Inuyasha gazed at the ground and stared at Kagome. Kagome, she never changed. Well that was wrong she had changed. In the past two years she had grown stronger, wiser, and more mature. Right now she was playing a game with Sango, something called solitaire. Both girls were laughing and having a good time.

Inuyasha sighed and closed his eyes and fell asleep. It was easy to fall asleep. The weather was perfect. It was a balmy day with a warm breeze. Once asleep Inuyasha saw Kagome's face. She was laughing.

"Inuyasha! Hurry up!" Kagome was saying in his dream. She was running, running really fast towards the well. "If you don't catch me, I won't come back!" Inuyasha's heart lurched. What? Was she serious? Kagome ran faster and faster and he seemed to run slower and slower. She was there at the well. Kagome turned around and saw how far behind he was and she looked sad. "Goodbye Inuyasha." she said and jumped down.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha yelled and jerked awake. He looked around and saw he was still in his tree.

"Uh Inuyasha did you need something?" Kagome asked from below. He looked down and she and Sango were staring at him in wonder. Inuyasha realized he must have called out in his sleep and said,

"Can't you and Sango keep it down? You woke me up!" He hoped that excuse would work.

Kagome stared up at the tree and raised an eyebrow. She and Sango had been silent for the last ten minuets. Sango reading and Kagome doing her homework. "Uh sure Inuyasha we'll keep it down." Kagome looked over at Sango and just shrugged her shoulders.

Kagome decided that her homework was close enough to being done so she closed her book and picked up her diary. After the defeat of Narku, Kagome wanted to keep a record of her life. She decided that after she had nearly died. If she died she wanted to leave something behind for her loved ones.

June 17

I came back from the mordern world today. I miss mom and Gramps and Sota but I love being here with Sango, Mirkou, Shippo, and of course Inuyasha. The weather today is perfect. Warm with a slight breeze. I wish the weather was like this all the time. Of course if that were to happen, I'd probably end up hating this kind of weather.

I'm glad school's out, but I still feel trapped with all the summer school work that I have. Since Narku is dead I can stay close to Keade's village and return regularly. Mom said that she would buy me a lap top so next year I can do school over the internet. I just hope that I can get internet in the Feudal Era.

The oddest thing happend today. Sango and I went to our favorite tree just to hand out and talk about girl things of course! But when we got there, we discovered Inuyasha in the tree. We still stayed because we're used to having him around.

Anyway after Sango and I had played a few rounds of speed and solitaire she read one of the romance novels I brought back for her and I started some homework that needed to be done. About ten minuets of us being completely quite, Inuyasha yelled "Kagome!" at the top of his lungs. Sango and I both jumped about ten feet in the air. We looked up and noticed that Inuyasha was glancing around him like he didn't know where he was. When I asked him what was up he basically told me and Sango to shut up because we woke him up. Unless the turning of a page can wake him up, I'm pretty sure we weren't the cause.

What caused him to yell my name out? He sounded...scared? No that can't be the right word. Inuyasha is never scared, but I guess the right word would be desperate, but I can't possibly think why.

Kagome shut her journal and stared at the sky. A wispy could would drift by lazily every few minuets. "Kagome what are you thinking about?" Sango asked taking her nose out of the book.

"Oh nothing. I just wish there were more days like this." Kagome replied with a smile. Sango smiled back.

"Me too."

Okay that was the first chapter! What did you all think? I know that this chapter was really slow and nothing really happened, but that will change in the next few chapters or so I promise! Well I hope everyone replies and I'll probably update every week.