Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom, but own rights to the ideas and original characters for this fanfiction. All rights belong to Nickelodeon and Butch Hartman.

Danny's teeth chattered as he flew after Glacia. The chill of the wind made his face numb. He knew when he was a ghost he was cold, but he had gotten used to it. While he was near Glacia, he felt colder than usual, but he didn't know why. Could it be one of her powers? Danny wondered.

Even at his top speed, he still wasn't able to touch her. She was faster than he had thought, but he was just a few feet away from a clear shot. Maybe if he could distract her long enough to get close…

"Hey, Queenie!" he shouted, hoping his witty banter would get across to the ghost. "One of your loyal subjects demands for you to slow down so he can kick your butt!"

Glacia came to a brief halt on her board. "Ha! Fat chance!" She fired a dark blue energy beam from her fingertips directly at Danny. At the last second, he turned intangible and the beam disintegrated through the air.

Here's my chance…he thought, slinking away from the ghost silently as possible.

Glacia couldn't see where Danny went after she shot her attack. "Where did you go, you little-AHH!"

A flash of bright green energy suddenly knocked Glacia off her snowboard and sent her plummeting down below headfirst screaming, knowing she couldn't fly properly without her board. As if it had a mind of its own, the snowboard noticed its rider was missing and dived through the air after her. When it was close enough, Glacia grabbed it by its edge and tried to balance herself as the board shot back up to her original position just before she hit the ground.

After quickly getting her bearings, the ghost hovered in mid-air, searching frantically for the half ghost. She suddenly heard a familiar noise from behind her. Another ectoplasmic blast! Despite the surprise attack, Glacia wasn't frightened in the least.

Smirking, she turned towards the heat of the blast. Since her reflexes had grown over the years of training in the mountains, the speed of the blast seemed like it was moving slower than usual. With a quick snap of her fingers, a billowing cloud of bright blue smoke shot out of her fingertips and consumed the oncoming attack. A short, crackling noise was heard within the hazy cloud, sort of muffling out the sound of the attack and replacing it with the odd sound of cracking glass.

As the smoke finally began to clear away, Glacia grinned. The green blast was now a floating ectoplasmic popsicle. With a flick of her finger, the greenish ice cracked into tiny pieces and plummeted down into the forest below.

"Did you think I'd fall for the same trick again, dipstick?" she shouted through the vacant air.

Responding to this, Danny appeared visible behind Glacia. "Dipstick?" he repeated, a little surprised. "How long have you been hanging around Ember for?"

Glacia blinked as she turned around. "Who the heck is Ember?"

Hmm…I guess she's never been to the Ghost Zone… "Never mind," Danny answered with a slight shake of his head.

"Whatever. The fact is that you're meddling with my plans for Rick!"

"When are you going to get it through your thick head that Dash is not your boyfriend? Did you accidentally freeze your brain up too many times or something?"

Glacia gritted her teeth. "Shut it, Inviso-Bill!" She fired another blue blast out of her fist in blind anger at Danny, but he merely dodged it by flying around it in a graceful spiral.

"For the last time, my name is Danny Phantom!" Danny snapped, now slightly irritated that one of his foes was addressing him by his nickname. "Inviso-Bill's just some half brained name some lame reporter came up with."

"Who cares what your name is," Glacia retorted, her narrowed blue eyes now fading to a glassy grayish white. "When I'm done with you, you're going to need that name for your grave!"

Thrusting her palms out, shimmering blue blurs shot out of her hands at lightning speed, too fast for even Danny to dodge them all. He screamed as the blue objects slashed across his suit like razor blades, exposing bright green ghost blood from his wounds around his arms and torso.

Doubling over with pain, Danny flew wearily in the air. Something cold was stabbing through one of the wounds on his left arm. He managed to find it and wrenched it out quickly while gritting his teeth hard to ease the pain. His eyes widened upon seeing the unknown object. He was holding was an icicle with a sharply filed point.

"Ice?" he muttered, dumbstruck. "She's fighting me with ice?"

"If you liked that, you're going to love this! I'm sure it'll blow you away!"

Raising her hands into the air and twisting her body like it was a top, a powerful wind began to pick up, ripping trees out of the ground and sucking up rocks like a vacuum cleaner. The wind and debris mixed with shards of ice and snow to change Glacia's form into a giant deadly blizzard-like cyclone. Danny was truly overwhelmed by the ghost's raw power. He hadn't seen such power since he met his arch-enemy, Vlad Plasmius.

Frightened, Danny tried to flee from the large attack but the pull of the winds was on Glacia's side now and he was weaker from the loss of blood to get away. Screaming, Danny was sucked into the vortex and was helpless to break free of it. He shut his eyes to prevent any objects to accidentally blind him. He felt his ectoplasmic-based body being shoved and spun around hard back and forth between the pressured walls of air, tree branches clawing at his skin and rocks hitting his frame like speeding bullets. Danny grunted, groaned and screamed with every beating he took. He was helpless at the hands of the self-proclaimed 'Snow Queen'.

At that last moment of now flickering consciousness, Danny could hear the cruel laugh of Glacia's voice mocking his weak state of body and mind.

"You're weak," she cackled. "Heroes are always weak…"

And then, everything fell silent and dark.

A cool sensation made Danny slowly come to his senses once he had opened his eyes for what seemed like an eternity later. Everything in his body ached, from his muscles to his bones, yet something unknown was cooling them down.

Wait a sec…

Danny's eyes snapped open, realizing he couldn't move a muscle except his head and neck. It reminded him of when he was trapped by Plasmius' Spectral Energy Neutralizer back in Wisconsin. Tried as he might, Danny was too weak to conjure up any of his powers and break free of this icy prison.

"Well, well. Finally awake, I see."

Danny looked up above to see Glacia floating just above him on her possessed snowboard with an evil grin on her blue lips. Descending just in arms reach, the ghost said, "I must say that you're a formidable opponent, Danny. I don't get too many like you around here. But I like to know just what are you?"

"What are you talking about?" Danny demanded.

"When you fell unconscious, there were these blue rings that just popped out of nowhere and turned you into a weak little human. How can you be a human and a ghost?" She leaned in dangerously close towards Danny, almost nose to nose. "Just how is that possible?"

Ignoring the fact that he was completely vulnerable in his human form and Glacia's horrible ghost breath, Danny was completely stunned. "You mean…you've never heard of me?"

Glacia raised an eyebrow as she pulled back. "Should I?"

"I'm the halfa."

"The…what?" Glacia couldn't understand what this human was saying.

"A halfa," Danny emphasized, remembering what Poindexter had called him months ago. "You know: half human, half ghost. Very powerful being who walks in both worlds? Ring any bells?" Seeing Glacia's blank reaction on her face, Danny realized she couldn't be famous with the residents of the Ghost Zone. "You really don't get out much do you?"

"I don't get out at all," said Glacia dryly. "I've been stuck here at this ski resort for the last five years. I've been trying to get out of here since I realized I was dead but there's some kind of barrier around here that prevents me from doing so."

"And for a good reason too," Danny added.

Glacia's eyes flashed white in anger and in doing so; a gust of wind blew behind her. "Hold your tongue, ghost boy, before I freeze it and snap it off!"

Taking the angry ghost's warning, Danny fell silent. Glacia did the same as color was restored to her eyes and the wind died down. As it did, the ghost boy's ears picked up a small ringing small coming from in front of him. When he had located where it was coming from, Danny drew his attention to a small silver bell dangling around the ghost's neck. Glacia's eyes hardened with disgust when she heard the familiar sound and tightly clenched her fist around the bell to silence it.

"Rick was the one who trapped me here in the first place," she said coldly. "If it wasn't for him, I would still be alive." She shut her eyes tight, trying to block resurfacing memories.


Glacia glared at him. "What?"

"Why are you doing this to your boyfriend when it was a simple mistake? You were the one who caused an avalanche and killed yourself, not him!"

"Enough!" shrieked Glacia. "Rick Aries was a lying, two-timing boyfriend who only thought about himself and always will be! Do you know how boring it gets living on a ski hill twenty-four seven? Did you ever think for a second that if I wasn't like this, I would be with my family right now, setting plans with my friends to go out to the mall or going to college? I never even got to go to Prom! Prom, for Pete's sake! The one special night of my life I will never live because I'm freaking dead!"

"I understand your pain," said Danny, "but revenge isn't going to solve anything."

Glacia shook her head. "Tisk, tisk. You are of little faith, ghost boy. Once you're out of the picture, I can rid myself of the only person who stands between me and my freedom. Consider yourself… a test subject."

Glacia raised out her hands straight at Danny's head, now glowing dark blue. "It's like they always say: nice guys finish last!"

"Oh, yeah?"

A bright pink blast suddenly knocked Glacia sideways into a large pine tree, with the vibrations shaking a heap of snow over her. Immediately, Glacia intangibly leaped out of the pile. Her eyes were whitened over in fury.

"Who would be foolish enough to challenge me?" she screeched.

"I would, ecto-scum!"

Another large bright pink blast aimed from above her, hit her square in the chest, sending her flying into the depths of the forest. Danny, who had recognized the familiar voice of his protector, tilted his head up to the sky to find a feminine figure dressed in a red and black jumpsuit, complete with a helmet that masked her identity from her foes and a gleaming silver hover sled.

"Valerie!" Danny cried.

Tucking her ecto-gun away on her belt, the female ghost hunter quickly descended to where Danny was situated.

"Are you alright?" she asked, stepping off her board.

"Well, since I haven't been blasted to bits and I'm freezing my butt off while I'm incased in ice, I'd say I'm pretty peachy," Danny answered dryly.

"Hang on. I'm gonna get you out of there. I don't know how long my blast will stun her for."

Digging into her backpack, Valerie withdrew a small red and silver object that resembled one of her ecto-grenades. Pressing a small button at the top, the device sprouted six tiny mechanical legs which clamped onto Danny's icy prison.

"You'd better stay still…"

Pressing the same button, Valerie backed away as the device rattled violently, emitting a high pitch sound that almost made Danny cringe in agony. Through the noise, Danny could hear a loud cracking noise as he felt himself loosening up. Finally, the ice splintered into tiny hail-like pieces and the device fell silent.

Wow, that's new…Danny mused, shaking his near deafness out of his eardrums. 'Must be some sort of high frequency generator thing…

"Sorry about that," apologized Valerie, stuffing the device away in her backpack. "I didn't want to use my guns if possible. Now, get outta here!"

Danny rolled his eyes as he ran into the forest, away from where Glacia had landed. Typical as usual, Val… As he got enough far away from Valerie's sight, Danny summoned his ghost half. However, he was still badly injured from his last fight with Glacia as pain shot through his exposed arms and torso. Oddly enough, they didn't seem to have fazed him a lot as a human. The sooner I finish Glacia, the sooner I can heal…

Meanwhile, Glacia had charged back into battle on her snowboard, firing blue blasts out of her fingertips at rapid speeds. Valerie, who had dealt with this sort of attack formation by Danny Phantom, quickly evaded them on her hover-sled and fired a barrage of quick blasts from her ecto-bazooka at the ghost. However, the ghost matched her speed equally as she was firing her own attacks back at the red huntress. One managed to hit and freeze up one of Valerie's rockets, suddenly sending the ghost hunter plummeting to her doom. Fortunately, she managed to stop just before the hard crushing impact of metal and bone against frozen soil and rock.

"What are you doing here?" Valerie growled, anger flaring at the very sight of Danny Phantom rescuing her.

"On holiday," Danny replied coolly, blasting away the ice from Valerie's sled. He managed to duck away from an ectoplasmic snowball just in time, freezing an unaware crow that was perched behind him on a nearby tree. "But apparently, she's not."

"Hiding behind a puny human to do your dirty work, Phantom?" hissed Glacia, both hands now generating another two snowballs. "You're weaker than I thought…"

"Scatter!" Danny shouted to Valerie just as Glacia hurled her snowballs at them. Grudgingly, Valerie obeyed, and climbed high into the air on her sled to evade them from freezing her solid.

"I'm not with him, blue butt," snapped Valerie, raising her ecto-bazooka to eye level. "But in this case, I'll make an exception…" Taking aim, Valerie fired a high charged attack from her ecto-bazooka directly at Glacia. Luckily though, the large pink beam just missed her by a mere inch.

Glacia grinned. "Ha! You missed!"

"Wasn't aiming for you…"


Glacia darted around to where Valerie's attack had passed her, only for her overconfident grin to vanish as saw Danny conjure up a greenish bubble of energy around his body. Valerie's blast hit Danny's barrier and, just as it broke it, the attack literally bounced off at a speed that even Glacia couldn't react in time to dodge. The weapon's attack hit Glacia in the solar plexus, and sent her spiraling down to Earth with a loud crash.

"So, is she a girlfriend of yours?" Valerie asked, resting her ecto-bazooka on her right shoulder after seeing no signs of sudden movement from Glacia's overly stunned body.

Danny could believe the words that were coming out of the ghost hunter's mouth. "Are you kidding? She's still has issues with her last boyfriend!"

Unhooking his Fenton thermos from his belt, Danny quickly unscrewed the top. Before Valerie could ask where he got his thermos, Danny fired the bluish beam from the container, engulfing Glacia in its inescapable suction. Through her bruised brain, Glacia's eyes lit up in a result of panic.

"What is this?!" she cried, clawing at the ground to evade the inevitable from the ghost boy's containment unit. "No, stop!"

"Your royal duties have been cut short, Frosty," said Danny. "It's back to Ghost Zone for you!"

"No! Let me go! Let me go! Let me go!"

Glacia's grip finally loosened from the icy ground and with one last shriek, the ghost vanished inside the contents of the thermos. Danny let out a sigh of relief as he slammed the top back on. Danny: one, psycho snowboarding ghost: zero… At last, it was over. Unfortunately, the celebration ended once Danny heard the familiar sound of Valerie's ecto-bazooka charging up for an attack.

Aw, crud. I forgot…

"So, are you going to shoot?" Danny asked, without looking at his attacker.

Valerie paused for a moment, as if in deep thought behind the dark visor of her helmet. Surprisingly, she deactivated the charging sequence and put her ecto-bazooka back into her bottomless backpack.

"I'm in a generous mood today, ghost boy," she said stiffly. "I'm on vacation, too." Stepping on a tile on the surface, the hover-sled's rockets charged up. "Just remember that the next time I see you, I won't be such a goody-goody…" With a loud roar from the rockets, Valerie zipped away into the midday air until she faded from Danny's view.

"Yeah, thanks for all the help, too," Danny muttered with a frown, flying away in the opposite direction, hoping that Tucker and Sam were doing alright without him.

Finally, another update! I had this chapter sitting on my computer for months now and hadn't had any spark to finish it until recently when I finished my semester in college. Also, I have been editing the story as I had mentioned in my Author's Note (which I'll be deleting soon enough). The Prologue now has both Chapters One and Two together in one nicely edited package. Go ahead and read it over if you want to see the changes. Chapter Eleven is under works as I type right now, so expect another update in a couple of weeks after I come back from Anime North.

Happy reading and please review!