I'm really thrilled you're showing so much interest in my Smurf stories! Thank you so much, and here's two chapters of another! I wrote Smurfette's Decision for my sister, but this one was for me. If you couldn't tell from the title, Brainy's my favorite! This story is, well...it's rather strange, and you'll be seeing how strange pretty soon.

I hope you enjoy it, and please let me know what you think:D

Disclaimer: I do not own the Smurfs. Please don't sue me or steal my story. Thanks!

Brainy's Glasses
By Rowena

Chapter One: Too Hot to Smurf

It was the hottest day of the year. Even the clouds were wilting. Humidity hung down like a suffocating curtain. Everywhere, humans went about their jobs with an irritable sluggishness. The marketplace, usually a bustle of activity, now operated at more of a tired gasp. Even the Smurfs, in their own village, were being affected. The heat was making them snappy and churlish and very short tempered. But, even arguments were difficult to keep up in such weather.

Papa Smurf peered out the window of his laboratory, mopping his blue brow with his red handkerchief.

"According to my calculations, this unsmurfy weather is going to continue for three more days," he said to himself. "There is no way I can expect my poor little Smurfs to perform their jobs well if I can't concentrate myself in all this heat. There's only one thing left for me to do.

"Harmony!" he called. A sagging Smurf holding a shiny trumpet limply in one blue hand drooped sluggishly over to Papa Smurf's window from where he'd been sitting panting in the feeble shade of the mushroom-shaped Smurfhouse across the way.

"Yes, Papa Smurf?" he asked tiredly.

"Harmony, I want you to call an emergency meeting in front of my house, right away."

"But, Papa Smurf! It's too hot, even to blow my horn!"

"You have to do it, Harmony. I have a very important announcement, and I want everysmurf to hear it."

Harmony sighed, then wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. "Yes, Papa Smurf. But, I'll have to warn you. With all this heat and humidity, my playing won't be up to its usual standard."

"It doesn't have to be, Harmony," Papa Smurf said. "We probably won't even notice the difference."

Harmony slunk sluggishly to the space before Papa Smurf's house, then started blowing his trumpet with all his might.

Papa Smurf resisted the urge to cover his ears as the sounds of Harmony's awful playing filtered through the humidity and seeped into every corner of the village. Smurfs slumped irately towards it, grumbling about having to move in such awful weather or else shouting for Harmony to smurf-up. When all the Smurfs in the village had gathered before Papa Smurf's doorstep-including the four Smurflings and Farmer Smurf, who had come all the way from the smurfberry fields-their earlier grumbles now replaced with curious murmurs, Papa Smurf stepped out of his house to address them.

"My little Smurfs," he announced, raising his hands for quiet. "I'm afraid I have some bad news."

The gathered Smurfs were suddenly very concerned.

"What is it Papa Smurf?"

"Is something wrong?"

"Can I help, Papa Smurf?"

Papa Smurf raised his hands again. "Wait until you've heard it," he said. "Unfortunately, this most unsmurfy weather is going to continue for three more days."

A collective groan went up from the gathered Smurfs.

"So," Papa Smurf announced, over the growing complaints, "I've decided to give you all those three days off from work."

Now, there was a collective cheer.

"I want to see everysmurf down by the River Smurf in ten minutes for a day of swimming, games, and fun!" Papa Smurf shouted over the enthusiastic cheers.

"Hooray!" the Smurfs shouted. Suddenly, everysmurf in the village had energy, and to spare. The change in mood was remarkable. Papa Smurf congratulated himself on a decision well made, then rushed to get into his own bathing suit.