Disclaimer: Honey, I don't need own Naruto to write fanfiction.

Penname: LiveLoveLaugh

FanFiction Story: Little Tortoise

Summary: It was frowned upon if a kunoichi fell in love with a civilian. SakuraOC Suggestive content and light maturity.

AN: I had seen a ton of SasuOC and NaruOC, and there's only one or two about Sakura pairing with an OC. So what the hell, why not be another rare one? I'm not good with OC being main character but I'll give it a shot. Please no flamers, they burn.

Chapter One

Freaks Converse

It wasn't so much of a fantastic day for Sakura.

"NARUTO! You promised me!"

"I'm not coming out!"

"You had better Naruto-baka! Now open this door before I yank it open!"

It wasn't a picnic at the park for Naruto either.

Especially when he was dragged torturously down his cobbled sidewalk near his apartment, while being tightly chained with a death grip on his wrist by a crazy eighteen-year old roseate-haired devil child.

"NO! No! No!"

"YES! Yes! Yes!"








"Yes! And that's final!"

"FINE! At least let me get my shoes, I'm barefooted and it's a Saturday! And the streets are cold!"

And the useless conversation ended when they entered into a supermarket, Sakura dragged Naruto into aisles he never entered in before. He usually just went to the front cashier where they sold boxes of instant ramen, paid, and got the hell out of there before the owner could send seething glares at him.

She grabbed dozens of carrots, packages of mixed vegetables, six apples, cans of tomato and chicken noodle soup, a bar of antibacterial hand soap, guava shampoo and conditioner, scented body wash formula, orange juice, milk, light bulbs, seven pounds of white rice, soy sauce, a carton of eggs, ham, pans, pots, cups with handles, pasta noodles, a pound of coffee, and—

"Scotch tape? Why would I need scotch tape?" Naruto asked skeptically, raising his brows.

Sakura slapped paper money on the cashier counter, "You'll see…"

Of course later that hour, the roll of transparent sticky strips proved its potential when Naruto's electric blue eyes bulged out of his skull when his best friend pushed him into a burger joint.

He almost made a run for the ramen stand if it weren't for her hug.

Not just any hug, it was a first-line, take-em-down tackle. Groceries flying about.

She taped his hands on top of the plastic table by the window and his ankles around the chair legs. How humiliating it was.

Sakura came back with a huge sickeningly sweet smile holding on to two plastic red trays of fast food with large sodas.

"Hell…no…" Naruto muttered, frozen in the midst of struggling.

"Come on, Naruto, you promised me you eat something with me," Sakura propped his tray in front of him and folded out the papery material to reveal a giant cheeseburger stuffed with slices of tomatoes, lettuce, and condiments.

The blonde snorted, "Well! I lied!"

"Teaches you not to, huh?" the girl grinned devilishly and shoved a few potato fries into his foxy mouth.

Naruto gulped it down, whining, "I like RAMEN! I like eating ramen! I want my ramen! RAMEN! RAMEN! RAMEN!"

"No way! You nearly collapsed from that instant crap during sparring last week!" Sakura argued, biting into her sandwich.

The boy laughed sarcastically, "Yeah, fast food! Much better than ramen!"

Fifteen minutes later when Sakura was feeding him with little bites of his burger and pushed a long straw between his pressed lips to wash down the chews in his dry throat. It made quite an afternoon show for the rest of the customers who watched the free entertainment of force-feeding a demon vessel.

Naruto tried struggling in his scotch tape prison, his face was crimson from the small performance jokes his best friend made by taping up his nose so his nostrils would flare up like a pig's snout and one where she slapped on his forehead etched with marker of the word DUNCE. He kept saying very colorful words but Sakura ignored them all by stuffing more of that dis-gust-ting crap called 'food'. Hinata was a much nicer gal pal (For being so nice and treating him to all those ramen lunches) than this—this devil child!

He needed to find a way out!

Sakura had decided not to wear her Chuunin vest, her and the rest of her ninja attire so she just wore normal civilian clothes for the day. She just wore a sleeveless lilac tunic measured down to her mid-thighs, form-fitting beige khaki pants, and old running shoes. She had also styled her now long pink hair into a tight bun covered up by her plum hat. She never wore a hat so she decided to do for once.

She made a glance to look out of the glass window frequently when she got bored watching the fox boy and looked at the outside scene.

The skies were clear blue and the small orb of the sun was glowing behind puffy white clouds. She could almost feel the light zephyr softly blowing the top crown leaves of a few trees planted in sidewalks. Sakura saw several children run after each other with small twigs and hula hoops with a small spotted dog followed his young owners. An old woman was walking steadily with her cane while balancing heavy grocery bags until a local Chuunin with a good-natured face walked next to her and took the bags in his hands and helped her along. At the steps of an apartment, two middle-aged parents were chatting pleasantly with their teenage daughter who just dropped by. There was a small store with two stands that sold wares of porcelain and clay pottery, a small man with a biker's hat was barking sales.

What she loved about the outside scene was the young couple who was walking down the street. The two looked about the same age as her. The girl was a few inches shorter than the boy with wavy brown hair and happy eyes while her dark-haired boyfriend had his arm around her shoulders, laughing quietly with his koishi.

She loved this, this sort of thing.

Sakura was a romance-fanatic. Seeing the happiness and silent love bond between the two people always made her want something like this. Then a flash of orange and yellow zoomed through the streets knocking apart the young couple.

The kunoichi raised her brows and quickly looked at her seating mate. The potato fries she held in her fingers meant to be fed for the fox boy touched the side of the chair. And she looked down to see the scotch tape mass was ripped apart and stuck on the table top and chair legs. And all her groceries she bought for him was gone except her apples and an empty roll of tape.

Only a small scrawl note that was smeared on the pay check was left.

Gomen…maybe next time?

X Naruto

Total: 13.07

Naruto was gone.

A loud frustrated cursing scream burst out of the burger joint.

"I'm going to kill him! Sharanoo! That jackass!" Sakura growled, walking with her weighing plastic bag of apples, "Leaving me there! Gah!"

She propped herself on the stone bench next to another occupant at the side of the cobbled road, her groceries on each side of her. After a long quiet moment, tired from scavenging through half of Konoha and Naruto's apartment to look and murder the blonde, she was huffing and puffing hot air.

"Are all men ungrateful!" Sakura voiced out loud, rampaging through her bag of apples and got out a fruit. The other person who was sitting next to her lowered his book and glanced at the female who was taking a plastic knife out and viciously peeling the apple.

"Pardon?" he asked, grinning.

Sakura didn't even bother to look at him, now slicing the apple, "You heard me! First of all, I took my friend out to buy some groceries for his usual empty fridge, I thought he might like trying something else other than ramen! And then the both of us went into a fast food restaurant to have a few burgers or soda. I literally had to tape him to the table and chair just so he wouldn't run to Ichiraku. Just when I looked away, he dashes off! Just like that! How his girlfriend puts up with him, I'll never know!"

She pushed the slice of crispy apple into her mouth and chewed it up ferociously.

There was a moment of silence, the young man sitting two feet away from her gave out a sigh and closed his book in his lap.

"Look, miss, it seems like your friend doesn't need the pressure of changing his diet of, I suppose, ramen. But I'm quite sure that's his girlfriend's job…" he chuckled, having quite fun watching the girl with the purple hat stabbing the plastic knife into her fruit, "You're only trying to help him anyway, I'm sure he's grateful."

Sakura stopping chomping on her second apple slice, turning her head to stare at this guy. "Who the hell are—"

She stopped talking.

He looked to be a little taller and her age but a little older and wiser, with slumped shoulders, flat front, skinny complexion, with his legs crossed. He was wearing a too-big turquoise tee shirt with a darker green bamboo design on the left side and gray khaki shorts down to his knees, his wire-rimmed glasses was at the end of his nose bridge to leave his weary gray eyes be seen hidden under long fans of his dark lashes. His tree bark brown hair was tousled as if he just got out of bed but his bangs hung over his forehead in such elegance that Naruto or any of the boys she met could never master. A small growth of a beard encircled around his chin. He had a sweet mouth and his skin around his face was crawling with lines of wisdom.

"—you?" she coughed, choking on her spit.

The young man chuckled, "The name's Ichikawa Benito, just call me Ben-san—"

"What makes you think I would use an honorific after your name?" Sakura asked skeptically, grinning.

Benito laughed softly, "Maybe after we get to know each other, of course…"

"Great another freak…" Sakura muttered sarcastically, twirling the plastic knife between her fore and middle fingers.

"Freak? What gave it away?"

Sakura smiled and offered a slice of apple for him. She was a little surprised since none of the guys she offered her precious apple slices had ever taken one, usually answering with a 'no', a 'it's okay I just ate', or a swing of the hand to knock the plate off to the linoleum hospital floor. Benito took it and ate it slowly, keeping his gray eyes with her emerald ones.

"Why you'd call me a freak?" he asked nicely.

"Well, I just happen to think the kind of guy who would use the line 'Maybe after we get to know each other' would be, I don't know, a sex freak—" Benito choked on his apple.


"Gah, you're what? Eighteen and you're still queasy about the word 'sex'?" the kunoichi smirked, handing him a napkin.

The boy wiped his mouth and small beard, spitting out the crispy apple crumbles into the paper. He looked up, raising a brow, "How did you know my age?"

"I'm just good at guessing, I suppose," Sakura smiled, breaking eye contact and stared at the trees across the road. 'Besides I have to work with Ibiki-sensei and Kurenai-sensei through figuring out each of the mental, emotional, and physical processes for any being.'

"So what's your name, miss?" the boy questioned softly.

"Figure it out yourself."

"Then when would I figure it out?" he whispered.

"Maybe after we get to know each other, of course…" Sakura grinned, repeating the same line he said a short while ago. She just met this guy.

He coughed into fisted hand, playfully mocking her, "Freak!"

"Hell yeah, I am!" The girl pumped up her fist. She clapped her hand on his shoulder, "You too!"

"Yes we are, just two freaks conversing," Benito smiled, taking her pale hand into his and the two sets of fingers entwined with each other's.

He suddenly stared shyly into her widened eyes, shrugging his shoulders more than his usual posture.

Sakura stared at the mess of fingers. She began to notice his skin a tad darker than her pale kind. His nails were round, clipped, and polished, without a rough blister to feel and totally unblemished that his hand was incredibly soft and warm. His fingers were bigger and longer than her slender ones, his thumb was lightly massaging her palm.

He looked so shy and his thin shoulders were bent out of tiredness, the dark bangs sometimes hung in front of his half-lidded silvery gray pools that encircled around each black pearl pupil. His free hand kept fingering the outline of his khaki pants pocket, he began to dart his eyes from one place to her eyes to another place. Two buds of pink slowly blossomed on his cheek bones.

Then it struck her.

He was a shy guy. It always seemed to her that shyness and bashfulness were reserved for girls, though being rash about stereotypical things, she met many quiet guys and men who thought talking was a waste of breath and actions were already their words. She had seen boys who blushed—out of embarrassment.

But a shy guy! Not a kind of male species she ever met before. And so polite…

Now it doesn't seem to Sakura that he was a conversational kind of guy.

But he was unintentionally talking to her, he didn't really know that he was letting out a bit of his flirteous side. But now he did.

It must be embarrassing for him now.

For her too. She just met this guy.

Slowly his fingers were releasing her's.

She tugged her apple sticky hand out of his, and nervously stuffed the cut-up apple cores and wet knife back into her plastic bag and got up, tilting her head down that the flap of her purple hat hid half her face from his view

"I—um…I have to…er…go, now, n-nice meeting you, Benito," she whispered, walking away rather hastily from the stone bench. She had to go somewhere, which wasn't a lie, but not now, which wasn't the truth.

The young bearded man quickly snapped out of his stone-still position and stood up from his seat, letting his glasses slip further down his nose, exclaiming, "Wait! What's your name, miss!"

Sakura turned around and smiled a little smile, "Oh right, its Haruno Sakura…" She just met this guy.

'Beautiful name,' Ichikawa Benito blushed shyly when he was watching her walking away.

Good start? Hope so. Anyway, please wait patiently for next chapter.