DISCLAIMER: I don't own Digimon. I wish I did.
Author's note: I started to write this because Digimon was cancelled after Ep 26, Gateway to Home. This story picks up from the end of Sora's Crest of Love and kinda ignores the whole Eighth Child thing. (I don't like Kari very much)
The Jedi-Destined
After much debate Tai had called a halt to the trudge that had marked the groups day so far. Whether it was because he was tired or because the lake they were passing was just too inviting was open to debate, however Gomamon was not about to look a gift horse in the mouth.
He wasn't actually sure what that phrase meant, but he had heard Izzy use it at one point so he was pretty sure it was clever. "Everyone in the water!" He dived in, letting the water flow past his curving body.
"Gomamon, wait! We don't know if it's safe. There could be evil digimon in there!" Joe's voice was partially muffled by the water.
Gomamon's head broke the surface. "Stop worrying Joe." He swum around in a circle, just for the fun of it. "Come on in, the water's fine!"
"Bad things happen by lakes. It's a fact." Joe pushed his glasses back up his nose.
"Actually Joe, so far only one of our stops by a lake has caused trouble. The other two were uneventful." Izzy eased his laptop from its protective case and switched it on. "I'd say it's logical to assume that the first time we met with Seadramon was just bad luck." He began to type.
"Well that it from Izzy until he comes up for air," joked Matt. He sat and leant back against a tree.
T.K. moved towards him. "You not coming swimming Matt?"
Matt shook his head. "Go ahead if you want. I'll watch, but I've had enough physical work for a while." He pulled his harmonica from his pocket and watched the light play over its surface. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Mimi and Sora disappear around the edge of an outcrop of rocks. Mimi probably wants to clean her dress. He heard a squeal and looked up to see T.K. playing with Gomamon in the lake. Gomamon was splashing T.K. and T.K. was trying to splash the digimon back, but Gomamon was too fast. A splash and a yell and Joe joined them in the lake. Matt smiled to himself, then wiped it from his face as soon as he realised he was doing it. Losing cred was not an option.
"I saw that." Gabumon sat down beside him.
"Saw what?" asked Matt.
"You were smiling." Gabumon followed Matt's gaze out onto the lake. "You care for him, what does it matter if the others know?"
Matt shrugged. "It matters to me. I don't like appearing vulnerable like that." He moved his harmonica to his lips and started to play.
Sora felt a smile play across her face as the wind brought Matt's sorrowful tune to her ears.
"Hey Sora, why is it the boy's don't mind being dirty?"
Sora looked up from her cleaning towards Mimi. "Beat's me. Maybe it's genetic." They both went back to washing.
On the bank the girls two digimon stood forlorn. "Sora, what should we do?" asked Biyomon.
"Yeah," agreed Palmon. "It's not like we can help you to clean your clothes."
"Looks like we're stopping here for the night Biyo," replied Sora. "Why don't you both find some food?"
"Okay." The pink and green digimon disappeared into the vegetation.
Mimi cocked her head. "Listen Sora. Matt's playing."
Sora nodded. "He sounds so sad."
Mimi giggled. "Sometimes he sounds so sad I just want to give him a hug and make it all better."
"I know what you mean." Sora shook out her top. "So let's go cheer him up."
Tai watched from the shade of a tree as the girls snuck up behind Matt and in unison planted a kiss on either side of his face. He watched as Matt half heatedly chased after the girls yelling about payback. Figures. The girls are always chasing after him anyway. Only this time it's a bit more literal.
He tried to bring his thought back to the matter at hand. Myotismon. The evil digimon was almost certainly chasing them after last night's debacle. And the only weapons they had against him were the crests. Tai reached beneath his shirt and pulled his out, letting the brass tag spin on the end of its chain. Under the glass the orange sun-symbol that represented courage shone with its own light.
So these allow our digimon to digivolve further. I wonder what else they might do?
Tai reluctantly put the tag back under his shirt.He scanned across his group. They're all counting on me. The group fell apart while I was gone. I just wish I knew what to do.
"Whatcha thinking about Tai?"
Tai looked down at the yellow lizard he called friend. "The crests." He looked back up into the distance. "We know that they let you digimon digivolve a step further, but what about us?"
Agumon cocked his head to one side, thinking. "I don't think they work on humans Tai. You share your energy with us. That's enough to use the crests."
"But they wouldn't have these meanings if it wasn't important." Tai thought back to the occasions that their crests had glowed. "They only glow when we show those parts of our personalities."
"You're right."
Tai swung run to face Izzy. The red haired boy sat, still typing on his laptop, but now his attention was focused on Tai's conversation with Agumon.
"I noticed my crest first glow when Kabuterimon digivolved into MegaKabuterimon, and the same event occurred just before Birdramon digivolved to Garudamon for the first time." Izzy looked back at his screen. "It would seem a viable hypothesis that the crests only become active once the holder displays the trait inherent in their crest."
"Yea, but that still doesn't explain why I got the crest of courage instead of one of the others." Tai gazed into space. "There must be a reason for all of it, why we were chosen to be here…" He sighed. "I hope you'll have better luck figuring it out than I have."
Yeah, I have all the answers don't I,
thought Izzy wryly. He turned back to his laptop.Myotismon was having no luck following the Digi-destined in his scrying glass. Somehow an aura surrounded them that shielded them from his view.
"Curses," he muttered.
"What's that boss?"
Myotismon resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Rolling eyes were unbecoming in an evil digimon of his calibre. "Never mind Demidevimon, it is none of your concern." He turned his eyes back to the mirror. In it, the black wisps of smoke drifted without rhyme or reason.
Myotismon peered closer. There was something in there, something flickering…
"Er…boss?" The bat digimon shuffled from foot to foot. Myotismon ignored him. "Boss?" tried the black digimon again.
"Leave me."
Demidevimon beat a hasty retreat.
Myotismon continued to gaze. The mists still rolled, but it was as if he could see a face peeping through the darkness.
The evil digimon jerked back. "Who is it that?"
Your salvation. You will help me defeat the Chosen Children.
Unbidden a face rose from the murky depths. The creature's eyes glowed fiercely. They will bring order to both our worlds. We must prevent this."And what if I wish to work alone?" the vampire challenged.
The misty face considered him quizzically. Why then we both fail and good will triumph.
"I have no wish of that. Those children my well be my downfall." He drew his cape around himself. "They hold powers I cannot defeat."
But together maybe we can. Here, in my world, forces favour us.
Myotismon considered this. "But how can we bring them to you? I have neither the knowledge nor the equipment…"
That does not matter. The forces of good will bring them as champions of your world to protect mine.
The creature snickered. All must balance they say. They are fools.Myotismon nodded his consent. "The forces of good believe that as a defence against the knowledge that we are stronger." In a louder voice he called out, "Demidevimon!"
"Yeah boss?" From the response time Myotismon decided that the bat digimon must have been listening outside the door.
"Gather my troops. We're going on a little trip." Myotismon began to cackle gleefully.
The master has lost it,
thought Demidevimon as he flew through the corridor. First he talks to himself, now he want us to go on 'a little trip'."Hey bowling ball!" Gatomon bounded out from a corner. "What's going on? The entire castle is preparing to leave."
He smirked. "Wouldn't you like to know, Kitty?"
"Lightning Paw!" Demidevimon fell, three bright red scores cutting across his face. "Now you listen to me Bat-boy. NEVER cross me. I say jump, you say how high. Got it?"
"One of these days Gatomon you will end up crossing the wrong person, and I'll be there to watch." The bat digimon picked himself up off the floor. Gatomon just shrugged. "Well, since you asked so nicely I'll tell you. The master's lost it. He's been talking to that damn mirror for hours about 'the destruction of the Digidestined'."
"Eavesdropping is a dirty habit."
Demidevimon glared at her. "You wanted to know. Don't question my methods."
Gatomon glared at him. "We should get to the courtyard. We'll be leaving soon."
They travelled in silence.
"Are we all assembled Demidevimon?" asked Myotismon.
"Yes master. All the most ferocious digimon in your service have been gathered."
Myotismon smiled a joyless smile.
"Er boss….?" queried Demidevimon. Myotismon turned to him. "What are we waiting here for?"
Myotismon smiled in response. He watched as the air started to shimmer. "That." Demidevimon watched as the air warped to form a dark gaping hole.
"Er boss, you're not thinking about going in there?" The bat digimon hopped from foot to foot. Myotismon merely smiled the more.
Sora was sitting with a fishing rod some distance away from the others, trying to catch fish for their supper. She stared into the water. Under it's crystal surface she could see fish darting to and fro. I bet Gomamon put them up to this. She stood up and walked back towards the others.
"Hey Sora," yelled Tai. "Didn't you catch any fish?"
"No. Gomamon scared them all away, didn't you?"
Gomamon gave her a Who, me? look. "I didn't tell them. Must be all the noise you humans were making."
"That is so….Aaaaaiiiiieeeee!" Sora dropped to her knees and put her hands to the sides of her head. Tai was at her side in a second.
"Sora, what's wrong?" Sora rocked back and forth with her mouth open in a silent scream. "Joe?" called Tai.
"I'm right here," replied Joe, skidding to a halt besides Tai. He bent to look at Sora's face. "Sora, can you hear me?" Sora just kept screaming silently.
"Sora!" Biyomon fluttered down to join them. "What's wrong with her Joe?"
"I don't know."
Sora's mouth slowly closed. She swallowed.
"Are you okay?" asked Joe.
Sora started to shake her head, then though better of it. "It was like my head was splitting in two." She pulled her knees to her chest. "It was horrible."
"It's okay Sora. We were all just worried about you." Biyomon leant supportively against Sora's leg.
Tai and Joe helped Sora back to her feet. Together they stumbled back to the camp.
"Hey Sora what's wrong?" called Mimi from under a tree.
Sora smiled back weakly. "Nothing much."
"Hey guys!" Izzy came running up. "Gennai just sent me an e-mail to say we were leaving the Digiworld immediately."
"What? Is he sending us home?" asked Mimi.
"I don't know," admitted Izzy. "He just said we're leaving now." Matt and the others joined them. "What we have to do," continued Izzy, " is to hold out our digivices and crests." He suited action to word, removing his digivice from his shoulder strap and pulling his own crest over the top of his head. His items were soon joined by six matching sets.
"Now what?" asked Matt.
Izzy's reply was drowned out by the wind.