Title: An Improbable Romance

Author: Megan or PITAchic, whichever you prefer.

Rating: PG-13 for language (and sensuality, but that will come in a few chapters)

Disclaimer: I own nothing right now, but when I'm rich I'll buy the whole show!

Summary: She didn't know when she had fallen in love with him exactly… All she knew is that she couldn't get him out of her head. Shannon/Sayid with little tiny bits of Jack/Kate and Charlie/Claire.

Author's Note: Heya all! I've had this idea rolling around in my head for a while, so I finally sat down and started writing it. This is my first Lost fic, so be gentle! It starts after "Homecoming" I guess, but since the episode hasn't aired yet, I'm making my own conclusions. I don't really feel like going into much detail with that whole situation right now anyway; maybe in later chapters. Or maybe not. Actually, most likely not. So I guess that makes this a little bit A/U. Whatever. You'll be able to figure out the basics from the fic (or if you have any questions, ask and I'll try to incorporate it or let you know). Anyway, the people may seem a little OOC, but that's just the way it goes, lol. Anyway, let me know if you like it and want me to continue!

Shannon was disappointed.

Not because Claire was found and her baby was still safe inside her stomach. Not because it was Locke and her brother who got all the praise. Not because Ethan was dead. Not even because all the attention was on Claire…Well, not exactly. Even she knew that Claire was where all the attention belonged. She didn't give a flying leap about most of the other people stranded on this island anyway.

She was disappointed because it seemed that with Claire's return and Ethan's death, the urgent need to figure out Rousseau's maps was gone, and with it went the need for her help with interpreting.

She laughed at herself, knowing damn right she didn't care about interpreting. Even the feeling of being useful she could live without; she had for most of her life. But now she had no good excuse to spend time with Sayid.

She didn't know when she had fallen in love with him exactly; maybe it was when he first asked her for assistance, or when he wouldn't let her give up when she thought she wasn't helping. Or maybe it was the night she sang to him. Or it could have been when he brought her the shoes. Maybe it was a few nights ago when Claire was found and he came to check on her because Ethan was still out there somewhere.

All she knew is that she couldn't get him out of her head. This feeling was so strange to her. She didn't fall in love with men. She used them, she ignored them; She treated them like shit in general. Hell, she had slept with her own stepbrother.

So what was it about this man that made her heart speed up, her breath catch, her knees shake? What about him made her feel like everything she said was idiotic and inane? And why did it matter to her if it was? Why did she worry so much about what he thought?

She sighed in frustration at everything spinning around in her head. She had thought coming to the beach to be by herself would help her sort some things out; everyone she ever interacted with was at the caves, hanging around Claire. Even Boone had seemed less fixated on her the past week.

She was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't even notice him until he sat down beside her. She jumped a little, startled at the sudden interruption-especially since she was interrupted by the one person that was causing all this trouble for her.

"Hello," he said, smiling at the fact that he had caught her by surprise.

"Hi. How's Claire doing?" she asked as casually as possible, trying not to let her voice crack.

"She's doing as well as can be expected."

"That's good."


Silence filled the air, but it wasn't uncomfortable.

"So, what exactly are you doing here?" she asked nonchalantly.

"I came to see if you wanted some company."

She scoffed.

"Ethan's dead now, Sayid. I don't need to be checked on."

"I'm not checking on you."

"Yeah, right. You don't think I can handle myself."

"I know you can, Shannon. I really came to see you. We haven't talked much these past few days."

"You really just wanted to see me?"

"Is that so hard to believe?"

"Sayid, no one wants to just come see me. Most of the people here don't want to see me at all."

"I think you are too hard on yourself, Shannon."

"Yeah, well, you don't know me that well," she said, getting up from her spot on the sand and wading out into the ocean until the water hit her knees.

She kept her back to him, and when he didn't follow right away, she assumed he had left. She was surprised when he joined her in the water a few moments later.

She felt his eyes gazing at her, but she kept her sight on the horizon.

"I'd like to," he said suddenly, still watching her.

"You'd like to what?" she asked, confused.

"I'd like to know you better."

She finally turned towards him, their eyes locking. She was amazed at the sincerity she saw in his dark brown eyes.

Before she even had time to comprehend what was happening, their lips crashed together in an intense kiss. She responded immediately, tangling her fingers in his curly hair and molding her body against his.

The kiss seemed to end just as fast as it began, though it left them both breathless and gasping for air.

"It that how you get to know people better?" Shannon asked, smiling coyly.

"Only people that I really like," he responded, winking at her before turning and heading back up the beach.

Okie-dokie, please review! And I'll try to throw in another couple next chapter.