Yes, this story is by rainforestorei, but a certain ladyhades busted her off while she is the one who deserves 2 be busted becuz shez been cussing at her and stuff, but if u wanna try and bust her, go ahead. Thanx... I'm just her friend who wrote the story with her so... here we go... hope ya like it

Strawberry Finn

"Come on Petey," Sunshine called. "Come on!"

"No Sunshine," said Petey, his eyes suddenly filled with fear. "This here is Virginia. They don't want us here."

He indicated the store that Sunshine had pointed out. It was a white store.

"No," Sunshine said. "Come on. Just come with me. We'll be fine. It's on me."

Petey was hesitant, but he decided to go along with Sunshine. Blue followed him. What could happen?

He stepped inside with Sunshine and knew at once what could happen. The shop had several white people, but a lot of the tables were empty.

"We're full," announced the white bartender.

"What do you mean man?" Sunshine questioned. "There's a bunch of tables open."

"This is my store and I can refuse service to anyone I want to," the white man stated. "Even you hippie boy. Now if you boys want food, you can all go in the back and get all your stuff back there."

Sunshine's eyes filled with shock, but he found himself pushed out the door.

"What did you do that for man?" Petey yelped angrily, shoving Sunshine against the building wall.

Sunshine winced. "I didn't know."

"What do you mean you didn't know?" Petey retorted. "I told you! You think I'm not being serious or something?"

"I-I didn't know." Sunshine felt like crying, the tears were coming to his eyes.

"He didn't know," Blue tried to protect him.

"Are you kidding me?" Petey yelled. "He just didn't want to know, Blue. Come on, let's get out of here."

"Petey," Sunshine called desperately.

"Don't you even try Sunshine," Petey screamed back.

Sunshine held back, quiet. He hadn't known. He had told the truth. But Petey didn't believe him. What was racism? Why did it exist? It was stupid in his opinion, but in California, nobody had been racist. He had had a bunch of African American friends. But Petey pushed him away. Petey, who was one of his best friends. Ever.

He saw down in the doorway of the bar, thinking things over.

Petey had walked about a block. He was angry. Very angry.

Shouting, he kicked a trash can.

Blue stared quietly at him. "Man, he didn't know."

"I told him Blue!" Petey cried. "I told him! And he didn't listen! That's what hurt me! I thought I was important to him! I thought he would listen! I thought he was different! But all of the whites, they're all the same! They don't listen to yaw! He doesn't think I'm equal."

"Man what are you saying?" Blue yelled. "Sunshine is the closest a white has ever gotten to you! And you just say he's not your friend! Petey, California is different. He doesn't face what we face here."

"Well maybe it would be better if he learned," Petey replied coldly, stalking off.

Sunshine wanted to cry, but he couldn't. It was a fact that just paralyzed him. Someone coming out of the bar knocked him on the head.

"Sorry," he mumbled.

The next moment, Sunshine found himself on the ground, being dragged.

"What the-" he began, but someone stuffed a rag into his mouth.

He looked up and saw a group of boys, all dressed in black. He couldn't make out who they were.

They dragged him behind the bar.

"I told you hippie boy," one of the boys growled. "I told you to stay away from my girl."

Sunshine realized who it was. Ray. He couldn't believe it. He spat out the gag.

"Come on man," he said. "This isn't funny."

"Whoever said anything about it being funny," Ray roared.

Sunshine looked up as Ray held up a metal baseball bat, and realized just how un-funny things were.