At The Crossroads

Summary: AU fic. Voldemort did not attack that fateful day. The Potters have another son a year later. When the Prophecy is misread, Keith Potter is thought to be the One who would defeat the Dark Lord. Harry grows up neglected. On a failed attack on the Potters, Voldemort decides to raise a bitter Harry to be his heir. Years later, Harry would stand at a crossroads in his lifeā€¦

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Okay everyone, this is my first fic. So go easy on me.


A 5 year-old Harry Potter sat in his bed thinking. Why had his life changed so drastically? For as long as his memory serves him, he had been loved since the moment he was born. He could remember the tender care his mother Lily had showered onto him, and the mischievous smiles on his father James and Uncle Padfoot's faces.

However, all that came to an abrupt halt since the birth of his brother, Keith, and the Order's knowledge of the Prophecy. He remembered being a little worried that his parents would forget all about him in favor of their new child. He had asked his Mummy about it.


"Mummy, would you chuck me into that cupboard like my old teddy once Keith is born?", Harry asked in a small voice. "Why would you ask that", replied his mother. "I'm afraid that you would not love me anymore", Harry said with wide unblinking emerald eyes. "I will always love you, my son.", his mother said in a kindly voice. And he believed her.

End flashback

Keith Mikhail Potter was 2 years younger than him. Harry however, had soon come to love the blue-eyed (how he got those was a mystery to the family), red-haired baby. Though his parents came to his room to play with him less frequently, he could understand that they DID have to take care of Keith too. But then it happened. Nearly 10 months after Keith was born.

He had wanted to go to the kitchen to ask his mummy for his favorite candy, Chocolate Frogs, when he noticed that there was heated discussion going on in the main hall (Lets assume that Godric's Hollow was used as the Headquarters for the Order of the Turkey). Unable to quell his growing curiosity, he silently snuck in. He could see an old wizard with a long white beard addressing the rest, who were all clad in scarlet robes with an insignia of what seemed to him like a turkey (it was his favorite dish, especially roasted ones) or some unrecognizable bird.


"So Keith is the boy who would defeat You-Know-Who?", asked James suspiciously. "I believe that would be true", answered the old wizard clad regally in strange purple robes. "I'm also afraid that Voldemort knows of it, or part of it, I should say", he continued.

"HOW?", asked several wizards in unison. "I'm afraid it was a slip-up on my part. I did not notice Tom's spy until it was too late", the old wizard answered gravely. "Albus, does this mean that Keith would be in great danger from You-Know-Who?", his mother had asked softly with a pale face. "Yes, I would say so. But it is advantageous that Godric's Hollow is under the Fidelius Charm, though he must keep up our guard, especially on young Keith", the old man whom was called Albus replied, his face looking older and more ancient by the minute.

End Flashback

Ever since that day, his parents almost never came up to his room anymore and hardly spoke to him. James and Lily seemed to spend all their free time playing and laughing with Keith. He, Harry, would almost always get monosyllabic, terse replies whenever he tried to talk to his parents. He could not help but feel embittered towards his parents and slightly jealous of his brother.

It was Harry's daily wish to see his parents beside his bed when he woke up in the morning. That wish though, never came through. Harry's birthdays, once a happy event always worth remembering, was now usually forgotten. Only his Uncle Moony would always remember it, never failing to bring him a present despite his financial and career difficulties.

Right now though, they were busily preparing for Keith's birthday party, which was always a big thing, probably due to the fact that it coincided with the anniversary of the founding of the Order.

The door clicked open. Harry turned, looked and shouted "Daddy!". Maybe he was wrong. His parents still do care for him and his daddy have finally remembered to play with him. "There you are, Harry my son. Listen, you must be eagerly waiting for your brother's party, eh. So tell me, what are your bro's favorite candies. And toys. I want to get some for him.", his father asked with excitement.

The big smile that had been on his face left quickly. So his father had not come to talk to him or play with him. Merely to ask about his Keith. He turned and ran out of his room, out of the house and into the lush field besides the Hollow. 'Whats wrong with him', James asked himself mentally with a quizzical expression on his face.

It was then that young Harry gave up hope of ever getting his parents attention and love.

So my readers. How is this for a first chapter? Is it good? Or is it total crap fit for the bin. Please review and tell me your comments.

I know this sort of neglected Harry fic is quite common. But I think it's a nice idea to combine it with a "raised as the dark heir" sort of fic. I plan to skip right to the period where Harry is fifteen or maybe fourteen or sixteen and full of hatred and bitterness and goes to Hoggy Hogwarts . Will Harry see the light? Suggestions welcome.

Next chapter- The Attack