A/N: Of course this if AU, and is like a fantasy/medieval/futuristic setting. There is YAOI implied, so please leave if you don't like. There are many kind of pairings, so if you don't like TyKa, MaRa, TaBy/YuriyBoris, HiHi/HilaryHiro and so forth pairings, then please do leave, I wouldn't like any flames. Yes, since this is like a fantasy, males can get pregnant, so if you don't feel right about that, then I advise you to please leave as well. But really, there will be mentions but not actually a guy has one… as of yet… I am also using the Japanese names of the characters. So help me out if I get them wrong.

Summery: Takao is 16, and is eligible to marry on his father's wishes. The problem is no one would take him as their spouse because of his son that they all call 'Demon'. Who is the father? And who would accept Takao for a husband?

Disclaimers: I don't own Beyblade the Anime or any of its characters. I'm only a fan, doing this to muse on my fanatic skills.

A Moment in Time

By: Tsubasa No Kisei

Chapter One: "An Old King's Wish"

It was nighttime, and the dark sky was glittered with brightly shining stars. The moon shone in its full glory, illuminating the city below. It's soft glow painted the crystal like city silver. Though it was a bit quiet tonight, one person stayed up, humming softly, that enlightened the atmosphere around him. There was a tiny dragon, sleeping on the soft bed, listening to his master sing. The dragon sighed out happily, feeling the searing comfort in the atmosphere. The tiny dragon flicked its wings, and stretched out its silver and blue scaled tail. It shifted into a comfortable position. Making sure its master was safe. It took one last peek at him.

He was gently rocking the sleeping bundle in his arms, gazing at it with a tender emotion. There was radiating affection from him to the tiny child. Droopy large eyes slowly fluttered close, imprinting the loving look from the stormy blue eyes. A tiny chuckled escaped from his mouth, seeing the child sleeping soundly. With one hand, he delicately grazed his fingers over the child's forehead, brushing to small locks of silver hair from its face. "Don't worry, my chibi tenshi. Tou-san is always here for you…" He smiled, and brushed a gentle kiss on the small forehead. "Tyka…"

The doors opened, and the young king of Ecliptian looks up to see his usual cheery wife come in with a worried look. She approaches the king's desk, and placed down a few unopened letters. "Oh, koi. Please don't tell me you are still going through with this."

Kinomiya Hitoshi is one of the youngest kings ever to rule a kingdom. He is a strong leader that everyone in the kingdom of Ecliptia looks up to. He took the throne, after the Demonic Wars have past. His father before him has died in battle, and the kingdom went down in flames. When the wars were over, with his authority over the kingdom, Ecliptia rose high above all kingdoms, striving into a new empire than the past before. Hitoshi is only 22, and has fought in the war, two years ago. When the war was over, he rebuilt Ecliptia. "Yes, Hiromi, my dear." He replied, not looking up from the piles of papers that he was looking into.

Kinomiya Tatibana Hiromi is the proud wife of Hitoshi. By his side, she helps with the kingdom, and tries her best to lighten her husband when in stressful times. She is his confident and would always stick by his side. She would reason things out, before he would make important decisions. She is simply the most beautiful lady in her kingdom, and is admired by many females. She is also a fighter, who was there beside her husband during the war. Hiromi is a young lady, only 20 years of age. They have a healthy son, who is the heir of Hitoshi, Kyoujyu. "But Hiro-koi, otouto-chan… he wouldn't… He won't agree to this."

Hitoshi sighed, and put down his pen, and looked up at his wife. "I'm sorry Hiromi, but it was written from my father, whether he was still alive or dead, that he wants his youngest son to marry, male or female, after his 16th birthday and on or before the Mochidzuki Festival." The young king searched around on his desk, among the piles of papers for a scroll. He picked it up, and gave it to his wife. "I know you are only looking after Takao-kun and Tyka-chan, but Hiromi, this is a will, and I have to grant my father's wishes. You know, I was under the same situation. I know he'll find someone, even if there is Tyka-chan."

"But they'll all think of Tyka-chan as a Demon, like everyone else! All the people you try to set up with otouto-chan reject the offer of marriage because of his 'Demon Son'! I don't want that to happen again, and again." Anger was rising and Hiromi clenched her fists. "It scars both of them, Hiro-koi." She shook her head, tears threatening to spill. "Oh Hiro-koi. Please don't let otouto-chan go though with this, him and Tyka-chan."

Hiro stood up from his seat, and walked over to his wife. He embraced the brunette, trying to calm her shaking form. "Listen… if Takao-kun doesn't find the right person after the Mochidzuki Festival, then we'll just drop it, okay? Then he and Tyka-chan will be happy." He started to rub her back in comfort. "I know you feel that Takao's and Tyka's happiness are important, because it is. I want Takao-kun to be happy, and let Tyka live like a normal child with two parents."

Hiromi wrapped her arms around her husband. "You may not notice it, Hiro-koi, but… Takao-chan has that sorrow in him. He is only happy around his son, and feels sorrow while watching as his son is branded by the people." She sighs and closes her eyes, leaning her head on his broad chest. "We'll choose who is right for Takao-chan, yes?"

"Yes we will." Hiro nodded. "Many legible suitors from different kingdoms are invited to stay here until the Mochidzuki Festival that will be held here. Father listed many, and most have already been crossed out from past meetings and their current status." He slightly pushed his wife, to lift her chin. "Don't worry, koi, okay? Let's make this the best we can. You can stand four months of this absurd ordeal, yes?" Hiromi bit her lip, and nodded her head. Hiro smiled, and bent down to capture her lips into his.

It was a long journey from Ceres to Ecliptia. The three occupants were getting restless, bored and agitated. They were the Hiwatari brothers, from the Kingdom of Ceres. Three young, and single princes were sent by their grandfather, the current ruler of Ceres, to Ecliptia to be a better suitor for the prince there. Their grandfather, being very persistent and stubborn, ordered that one of them were to take the hand of the prince of Ecliptia or at least find their partner to be wed. They were mature, and were suitable to be wedded, but they have been stalling long enough, and the grandfather wants them wedded or else they will face consequences.

The youngest of the three is Hiwatari Rei. He is quite opposite than his two older brothers. He is the most serious, yet more social. The raven-haired boy is already eighteen and very handsome indeed. The second oldest is Hiwatari Kai. The ever-icy prince, though not really the holder of the ice element, is the most silent among his brothers. He is the anti-social one, and likes very much to not open up and reveal his emotions. Kai just turned twenty, and was also quite the looker. Hiwatari Yuriy is the eldest among his brothers. He is the guy in between. He is not much of a talker, and has a great temper, more than Kai. He is narrow-minded, but headstrong. He is now 22 years of age, and is on the line of taking his grandfather's throne.

There were also three others that were enviously sleeping in the ride. On Rei's lap was his great guardian Drigger. It was a small white tiger cub that purred soundly as it slept. On Kai's shoulder was a tiny red bird, no bigger than his hand. The great phoenix guardian is Dranzer. It cooed softly, as its fiery tail burned bright, not actually affecting anything. Beside Yuriy, was a small wolf cub, curled up next to his legs. The little cub was Wolborg. Its tiny ear twitched lightly, until Yuriy mindlessly started to scratch its white head. Sure they maybe all small and cute, but when it came to a battle, their true forms can be intimidating to the rookie fighters.

"Wow… Ecliptia is really big. Last time we came here it wasn't like this before." Rei awed, seeing the glimpses of the city of Ecliptia. Mountains surrounded it, with the ocean in its view, behind. Digger yawned, and finally woke up. The white tiger blinked its big blue eyes, and peered over the window. Rei smiled, and patted its head.

"That's because Hitoshi-sama of Ecliptia rebuilt it that way. It was destroyed two years ago." Yuriy replied, with his arms crossed and eyes closed. Rei saw that the other brother was also in the same posture.

Rei sighed at the two. "Well… even after two years, the city was rebuilt really quickly." He stated, seeing the city starting to hide behind the mountains, as they headed down towards it. Seeing as another silence arising, Rei sighed and just continued to stare at the scenery with his guardian, swaying his tail around. It was tough having conversations with rocks.

The last time Rei has visited Ecliptia was when his father was still alive, and he was very young. They would always come to Ecliptian during the summer, until the Demonic Wars started. Kingdom, after kingdom has fallen into ruins, even Ceres, their own home. Their father died, and their grandfather took the seat of being the king again when the wars were over. Since they were in a right age, he wants one of his grandsons to marry, in order to take over the throne and let the responsibility rest upon the new king. Rei didn't understand why the heir to the throne had to marry before taking over the empire as king. But it was an old tradition that has been going on ever since the great elders were alive.

They have stopped, and Rei looked out to see that they were before a vast grassy field. He found Drigger on the floor, from the sudden jolt. There was a sound of dissatisfaction coming from the wolf cub that was suddenly woken. Dranzer squawked, a bit furious she was wakened from her sleep. Curious as Rei was, He scooped the cub, and he stepped out. He glanced around and enjoyed the soft blowing wind going through his hair. Drigger purred. Rei walked up to the driver that was getting off the coach. "Hey, where are we?" He asked the old man. He saw Kai and Yuriy come out from inside the carriage, staring out at the field. There were a couple of guys unloading their luggage from the carriage.

"My boy, we are in ye Dragon Ranch." There was a loud roar, and many other foreign sounds. Rei turned his head to see the large reptilian creatures, with great wings, roaming around the fields. There were fences, and a great warren in the center. Rei stared in awe. He forgot that they had to ride dragons in order to go over the mountains to Ecliptia. The dragons were the most praised creatures of Ecliptian. That's why they sometimes call Ecliptia the City of Dragons.

Drigger gave a little roar of delight, and jumped out from his masers arms. Wolborg and Dranzer happily followed, prancing up to one of the great beasts. "Ye better go and see Hanna, current head of ye Ranch." The old man was preparing to leave the young princes. "Best of luck to ya'll. That prince of Ecliptia is a stubborn young man. I'd be seeing thee lad running up these field n' riddin' those dragons." He chuckled. He tugged on the reigns of the horse and the carriage left the three.

Rei's face lightened with excitement. They were gong to ride on dragons! It's been six years since he has ever ridden on it before. The raven-haired boy ran towards the settlement in the Ranch with the two older brothers following not too far behind.

"Serima-san." Hiromi stepped outside into the royal gardens. She looked around and started to walk down its paths. The garden was very large, with various kinds of flowers from all over the world. Hiromi loved her garden, and grew it with her own power and hands. "Serima-san, are you out here?" She called out.

There was an echoing shrill from above, and Hiromi looks up to see a hawk swooping down to her. She put out her arms, and the hawk gracefully landing on it. Hiromi smiled widely, petting the bird. "Hello my dear Dranis. How are you today?" The bird gently bites her master's finger, showing that she was fine. Hiromi continued to admire her beautiful guardian, with odd lavender eyes and her shining brown feathers.

A young red haired girl came running up to the queen, and bowed her head down, breathing heavily. "Oukouheika?" Serima was the nurse and caretaker of the two children in the castle. She was a young girl, and a renowned servant to the castle.

"Oh Serima, have you seen my son?" She asked with a soft tone. Dranis titled her head, as if she was asking the question too.

Serima looked up at her, biting her lip in nervousness. "It would seem, Oukouheika, that Kyoujyu-sama is in his lessons, ma'am. But it does seem that young Tyka-sama is kind of… hiding…"

Hiromi raised a brow. "And where is my otouto-chan? Maybe he is with him?"

Serima shook her head. "No, my Lady. He and Max-sama went riding a few hours ago. They left Tyka-sama… and he proposed a game of hide and seek." She said, bowing her head with shame.

Hiromi giggled at this. "Well then, I'll help look for him with you. Oh, and please give Kyoujyu-chan his bath, because we have guest coming in today. Once we find Tyka-chan, give him his bath as well." Serima nodded, and went off to look for the little boy in the castle. Where can a two-year old little boy hide to in a gigantic castle filled with thousands of rooms? Hiromi giggled again. She let Dranis fly back into the sky, as she went to go search for her missing nephew.

They flew over Ecliptia, the silver city. They headed straight for the castle. It sat upon a tall hill, with a moat surrounding that large structure. The water flowed down from all sides of the hill, like a waterfall. It was like a fountain, with the castle as the headpiece sitting above it. It stood proudly above the glassy city, with the ocean mostly surrounding it, and the mountains guarding it from the main land. They ran into other dragon riders that soared above the city, like their main transportation. The buildings in the industry area were tall, almost reaching the same height of the hill the castle sat upon. It was a grand city that shined like a diamond.

They landed in the dragon stables of the castle, and were immediately greeted by the young king himself. "Aw, the Hiwataris from Ceres. It's good to see you after six years." He shook hands with Rei, and even with Yuriy, who showed his respect. But Kai, behind his cold self, ignored the greeting gesture. "Do come and settle in. Make yourselves comfortable. Your things will be placed in your room. Have a tour of the castle." He said enthusiastically. "My brother is somewhere around, but you'll meet him later tonight."

Three dragons suddenly landed, with a gust of wind circling around the grounded group. Two figures came running by, saying something that wasn't clear, heading to the castle. The other figure got off calmly, and walked to follow the other two. "Oh, Boris. Let me introduce you to the grandsons of Hiwatari-sama from Ceres."

The young man stood beside his king after a short bow in respect. He looked at the three other princes and bow to them in courtesy. "This is the personal guard and lieutenant on the royal guards, Boris Kuznetson." He introduced. Boris was a tall young man, the same age as Hiro. They grew up together, and fought in the war side by side. Boris took over his father's position as personal guard to the royal family, but didn't want to be the Lieutenant General of the Army.

"It's pleasure to meet you." He said solemnly, bowing again. When he looked up he saw a pair of icy-blue eyes staring at him intently. He quickly looked away, and gazed at his king. "My lord, Takao-sama has returned from his ride."

Hiro shook his head, and sighed. "I've noticed. Make sure he's ready for tonight. Other guests are soon to arrive, Boris-san." The gray haired boy nodded. He took a glance at the still staring pair of icy-blue eyes, and quickly turned away to head into the castle.

As the three Hiwataris followed the King of Ecliptia, a servant came up to them, and bowed curtly. "This will be your personal servant here, Matilda-san. She'll help you and serve you in anyway." Hiro bowed his head. "If you'll excuse me, I have to attend to another matter. I'm sure you'll be comfortable around here." Then he left the three.

Drigger, Wolborg and Dranzer urgently left their master, running into the castle. Matilda smiled. "Don't worry about them, my lords. They are quite safe here in the palace. There are many guardians that roam free here." She then continued to lead the three. They were a bit hesitant on where their guardians went, but they followed the pink haired servant.

Rei whistled loudly, as they walked around the large castle. "Man, not even the one in Ceres is as big as Ecliptia."

The bubble-gum haired girl bowed her head slightly. "Kokuouheika did work hard to rebuild his kingdom, my Lords. He used his power to raise these walls from the old ruins, sirs. Kokuouheika is a great young king, and we all love him, just like his younger brother, Takao-kimi." She said meekly.

"I'm sure you guys do." Rei placed a hand on his hip, staring at the small girl. "Do you mind if you kind of give us a heads up on this Takao-kimi?" he asked.

Matilda smiled shyly. "Takao-kimi is a young boy, my lords. He is sixteen since two months past. He is very lively, and very popular with us servants. He works out with the soldiers here, because the personal guard and he are close friends. Takao-kimi does have a personal servant, but does consider him his best friend instead. His name is Mizuhara Max."

"Mizuhara?" Rei asked. "That name sounds familiar."

Matilda nodded her head. "Yes my lord. Are you familiar with the great merchant, Mizuhara, and the great scientist of Baygalee, Mizuhara Judy?" Rei blinked.

"Yes. They are quiet know in Ceres and in the whole Butuken continent." Yuriy replied. Rei blinked at him. 'So he speaks… gees…'

Matilda smiled at them. "You see, my lords, the Mizuhara are a great family here in Ecliptia, and were great friends to the Kinomiya family. The grandmother of Max-sama, was also the head servant and loyal friend of the Kinomiyas. Max-sama stayed here, after the Demonic Wars." They stopped in the middle of the hall, and Matilda pushed up a door to one room. "This can be one of your rooms. Your things might have been mixed up, but you can call us to move them for you." She said.

Rei waved a hand. "No it's okay, we'll get the room where our things are already in."

"Okay, then." She bowed to them. "Please do call when you are of need of anything."

Rei nodded. "Don't worry, you can count on it." He winked at the girl and causing her to blush as she walked away timidly.

They all went into their separate rooms. Kai walked in and stopped in his tracks, to see a little boy sitting on the floor. There were their guardians, playing with the tiny boy, with a small dragon around the boy's shoulders. They all looked up at the person who came in and disrupted their little fun.

Rei came into his room. "Hey, Kai, I think I have your room. Oh Drigger there you are. I-" Rei blinked his golden eyes and saw the boy who looked strangely like his older brother.

The little boy looked up at them, with an empty gaze. Rei was even more shocked to see the blue marks on the boy's face and the duel hair color he had. What set the boy apart from his brother were his eyes. It was a double color, with the right a stormy blue color and the other the recognizable ruby red. Rei slowly approached the boy, giving him a comforting smile. "Um… Hey there, little guy…" He reached out his hand, and saw the boy make no attempt to move. He just stared at the raven-haired guy with his double colored eyes. "What are you doing here?" He asked gently.


There was a tiny shriek, and another boy, older and much taller than the tiny one, appeared at the doorway of the room. The boy paled a bit, and quickly rushed up to the tiny duel haired boy. The boy took the tiny one into his arms, and easily picked him up, compared to his small size. There were sounds of protest coming from the three other guardians that were left on the ground. "Gomen-nasai." The little brunette bowed to the two older men in the room. "Tyka-chan is playing a game. He always hides around this area. Gomen-nasai." He bowed again, and then quickly left, with his little legs carrying his weight and the tiny boy.

Rei blinked his eyes, still a bit speechless with the replica of his brother. He turned to gaze at Kai, and saw the empty expression on his face. Rei sighed. 'Hopeless… you can never get any reaction from him… but I wonder… who was the boy, and why does he look so much like Kai?' There was a grunt from beside him, and he turned to see Kai leave the room. Dranzer quickly followed, flapping her small wings, behind her master. Wolborg quickly ran out from the room. 'I wonder where he is going, seeing he doesn't know his way around here.' Rei shrugged and decided to take a short nap. He shut the door of his room, and picked up his tiger guardian. Staying in a carriage for hours can get you tiered.

That boy. The thought of it bothered Kai, even though he doesn't show it. Dranzer cooed in worry, staring at her master. He replayed that moment, when the tiny boy stared back at him with his ruby and blue eyes. He looked exactly like him, but his features were innocent and had a blue eye. It troubled him as to why there was a double of him. He shook his head to get the thoughts form his head. Yuriy, his older brother looked at him with a raised brow. "What troubles you, brother?" He asked, in his usual deep tone.

"Hn." Kai shrugged and continued his walk around the castle. Yuriy smirked, amused of the distracted look his brother carried. Even though Kai was like an icy-prince, he understood his young brother very well. He was the eldest, and he knew each of his brothers inside and out. Rei was roaming around on his own, leaving the two older Hiwataris.

Yuriy was distracted in trying to figure out his brother, that he didn't notice see someone in front of him turn from a corner. The impact caused the two to fall. The gray haired man quickly stood up, recognizing the guest. "Gomen-nasai!" He helped up the red haired man from the floor. "I'm very sorry, my lord. I didn't see you." He bowed.

Yuriy looked up and saw the familiar guy. "Boris-san, right?" The other guy nodded his head. Yuriy smiled at him. "It's okay. It's all practically my fault. I hope you are okay."

Boris blinked his eyes and stiffly nodded. The red haired prince smiled, his icy blue eyes shining. "Would you mind if you gave us a tour of this palace? It is really kind of bigger than our old home." Boris nodded robotically and started to lead them through the palace grounds. Kai raised a brow, watching all this with amusement. 'If I wouldn't have known better, I would have thought that Yuriy…' Kai smirked, walked behind the two. 'It's too good to be true. Rei would really love to tease Aniki.' Feeling her master's amusement, she gave a soft squawk. Kai petted her tiny head, trying to keep her silent.

Rei was walking around, already seeing half of the large palace, with Drigger trailing behind. It was about two times bigger than their castle back in Ceres. He admired the modern structure, living up with the fashions of today. It was no doubt because of the young rulers of this kingdom. There was a large ballroom, able to fit the three countries of Bakuten if it can. No wonder that this year they'll be hosting the Mochidzuki Festival this year. Ecliptia is a large city, ruled by a young couple that survived the Demonic war. He wondered if when he or his other brothers took the throne they'd be able to make their country strive like Ecliptia.

There was sound of laughter from behind, and Rei turned around to see a blonde running around in the courtyard, with a tiny boy chasing him. The blonde mesmerized Rei, causing him to stare at the glittering creature. His hair shined under the sun, and sparkled as he ran. He could see his pair of ocean blue eyes brightly shining from where he was. His face was red with excitement, as he played around like a child. The tiny child was the same boy he saw this morning. Rei blushed lightly as he walked up to the beautiful energetic boy. Drigger sat there, watching the scene with curiosity.

The blonde caught the giggling duel haired child into his arms, and playfully fell to the ground, with the tiny child above him. "Ha! I got you!"

"Again! Again! Please, Max-ojisan?" The boy was laughing as he got attacked with tickles.

Max stopped his little torture on the small boy. "We have to get you cleaned up for dinner, Tyka-chan. Your obasan will get really mad if you're still dirty." The boy pouted as he was picked up from the ground, into the blonde's arms. Max turned around to head back into the castle, but stopped short in surprise to see a raven-haired guy in front of him. "Oh, gomen-nasai."

Rei shook his head, and smiled at him. He found the confused expression on the blonde kind of cute. He blushed lightly, but suppressed it. "No, I'm sorry. I couldn't help but watch your little game you had with this boy."

Max blinked his ocean blue eyes, and sort of became protective of the boy in his arms. "Oh." He replied flatly.

Rei frowned a bit, but smiled. "I'm Hiwatari Rei, from Ceres." He offered out his hand.

Max licked his lips, and shook the taller man's hand. "Mizuhara Max, Takao-sama's personal servant."

"Mizuhara?" He asked. "Are you not the son of Mizuhara-san and Mizuhara Judy?"

The blonde nodded. "Yes I am."

Rei nodded his head slowly in understanding. He noticed the uncomfortable look on the blonde's face, as he shifted the tiny boy in his arms. Rei glanced at the boy, who was the replica of Kai. "This boy, he's unique. I haven't seen anyone with such beautiful double colored eyes."

Max backed away in defense, keeping away the boy form his view. Rei raised a brow. "Yes very unique that people would say that this child is a demon…" He hissed.

"Why?" Rei gasped, and blinked in shock. "Apparently, I see no trait of demon among the boy. He is purely innocent and beautiful. What is his name?"

Max turned his head away, leaning his chin on the small boy's head. Rei, as he noticed, saw the tiny boy ridded from that pure delight he had when he saw them playing. It was a blank and empty emotion held on the boy's pale face. The child just stared at him. Max started to rub the tiny boy's back. "H-his name is… Kinomiya Tyka."

"Another brother of Hitoshi-sama?" Rei asked.

Max shook his head. "He is only two, and their mother died long past, when Takao-kimi was born." The blonde looked up at Rei. He saw the curious gaze from his golden eyes. He was suddenly in trance. His golden eyes captured his.

"Oh then… he is his son?" he asked, suddenly whispering as he neared the blonde.

Max slowly shook his head, not noticing how close the raven-haired guy was coming up close to him. He held the boy in his arms closer to him. "No…" The child gave a little noise, almost being squished between the two bigger men. They quickly parted, not looking at one another. Certainly they didn't see the reddened faces they had.

"Oh! There you are, Max-sama."

They all looked up to see a red haired girl running up to them. She bowed respectfully to the higher rank. She smiled down at the duel-haired child. "And you have Tyka-sama. Takao-kimi is looking for his son, and wants to see that he gets clean." She took the tiny child from the blonde. "Oukouheika says that you should be ready for dinner, my lords. All the guests have arrived and are excited to see Takao-kimi." She curtly bowed to the two older men and left with Tyka.

Rei blinked his eyes, and looked at the blonde, who had a bowed head. "Son?"

Max further bowed down his head, not wanting to look up at the raven-haired guy. "This is why so many have rejected Takao-kimi for a husband. He has a son, and was impregnated around the times of the Demonic Wars…" he shook his head, and looked up at Rei with teary eyes. "They called Tyka a demon, because of his unusual characteristics, silver and gray hair, blue and ruby eyes, and the markings on his face." He shook his head more. "Oh please don't say a word to anyone about this, Rei-sama. It would tear Takao-kun apart the reason why they would all reject him is because of him having a son. I know you are here in order to court Takao-kun, but you have to understand, Takao-kun is a nice caring person, who only loves his son dearly, and would want more than anything in the world for his love to be able to love his son too." He started to hick a bit, tears falling with so much care on his best friend. Rei felt touched, seeing how much he cares for this Takao and his son, Tyka.

Rei smiled reassuringly, and gently wiped the tears away from the blonde's face. Max gasped a bit, and looked up at him. "Anyone stupid to call that boy a demon, is a monster himself for seeing such a wonderful kid as some kind of spawn of evil. You should know Max-san that… that boy, Tyka… he looks so much like…"


The pair turned their head to see two older men standing from the entrance of the courtyard to the inside of the palace. Rei knew them as his two older brothers. He felt Max froze in place, staring at with wide eyes. He followed his gaze at the sight of Kai. He then understood.

The red head sighed at the younger Hiwatari. "Stop fooling around, otouto-san. You need to get ready for dinner, and it's in an hour. We know how long you take to fix your hair, so you better start now."

Rei glared at his Aniki and mumbled to himself. 'Oh, now he's trying to be funny. What's got him to lighten up, huh?' He turned to Max's still speechless expression. Rei gently smiled at him, and bowed. He turned and left, to follow his brothers. He quickly picked up the white cub on the floor that was enjoying the scene. Rei said something to his guardian, and kind of playfully glared at the laughing tiger, in its own way.

'No way… that guy… he look… no way…' Max stood still, staring at the place where that duel haired man stood. 'Could it be…?'

To Be Continued…

((I could be a little wrong with my Japanese, but do feel free on telling me the right corrections.
-Kimi: it's supposedly the suffix you use to address a prince?
Oukouheika: Her Majesty?
Oukou: Queen
Ousama: King
Kokuouheika: His Majesty?
Mochidzuki: It means Full Moon
Aniki: kind of a different way to call an older brother (Rei Kai calls Yuriy- Aniki, and Rei calls Kai- Onii-san)
Characters (up to now):
Hiro/Kinomiya Hitoshi (22)- the King of Ecliptia; Wind Caster; Guardian Metal Drigger (am I right, that's his bit beast?)
Hilary/Kinomiya Hiromi (20)- Queen of Ecliptia; Wind Caster; Guardian Dranis (made up hawk bit-beast)
Tyson/Kinomiya Takao (16)- Prince of Ecliptia; Storm/Wind Caster; Guardian Dragoon
Kinomiya Tyka (2)- Son of Takao and ? (You could only guess how I got his name and immediately who the other father is.)
Kenny/Kinomiya Kyoujyu (6)- Son of Hiro and Hiromi; Dizzara (Can't have a guardian, but a pet white fox)
Mizuhara Max (17)- Nobel man/ Servant to Takao; Water Caster; Guardian Draciel
Ray/Hiwatari Rei (18)- Prince of Ceres; Thunder/Earth Caster; Guardian Drigger
Hiwatari Kai (20)- Prince of Ceres; Fire Caster; Guardian Dranzer
Tala/Hiwatari Yuriy (22)- Prince of Ceres; Ice Caster; Guardian Wolborg
Bryan/ Boris Kuznetson (22)- Personal Guard/Lieutenant of Army; Wind Caster; Guardian Falborg
Matilda (19)- She is from the team BEGA from G-Revolution, yes- Servant in Ecliptia.
Serima (20)- Nurse and care taker of Tyka and Kyoujyu.

- There will be more characters, and you get to meet the other princes that are here to take Takao's hand in marriage. Who will win his heart? And who really is Tyka's father? Please review!))