Hey, it's been nearly two years since I bothered with fanfics. For those of you who are waiting for me to update my old ones, I'm working on it. It's just that I'm stuck on both Gravitational Go and Damn Him! Don't worry, I'm slowly working on them bit by bit…hopefully I'll get a chapter or two out by the end of the year…

Anyway, this is a Naruto fanfic, since my interested have turned on Naruto these days.

Disclaimer: Naruto belongs to the creator and those who have the rights to the wonderful manga and anime. Also, the idea of the parallel universe council thing goes to Debra Goldsmith of her wonderful Ranma1/2 fanfics such as Genma's Daughter. This fanfic is sort of based on Debra's sequel to Genma's Daughter, Equal Hearts. Just to let you know, the only thing that is mine is…hmm…now that I think about it, I don't think anything is mine to claim. Oh well, just enjoy this fic and please read Debra's fanfics. Even if you're not into Ranma1/2, they're still very good.

Warning: This fic contains yaoi and yuri. If you don't like it, then don't read it. Although there are pairings that are m/f.

Rating: R for the sake of the bad language, violence, and sex. However there will be no lemon, unless someone wants to write it for me.

Pairings:SasuNaru, KakaIru, SakuLee, KibaShino, ShikaIno, NejiTenten, ItaHina

There will be more…I just need to know more about Naruto

Without anymore delays…let's began the fic!

Title:My Shadow, Your Shadow, Our Shadow

Author:Mei Neko

Chapter One:WTF?

It had all started out with a stupid prank that she had thought up. The idea began when she was finished with her small part time job at the noodle shop while her girlfriend was eating loads of ramen. It grew while she had let the old man take over her shift and as she walked her girlfriend home, the blueprints had been complete to the utter end.

Who knew that a few choice comments by some ANBU could help make a prank that would make even her girlfriend blush?

And who would also know that karma would finally bite her in the ass while she got ready for the bloody prank? Now that she thought about it, why had she not just lost a fight once in a while? It seems all of her good karma had been used up while she was winning! Hell, what did that matter? What mattered to her right now was that someone had caught her in the middle of her prank.

The sad part of it was that it was not the Hokage or even her aniki that had caught her. It was just some random woman, not even a ninja! Not only that, but the woman had made a ton of bloody noise by laughing her ass off at her! Stupid woman had broken into her plans since the two ran off before any of the neighbors could look out to see what was making the noise.

When she had finally found a clearing that was away from the village, she had yelled at the woman for screwing everything up. At the back of her mind, she noticed that while she was screaming and yelling her head off, the woman looked at her in amusement. That looked reminded her of her sensei who often enough seemed to be laughing at everyone. When she finally took a break from her everlasting words of insults and bitching, the woman had gotten up and grinned down at her.

"My, such an amusing creature you are. Much different then I thought you were. Very different." The woman mused.

"What the fk are you talking about onna!"

"Of course, such vulgarity and spirit is needed and I do want that promotion soon. But will it work? Seems too simple, but that lower level agent managed to pull it off…"

Now the woman was mumbling to herself about agents, chaos, wishes, and rocks that made her sound like a lunatic.

"Whatever onna, I got a prank to finish, later."

With the final parting, she had hoped to slip away before the woman got her bearings back. Sure the woman was hot, nice bust size that might even beat the Hokage, but all that weird mumbling turned her off.

"Not so fast there, little girl."

She felt something lifted her up from the ground, something that seemed even more powerful then herself. A yell escaped from her lips as she twisted and turned, trying to escape from the invisible grasp that held her. She looked down and was surprised that the woman was now glowing with power and had some sort of crazed looked that reminded her of one of her rivals. Only this look had no bloodlust in them.

Which maybe a good thing here.

"I'm afraid I need you to go on a little trip from me. Usually we have procedures that are done in a much more professional way, but due to complaints of relatives and such, we're still trying to find some newer method. Especially when trying to keep up with all the new trends and stuff. But don't worry! I'll personally deliver a note to your loved ones of your safety. Although it might take you about a month or so for you to get back!"

She stared in shock at the strange woman. A month! WTF!

"Hell no! Tomorrow is my birthday bitch! I'm going to have a birthday date with-"

"Yes, yes, I know. But not this year I'm afraid. You'll just have to make do with what you got. Give the guy a holler for me, okay! Ja!"

With that said, the woman disappeared, along with everything else.

Uzumaki Naruto was not a happy customer. Today happened to be one of the worst days in the world for him and damn it all it just plain sucks.

Usually his days would start out with waking up early, eat ramen, go and wait two hours for training with his team, train, get lunch, mooch around with his very few friends, eat ramen, go pull a prank if he could, train, eat ramen, go to bed, and so on. Sometimes he would get lucky and get a mission or two from the Hokage that might take him a week or two before he went back to his mundane life. Hell, even his own birthday was like this since he knew.

However, today, training was canceled, his two team members had disappeared, mobs of girls were running around Konoha, and most of the stores were sold out of everything except for grocery items. The only small blessing that Naruto could find was that the ramen shop was not closed. However, he had little to no pocket money on him due to rent and that he had bought a few scores of ramen cases.

"Damn that Uchiha!"

Today was the day that Uchiha Sasuke was born and it was the day that many females of Konoha would do their best to make and complete the ultimate birthday gift of their idol's needs. Personally, Naruto thought that it was stupid of the females to think that they could give the bastard the best birthday gift ever. First off, they would have to kill Itachi and bring his head on a silver platter. Then they would have to kill Orochimaru and have his head on a platter. After that, they would have to bring the entire Uchiha clan back to life. These would be the only things that would make the bastard happy and giving his undying gratitude for life.

But alas! None of the females who were amour with the lone Uchiha were strong enough to give the bastard his ultimate wish. It was pity since with the bastard still being single; all the guys would have to wait until they get a chance with the girls. That and Naruto might get a chance with Sakura.

Naruto gave a snort at that. Like hell he could. He wasn't stupid, but it was nice to have some form of hope that Sakura would noticed him more then just a friend or a teammate. However, as mentioned before, none of the single females were out and about. Even Hinata was gone, mostly due to the fact that her team had a mission and would not be back until the day after tomorrow. Out of all the females, Naruto found Hinata to be the most sensible one, when she finally got over her stuttering. Mostly because the girl hardly ever spoke of the bastard and that she always talked about interesting stuff. Stuff that Naruto sometimes pays attention to.

The blond vessel sighed before he walked away from the village to a clearing to start his own self-training. Hey, just because it was the bastard's birthday, it doesn't mean that he should spend his doing nothing. As he walked, he briefly thought about hanging out with his other friends before he shook his head. Shikamaru was cool at times, but Naruto was fairly sure that the guy had some sort of boring stuff to do. Choiji was probably hanging out with Ino. Naruto believed that the plump guy was forced to eat Ino's cooking as a taste tester. Kiba and Shino were gone like Hinata. He had thought about hanging with Lee, but he quickly threw that idea out. He liked Lee, but if the guy was hanging with Gai…

Then there was Neji and Tenten, but Naruto was slightly uncomfortable with them. The blond thought that Tenten would most likely hand with Ino and Sakura on this day and Neji sometimes gets violent whenever Naruto asks him questions. Iruka-sensei was currently teaching class and Naruto knew better then to hang out with Kakashi-sensei.

It was at this time that Naruto tripped and kissed the grass and dirt. WTF! Damn it! The whole world was against him! Stupid rock made him trip! The blond was about to take his frustration on the poor rock when something else caught his eye.

The something else turned out to be a person. And that person turned out to be about his age and who was female. Before, Naruto had always believed that Haruno Sakura was the most beautiful girl for him. Now, after seeing this girl, all thoughts of Sakura had left his mind.

She looked to be about his height, maybe even a bit taller then that. She had pale skin and long black hair that looked like silky ribbons. There was something about her that made Naruto remember about the story of the Moon Princess. If Naruto were any younger, he would have even believed that this beautiful girl was the Moon Princess. The blond shook his head to rid of his more stupid thoughts before he took a closer look at the sleeping girl.

The first thing he thought was strange was her footwear. Unlike most people in Konoha, she did not wear the usual sandals, but black boots. Her long legs had two sets of stocking on them. The outer most was white, baggy, and only reached just below her knees. The inner most stockings were black, tight fitting, and reached about a few inches short of the hem of her shorts. Naruto blushed as he looked down at her shorts. They were the tightest and shortest things he had ever seen on a real girl. Even Ino, known to be sexy out of the females, wouldn't even try to wear them! He quickly looked away from the shorts and blushed again. The girl had a good figure for sure. Wearing a tight black midriff that covered up to her neck, it showed off the nice rack she had. The only things that were bare on her top were her shoulders and the tips of her fingers.

Naruto plopped down next to the girl. The girl could be an enemy, but he noticed the symbol on her forehead protector to be of Konoha. But, then, wouldn't he know about the girl? He was pretty sure he would have remembered a girl this beautiful if she were in the village. Hell, he was pretty sure all of the guys would have mentioned about a girl this beautiful. Even that bastard. It was possible that the girl was new, but then there would have been at least one ANBU around to watch over her and he was pretty sure most of the ANBU hated his guts.

He sighed and looked down at her. Naruto then thought that the reason he had never seen her was that the people had warned her about him. Him the kyuubi. He muttered a few choice words before he stared at her again. In a strange way, she looked a little like that bastard, only a whole heck of a lot more beautiful and she didn't have that pissed off look on her face. But that could be the fact that she was sleeping.


Naruto blinked as the girl began to wake up. Her eyes slowly opened to reveal onyx eyes and her nose wrinkled in the process of waking up. Naruto had to hold back a chuckle at the face of the girl waking up. It was obvious that she was not happy person when waking up. She slowly turned her head and her eyes were half open until she was staring at Naruto. The blond blushed under her stare, in a way she did looked like that bastard.

That thought changed quickly when she smiled at him. At that point, Naruto felt that his mind had melted underneath that beautiful smile. And her eyes held something that Naruto swore he would never be in the receiving end of. They were filled with love and warmth. The best part of it was that it was aimed all at him!

"Hey." She murmured with her smile. Naruto blushed as she rolled over to him and slowly picked herself up to face him.

"H-hey." He stammered. The girl giggled and then nuzzled her nose into the crook of his neck. Naruto gave an "Eep!" before he froze at the sensations that her nose was giving to his skin. The girl giggled once again and vibrations tickled his skin again.

"Ah, still so shy, Naru-chan? Really now, it's morning and it's my birthday. You haven't even wished me a happy birthday yet."

Thankfully the girl pulled away from his neck to pout at him. This however made Naruto blush and feel like a heel.

"U-um, H-happ-py B-bir-rthda-ay." He mumbled. In the back of his mind, he pitied the poor girl for having the same birthday as the bastard. Then he blinked as he remembered that this girl had called him "Naru-chan." That meant that she knew him.

The girl giggled at his stammering before a small frown landed on her face. Naruto gulped as he thought up possible scenarios of what was going to happen next. Most likely the girl was going to realized just who he is and put him down. The thought hurt him quite a bit. It just felt so nice that someone was looking at him like he was the most precious thing in the world.

"Naru-chan. As cute as you are a boy, you know that I like you as a girl just as much. Besides, your bust is getting a bit bigger and there's nothing to be ashamed about having a B cup. I'm sure your growth spurt is going to come soon anyways. Pretty soon you'll have a nicer rack then Sakura's."

Naruto have heard a lot of excuses and explanations in his life, that includes the ones from Kakashi, but this one takes the cake. He blinked and stared at the girl for a moment. His brain was slowly taking in the words that the girl had said to him.

'Okay, she just told me that I was cute. That is good. Then she said something about liking me as a girl. Okay, that means she's seen my Centerfold no jutsu. And I do look hot using it. Wait a minute…if she likes me as a girl, doesn't that mean she's, what's that word? Oh yeah, she's gay. But if she thinks I like cute as a guy, doesn't that mean that she likes me as a guy as well? Okay, too much thinking on that. Now she just mentioned on my bust! Wait a second! Centerfold no jutsu has a nice rack! There's no way the rack was a B cup! It was at least a D! And what's that about a growth spurt! Is she saying that I'm short!'

"Hey! I'm not short!" he yelled out. He blushed as the girl blinked at him before she laughed at him.

"Kawaii! Naru-chan you just crack me up. But seriously, change back to a girl."

"I'm not a girl! I'm a boy! And just who the hell are you!" Naruto yelled, angry that he was being laughed at. He instantly regretted yelling at her when she glared at him.

"What the hell are you talking about? You're a girl not a guy! I know that since we've been having sex ever since we've past our jounin exams!" she snapped. Naruto blinked at that. A jounin? This girl was a jounin! And they had sex!

"No way! I would have remembered having sex with you! I'm still a virgin! And I haven't even taken those exams yet!" he yelled again. The girl paled at that and then growled as she lifted his shirt up. Naruto yelped as he tried to pull it down, but the girl was stronger and she had gotten a good look at the seal.

"Damn it. That's the seal, but what the hell happened to you? No one can be messing up your damn brain and your body like this. Unless…" the girl muttered angrily before she stopped and then snarled. This made Naruto jumped back a bit. Now this girl was really reminding him of that bastard. The two even got angry the same way. Then quickly, the girl grabbed him and tossed him over her shoulder like a sack of rice and ran quickly back into the village.

"HEY! WTF!" Naruto screamed as he tried to struggle out of the grasp. Damn, but that girl was strong as hell! Which was rather unusual since he had the kyuubi and the extra power. So why was it that this strange girl was able to hold him down and run like hell?

"Be quiet! I need to get you to the old hag!" she snapped back without slowing her pace. Naruto ignored the comment and kept on struggling. He could barely see his surroundings. The blond briefly thought that he saw a couple of his friends, but he wasn't too sure due to the fact that the girl was going too fast for him to cry out help. It was then that he realized that he was in a good position to stare at the girl's ass. He took the time to watch the shorts ride up an inch or two at every interval.

For the first time in his life, Naruto gave up trying to fight and just enjoyed the view.