle. "I called the goblins," her eyes narrowed, "not the king." He froze.

"Damn it!" He yelled as tiny hands grabbed at him. He brushed them off and willed himself away from her victorious smirk.

But I'm right in your backyard

He stared at her building and gave a small snort. The Nerve! He thought angrily. At least her spirit is back. He did admire her quick thinking, and using his own power against him was rather…somehow amusing just didn't fit for his point of view, but he knew Sarah must be enjoying this, sitting happily on her bed.

And I might as well be on Mars

I might as well be on Mars

You can't see me

It was a week later, and Jareth had found it very hard to stay mad. He was back to wanting Sarah beside him and was thinking of ways, once again, to go to her and this time convince her to either come back with him or let him return.

A crystal appeared on his fingertips, and he looked at it, but not through it. He wondered if he should just go straight to her apartment.

No, he thought, she probably isn't in the mood to see me. Actually what was running through his mind was with my luck he'd probably be thereBut it was in the back of his head, he barely paid attention to it.

He brought the crystal closer and peered through it. His heart dropped. She was crying again, brushing her eyes against the pillow in her lap which she was holding tightly, as she was held by the man from earlier.

Sarah sniffed softly and dug her face into her pillow. She was sitting sideways in the lap of Kyle who was sitting 'indian style' on the floor with her knees bent over his, the length of her arm ran down his chest. She leaned her head against his shoulder as she began to shake with tears again. It had been a week since she'd seen Jareth and there was no sign of him recently. She needed him, needed him so badly…but he wasn't there. She rocked back and forth softly as she held the pillow to her.

Kyle wasn't sure why she was so upset, he only heard her cry Jareth in the cushion as her nails dug into it. He leaned against the front end of the bed. He assumed it had been a boyfriend who left her. Jerk. Why would her leave her like this? He made to hold her but she scratched at him. He jumped back a bit, and she tipped out of his lap and quickly hopped up to sit on her bed.

"Sarah?" He asked quietly, still leaning against the beds front, staring at the wall. "What happened last week?"

She didn't answer him, and she fell back onto the bed with her arms spread out. Her knees were bent over the side, and Kyle's hair tickled her where there was a hole in her jeans knee. He leaned his head against her leg and she didn't object.

"…I don't want to talk about it." She answered.

"You have to Sarah-" she huffed "-it's eating you alive. What the hell happened Friday to get you this upset?"

"Kyle I don-"

"What happened six months ago!"

"I really don't want to talk about it!" She said loudly over his shout. He turned to face her.

"Sarah you've been depressed for a while, I want to know what happened. I want to know if I can help you."

"You can't." She said quickly. "No one can." His eyes narrowed.

"Did he do something to you?" Sarah paused.

"D-did who?"


"How do you-"

"Oh for Gods sake, Sarah! You cry his name at night, while you whimper in the corner at the bar-yes I've seen you there-and when you curl up in a ball like tonight!" She glared at him, but she was more angry with herself. She hadn't wanted anyone to know, but apparently, from what Kyle was saying, she'd made it obvious to everyone.

"It wasn't him." She said weakly. He rolled his eyes.

"What else could it be?" She looked away from him.

"What did he do to you?"

"Nothing." She said quietly.

"Sarah." He said warningly.

"I said nothing!"


"God Kyle! Me, ok?"

"What?" He asked a little quieter, though it was just under a shout.

"It…" she swallowed, "it was all me."

"I don't understand you…" he'd gotten softer now, just about a conversational level.

"What don't you understand? I did this to myself! Ok! Not him-me!" Kyle looked at her with an expression clearly saying what the hell are you talking about?

"I left him." Her fingers played with each other and she studied them intensely, not looking up to see him.

Kyle was silent. Why would she leave him when clearly her world revolved around this man? Seriously, he thought, she's a living Zoloft commercial.

"Ok…" he started slowly, "why?"

"I can't tell you…" she said sitting up and facing him. He frowned.

"Why not?"

"Because odds are he's listening…and…he wouldn't understand." His eyebrow rose.

"He's…listening? From where?" he asked skeptically.

"Just trust me…he's not your average Joe boyfriend."

"Stalker?" Sarah burst out laughing.

"No nothing like that." She laid down and had a feeling someone was watching her, aside from Kyle. She closed her eyes and tried to tell where it was coming from. It felt like it was coming from…above her. She opened her eyes and looked in the direction she'd felt and smiled.

"I love you Jareth," she said to the air.

Kyle shook his head. Talking to yourself is a bad sign, he said to himself.

I might as well be the man on the moon

You can't hear me

Jareth watched angrily as she rocked in his lap. Jealousy was sinking in once again and plots involving a sword and a certain human were running through his head. He smirked as she scratched him when he tried to put his arms around her. Serves him right.

As he thought, she didn't want to talk about last week. He sighed. When was he going to get the nerve to try again when he had that waiting for him? She was saving her anger for him, wasn't she?

He watched as the man, Kyle he learned was his name, pushed Sarah to tell him what happened and was surprised to see how defensive she got so quickly.

"-I want to know if I can help you." Jareth sighed. Don't we all? He thought sarcastically.

"You can't." She snapped. "No one can."

"Did he do something to you?" Jareth sat straight.

"Oh no…don't you dare try to blame this on me you brat!" Not sure himself which one he was yelling at.

"D-did who?"

"Jareth." His brow furrowed. She'd told Kyle about him? He hadn't heard Sarah say his name for a while now, not without him rushing to see what she was doing.

"How do you-"

"Oh for Gods sake, Sarah!" Jareth frowned as she recoiled at the yell. "You cry his name at night, while you whimper in the corner at the bar-yes I've seen you there-and when you curl up in a ball like tonight!"

Jareth wasn't sure what to think. Hey, at least she's thinking of me, he thought weakly. He shook his head. He'd seen how teary she got when that happened and suddenly wished he weren't on her mind so often. That, or she'd just tell him what went wrong.

"What did he do to you?" Jareth snarled at the question. It's always my fault, isn't it!

"Nothing." Good, someone agrees with me.

"Sarah." Kyle said warningly.

"I said nothing!"


"God Kyle! Me, ok?" Jareth stared hard through the crystal.


"It…it was all me."

"I don't understand you…"

"What don't you understand? I did this to myself! Ok! Not him-me!" While he was glad his name was clear once more, he desperately wanted the man before her to ask what she did, so he could find out himself.

"I left him." No-besides that! He thought hurriedly, sitting on the edge of his chair.

"Ok…" the man started slowly, "why?" Good. Now, Sarah, tell him…

"I can't tell you…" Jareth angrily let out the breathe he'd been holding. What?

"Why not?" Kyle asked her.

"Because odds are he's listening…and…he wouldn't understand." Jareth fumed.

"Sarah!" He yelled, "I need to know what went wrong! Just tell him! Tell me! How long are you going to do this? How-oh haha. Stalker, yea hilarious!" He mumbled the last bit angrily as he slouched in the chair.

Oh, can you feel me

So close, and yet, so far

He peered through the glass and was surprised to see Sarah looking straight up to him, looking almost directly into his eyes.

"I love you Jareth," she smiled.

Baby I might as well be on Mars

Again, one week later:

The small humor of the conversation with Kyle was completely gone. After that episode, as soon as he'd left, she'd fallen the farthest into her depression yet. She'd felt Jareth watching her then and knew he must be mad.

Pages of her story littered the ground as she sat in the dark of her room . She was curled on her couch, facing the wall, with As The World Falls Down softly playing, floating around her. She couldn't think straight. She watched the one lit candle's flame dance happily on the wick, hating it with all her might. She turned her head down and placed them on her arms that wrapped around her knees.

Too tired to glare, too unmotivated to shout at nothing again, she sat. Thinking….thinking about anything she could but him. She mustn't think if Jareth, not when she was like this…but she did.

His smile haunted her dreams, she saw his eyes in the dark, his shadow next to hers.

She got up and barely noticed as she glided to the door. She floated softly down the hallway, her feet barely making a sound on the floor. She vaguely saw she was climbing stairs and didn't mind at all she was outside on the roof in December without a jacket.

Baby I can't fly

She walked to the side and sat on the raised brick wall. She wished she were like him, able to fly away to the moon. She closed her eyes and took a deep breathe, a tear sliding down her cheek. How she longed to be in the Underground with her king.

If I could I'd come down to ya

She opened her eyes and raised her head as she stood.

Maybe I should try

One jump would end it all. She remembered staring down with fading hope at Toby as she tried to win him back from Jareth all those years ago. The thought of leaving Toby forever pained her, but nothing compared to what she had been living with. One jump and she'd fall down…down…to one underground or another.

I'm on the roof and I'm staring at the stars

Looking down at all the cars

She watched the cars below speed by, and wondered if it were high enough up. How many stories up was she anyway? Five? Six? She didn't remember. Everything was hazy. Haze…maze…labyrinth…Jareth. He was everywhere! Or was she making him? She put her hands to her face, nails clawing her forehead as she tried to collect herself. She was driving herself mad and blaming him for it. She wanted it over with. Just to fall into the traffic.

Jareth had a bad feeling about something…but he couldn't put his finger on it. Something told him he should be somewhere else but…he didn't know what to do. Sarah hadn't called him, or even mumbled his name all day, and she must have cried herself to sleep by now. He never got used to the strange human clock with only twenty-four hours, but he assumed it was somewhere around three in the morning there.

As the feeling continued, he got nervous and decided to check on Sarah. A crystal appeared on his finger tips and he frowned. She looked like she was outside, but she certainly wasn't dressed for it. As the picture became clearer and wider, he recognized where she was at. She was on the roof of her building, a place he had landed many times before.

I can see you

What was-she wouldn'tHe thought anxiously. She couldn't possibly want to jump!

He was just about to will himself to her when she turned and ran to the rooftop door. He stared at the building for a moment before she appeared outside and running down the front path. He continued to watch her run. She ran for miles, tears clear on her face. She'd been to afraid to jump and to afraid to admit it.

He willed himself behind her, following slowly.

Finally, she stopped outside a building Jareth recognized at once.

In the window of your favorite corner bar

She walked to the door and placed a hand on it, and Jareth turned into an alley. He summoned a crystal and watched her shake her head and walk away. Turning into an owl he flew up and landed on a lamp post. Sarah shuffled down the street. He followed cautiously as she turned this way and that, shivering all the while as snow landed and brushed against her bare arms.

Jareth wanted both to help and stay hidden. Unable to think of a good solution, he was forced to watch her shake.

But your reach is just to far

She had taken the long way home, and was now walking up the front. She stopped and looked up at the towering building, wondering if she really wanted to go in. She continued and went up the stairs to her apartment. She felt angry at herself, walking all the way over there and not even going in. Something had stopped her.

Jareth landed in a tree outside in her yard, looking at Sarah's window.

And I might as well be on Mars

I might as well be on Mars

You can't see me

Sarah closed the blinds, blocking off Jareths already poor view. Jareth flew to the ground and straightened up. On his fingers appeared a crystal, and he looked in to see Sarah on her couch as usual. Again he felt the confusion of what was going through her head, the anger at her stubbornness, longing to help her but the helpless feeling of not knowing how.

I might as well be the man on the moon

You can't hear me

"Sarah…" he whispered to the ball. "Let me help you…" but he knew it was pointless. She couldn't hear him. "Just tell me what to do…" He sighed and stepped lightly up the walk to a bench. With a quick gesture the snow was off it and he sat down, taking his eyes away from the crystal to her room.

Oh, can you feel me?

He desperately wanted her to know what he was willing to do to have her back, but she wouldn't listen to him. For the hundredth time he found himself wondering-if you know that I need you this much, know that I love you, and your world is falling, why won't you tell me what's wrong?

"I love you," he whispered without noticing. He dropped the crystal, shattering at once.

It was late and he called it a day. Again tomorrow he would come and wait for the right time to talk with her once more. He stood up and with one last glance at her window, flew slowly away.

Sarah felt him nearby. He was there…he was here. She scanned her room but saw nothing.

Outside! She gasped as she jumped up. Her tired, abused body felt full of energy. She dashed to the door and rushed down the stairs, stumbling a little, unused to the movement. Her body moved on its own. She didn't understand why she was running to him when she had spent the last week doing her best to avoid him.

She stopped as her socks hit snow where the roof ended and didn't block the snowfall. It was only a moment that she paused though, running to the middle of the yard. She looked at the lone bench and shuffled over to it. Something sparkled prettily on the ground…

So close, and yet, so far

She recognized it at once. Jareths crystal. But no Jareth.

She looked up and in the distance, and even with the sun just barely up, she saw an owl flying slowly away. A red star glittered in the sky.

Baby I might as well be on Mars

(Sideways glance. authors twin sneaks up behind and hits author on the back of the head with a frying pan and drags body away. Steals keyboard)

Bwahahaha! My name is Melanie! I wrote this story! BOWIEgirl may claim to have written this but no! It was I!

(author (amy) wakes up) MELANIE! What are you doing?

MEL: got to go! (runs away)

Middle of the night:

(creeeek, amy's bedroom window opens) Ahaha! (Melanie kidnaps author, throws her in bag, drags her up chimney, stuffs her into sleigh) Now I can claim this! But I must get rid of the body. (Starts sleigh off the house and flies off roof. Then realizes… its not Christmas.) Crap. (falls out of sky)

Ahhhhhhhh! (Thud) Ouch…(Looks in bag…empty…)Nooooo! (Author escaped) (Raises hands to sky)


(Amy sneaks back into room and turns on sound therapy thingy)

Amy: Ahhh now I can sleep (snuggles under blankets)


Melanie is still outside. Realizing how cold it is she attempts to go in through the window.

Mel: darn she locked it! (jiggles balcony doorknob) Crud. Locked. (runs to every window and door of the house-all closed and locked. Security alarms go off as she tries to break in thru the authors window once more)

Mel: Amy let me in! I didn't mean it-it's yours! Let me in its cold! Amy! Amy I know you can hear me!

Amy: (rolls over) that's a weird sound…(turns knob to Summer Night) there we go…all better…

Mel: (tap tap tap) PLEASE! ITS COLD!

Amy: (snore snore snore)