La Lumière d'Amour
Epilogue: La Paix Intérieure – The Place Where She Belongs
by Kihin Ranno
Many, many hours later (too many to count and she wasn't sure how to factor in the time changes besides), Minako was standing on the jetway at the airport, watching as the other passengers that had been on her airplane disembarked and walked out to meet their families or to catch a cab to drive them to their business meeting or to start their exotic vacation. The trip back to Tokyo had been a long one, and she probably should have been anxious to meet her friends at the Gate. After all, she did want to see them. It had been almost a month now, and she missed them terribly.
But she couldn't quite make herself walk out to meet them.
Minako didn't know whether or not it was ridiculous to feel this way, but she still couldn't help but dread the moment when she would tell them about what happened. Maybe things would eventually get back to normal, but Minako was certain that there would at least be a few moments where her friends looked at her as if they had never known her. She'd done the unthinkable, and even if she hadn't hurt them, she had shown just what she could be capable of. She didn't know how she was going to cope with the disappointment and the disapproval.
Minako sighed, resting the back of her head against the wall. She should have put it out of mind for the time being. She should just go and face them and get it over with. It couldn't possibly be worse than the confrontation with Alan and Katarina after all. Nothing could be worse than that.
Knowing that didn't seem to make her feet want to cooperate. In fact she didn't move at all save to twirl her hair around her index finger. Minako pursed her lips and looked out at the opening, picturing her friends standing there waiting for one Minako. And then she pictured them listening to her story some time later and wondering where that first Minako had gone or if she had ever really existed at all.
Minako shook her head. She couldn't help but draw a parallel to her life prior to going to France. She had been afraid to let them know about her failures and her mother kicking her out and her questionable financial situation and a lot else. She hadn't wanted to burden them. She hadn't wanted them to see who she really was for fear of them thinking there was something wrong with her. Or that she was useless. Or that she was weak.
Minako stopped twirling her hair around her finger, finally seeing something for the first time.
She had been doing exactly what Katarina had done. Minako had pushed her friends away like she had pushed her husband away in order to appear strong and together when she had been anything but. It had only made her more miserable rather than do anything to solve the problem. And in an attempt to make herself feel better, she'd run away. Just like she'd done so many times before. If she had only faced them, if she had only told them about the trouble she was having, they would have been able to help her.
That was it. That was the light she had been searching for all along. And she hadn't needed to go anywhere to find it. All she'd had to do was speak up.
That realization could have very well made her feel worse, but it didn't. Minako could only feel relieved because she finally understood what she had been feeling and why she had been feeling so down for what felt like ages. And a part of her already knew that she never would have been able to figure that out if she hadn't left, if she hadn't made so many mistakes in Paris, and if she hadn't learned from them and from Alan and Katarina.
Minako straightened her carry on bag and turned on her heel, following the last person out of the jetway. She almost thought about pushing past the other people, but she held herself back. She was excited to see them now, no longer dreading what would happen when she'd told them what she had done. They were her friends, and closer ones than Katarina and Alan had ever been. They would help her get through this and through everything else. She knew that now.
The trek up the walkway seemed endless, but it was really only a few seconds. Minako caught sight of Usagi immediately, which wasn't that difficult considering she was hopping up and down anxiously, using Rei's shoulders as leverage. Rei had just about had enough when Minako jumped up and waved at them. "Usagi!"
Usagi stopped, practically sitting on Rei's shoulders, which did nothing to improve her mood. She squealed before Rei could yell at her and bounded away, running up to the gate. "Minako!"
The bag Ami was holding suddenly jerked. As the other girls started to move forward, a white blur bounded out of the purse, zipping between the legs of various disembarking passengers. It leapt into Minako's open arms a few seconds before Usagi reached her side.
"Artemis!" Minako cried happily, hugging the cat to her chest as tears began to prick at her eyes. Artemis purred obnoxiously but said nothing for fear of being overheard.
Usagi threw her arms around Minako's neck, burying her face in Minako's sleeve and thoroughly soaking it within seconds. "Minako!" she cried somewhat pathetically. "I missed you so much!"
"I missed you too," Minako said earnestly, trying very hard not to start bawling again.
A few moments later, Makoto, Rei, and Ami had joined in the hug. Minako was now lost in a sea of arms, hair, and tears, and she couldn't think of where else she'd rather be. They somehow managed to maneuver themselves away in the huddle, pulling apart all too soon.
Minako wiped at her eyes, setting a slightly smushed Artemis on her shoulder. "You all made me cry."
"We missed you," Makoto repeated for what might as well have been the hundredth time. "And then we didn't hear from you for a few days."
"Yeah," Rei said, darkening as if just remembering. She reached out and hit Minako lightly on the back of the head. She would have looked quite menacing if her nose hadn't been red. "Where did you go anyway? We were worried sick."
"I almost booked a flight to come find you," Ami admitted, pulling out a pocket pack of tissues and distributing them to the group. She jumped a bit when Usagi blew her nose, loud enough to attract the attention of some passers by.
Minako glanced over at Usagi, grabbing her hand and squeezing it gratefully. She hadn't doubted that the girl would keep her promise, but seeing it first hand was just what Minako needed. Then she looked at the group of them and said, "There's a lot that I need to explain to you girls. Not just about what happened in France, but... Well, I've come to realize something about friendship and..."
Minako closed her eyes, knowing she was rambling. She took a deep breath, still smiling, and said, "Why don't we get my bags and then go back to my place? I can explain it all there."
Artemis looked at her strangely, knowing how big of a step that was.
Ami furrowed her brow in concern, reaching forward and laying a hand on Minako's forearm. "Is everything all right, Minako?"
"No," Minako said honestly. "But it will be."
Holy crap. It's done.
I have to say that I'm sort of in shock about that. This fic has just always been "in progress" in my head, and now I can officially label it as being complete. It's really surreal actually. I've been sitting here just staring at this epilogue for what feels like ages. I am so surprised and so happy and so relieved to have this done and off my plate.
I am now going to thank all of the people who made this fic possible, so I apologize for the Oscarish speech that follows.
First, I must thank my fantastic beta-reader Starsea. She Brit-picked where Brit-picking was needed and she helped with my minimal French speaking skills as well. She's been an absolute angel in editing and encouraging me since day one. I could not have done this without her help and without the occasional "Exiles" snippet that always makes my day. So I thank you, and I thank Takehiko, for both of you make all things possible.
I also need to thank Kate for writing "The Ripple Effect" and for posting the unedited chapters when I whined about it. That story is what gave me the inspiration to carry on with this one when I otherwise would have abandoned it. There's actually little resemblance between the two with the exception of the infidelity, but I was able to connect with "The Ripple Effect" and her magnificent prose was of more help than she'll ever know since she no longer frequents the fandom. Woe to us all.
I'm also grateful to Dejana for .moon, Andrea and George for ASMR, Bunny for SM Fanfiction, and the maintainers of for creating fantastic websites for me to post this and other stories.
And finally, I thank all of the reviewers and the people who expressed an interest in wanting this to be continued. Thank you Yumeko, Anya-06, Angry Girl, Soleil-Lune, GB Keeper, Jade Stellar, Blue Drgnfly, ice dyaty, Becx, aku-neko2, Seijachan88, fallenmad, Siry pop, becxfok01, luvsailormoon, Francis, Natsudori Lina, and of course, Aphrael for the Highlight. You guys made my day on many an occasion, and appreciate you taking the time to even read this little story. May there be many more for all of us.