A/N: Ok so here's my new fic called: The Way We Were, its what would have happened if Seth didn't return for the new school year, I hope you like it, please review

Disclaimer: I own the O.C on DVD but that's as close as I'll ever get, so don't sue

Chapter 1

She remembered it as if it were yesterday, truth was it had happened 8 long years ago, she looked slowly and carefully at her son: Jacob Seth Cohen, who was sleeping soundly on his bed. Every time she heard one of his friends yell: Hey Cohen, or Kirsten calling him Seth she would think about him and they time they had spent together. Summer Roberts wasn't one for regrets but over the past 8 years things had changed dramatically.

For starters she wasn't Summer Roberts anymore, she was Summer Daniels, wife of Todd Daniels; one of the richest men in Newport and that right there was her biggest regret- marrying Todd, he wasn't a bad man, he was just never there, he was always working and when he wasn't he was spending time at the gym or in his office for countless hours on the computer etc. He and Summer hardly ever saw each other.

She found herself spending more and more time at Marissa and Ryan's place. They lived in the old Cohen house. Which held so many memories for Summer. Kirsten and Sandy had given the mansion to Ryan a few years ago and they had moved to a smaller place. Summer and Jacob basically lived in the pool house and Todd didn't even seem to notice. Last week they had filed for divorce but nothing seemed to be happening on that front. Both were preoccupied, Todd with work and Summer with Jacob.

Not that Jacob particularly cared. He was 8 years old and hated Todd. He hated him for not caring about his mother and he hated that Todd wasn't his father. Not that he'd ever actually seen his father but Uncle Ryan and Aunty Marissa and his grandparents told him all different stories about Seth Cohen and every night before his mum tucked him in she told him stories about his Dad traveling to exotic locations and one day returning with mountains of presents for Jacob and mountains of love for Summer. All right so she never actually said that but he could tell that was all his mum really wanted. The way her eyes lit up slightly, before slowly filling with tears every time someone mentioned his name. The way she sometimes cried at night looking at her only photo of him.

He wished more then anything that his Dad would come back one day, everyone else had a Dad. Bridget did- Uncle Ryan was the coolest ever and she was so lucky that he was her Dad. She also had Aunty Marissa and even though she wasn't her real Mum everyone acted like she was. He loved living with Aunty Marissa, Uncle Ryan and Bridget. He was so happy when Mum told him they would be living there starting Saturday. They had already moved most of there stuff and everything was awesome….

Summer spoke softly to Bridget as she walked into the pool house in her pick and blue pajamas

Summer: Shhh Bridge, Jay is asleep

Bridget: Ok

She whispered into Summer's ear as she sat in her lap

Summer: Why are you still up babe? Does your Dad know you're in here?

Bridget: Yeah, he told me to ask you if you want a Coffie, he said if you do then come inside now

Summer: Ok, lets go Jay will be fine he's out like a log

She stood up carrying 8-year-old Bridget in her arms. Ryan smiled as Summer walked in holding Bridget

Ryan: Bridge, bedtime come on

Bridget: Ok Dad, night Mum, night Aunty Sum

Ryan took her hand and led her upstairs leaving Summer and Marissa alone in the kitchen

Marissa: So is Jay asleep?

Summer: Yeah, he's out for the night

A knock at the door ended their conversation

Marissa: It's late who could this be?

Summer heard the door open and Marissa let out a shriek, which sent Ryan running down the stairs

Ryan: What's up?

He asked concerned, Summer shrugged

Summer: Someone's at the door

At that moment Marissa walked back into the room with a huge grin on her face. Summer dropped her mug and stared hard at the figure in front of her. Ryan stood still, then suddenly ran up to his 'brother' and hugged him for the first time in 8 years. He smiled and patted Ryan on the back.

He looked the same to Summer, except for the little facial hair, the increased height and the slightly shorter 'Jew fro'. The room went quiet as he and Summer stared at each other, she didn't know what to do or say. She didn't bother to hide the tears as they silently slid down her face. Millions of questions running through her mind, questions that she never thought would be answered. She had dreamed of this moment since the day he had left and finally he was here, standing in front of her. Seth Cohen was back.
