Title: 12 Memories
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I still cannot find anyway to claim anything of One Tree Hill or Travis. Sadly, I really have no possessions worth mentioning.
Summary: AU. It seemed that at the age of two destiny already had a plan. As best friends, their relationship goes hectic, do they realize that they're fighting an uphill battle to stay apart? Mainly L/P, but some N/H and little B/J.
Author's Note: Ok, so I know, I know there are a million other things I could be doing and a million other things I should be writing. I've got half an update written for The Saddest Song, working on some ideas for Lost in the Past and formulating the sequel, I had an update for Running Out of Time but computers don't cooperate, and Beach Girls has been last on my list recently. Sorry for all those who are reading that, but it kinda fell down the priority list. This came to me a while ago and I wrote this prologue forever ago. I actually have 2 or 3 more stories I've started but haven't gotten to posting. I think you'll like them when they get here. Anyhow, read on and tell me what you think. Enjoy...
Prologue - Mid-Life Krysis
She was only nine. Nine years of life and the next nine would never, ever be the same. Her ninth year of life was the year her mother died, the year she was left alone, the year that would forever be burned in her mind. Yet, it seemed only one good thing from those nine years would carry over to the next, and the next, and the next, and the next...
– 'Memories fill your harbor, history to be made' –
Her life had never moved in decades. It never really had the chance. She now saw her life moving in little sequences of nine. The only way to really get to the bottom of her life experiences though, would be to go back to the beginning. Back to when her only constant entered her life.
It had been decided that their first born would be friends. From the moment Anna Flynn and Karen Roe met, they were inseparable and somewhere in the four years of high school experience they shared, they made that decision. Karen met Dan Scott sophomore year, Anna met Larry Sawyer towards the middle of junior year. Both ended up pregnant in a span of six months of each other. The difference; Larry stayed and supported Anna, while Dan's older brother Keith stepped in to help Karen when Dan ran off to college.
Lucas Andrew Scott was born March 12, 1988. He was 8lbs., 6oz. and 21 inches long. It was obvious he would not know dan was his father until Karen made that decision. Keith offered to be his father and let Lucas believe he had been that man, but Karen refused to let him do so, she didn't want him to waste his life on them.
Peyton Nicole Sawyer was born July 21, 1988. She was 6lbs., 8oz. and 20 inches long. It was obvious she was going to have her daddy wrapped around her little finger. He was in awe of her little figure and in love from the moment he saw her. Karen and Keith became her godparents and vice versa for Lucas. The children were introduced before either was six months old.
– 'Jealousy in the cupboard, you with me to the grave' –
The first two years were a new found hell for the two young mothers. The two small children wanted absolutely nothing to do with each other. There was crying, biting, pinching, hitting, pushing. It became nearly impossible for Karen and Anna to see each other.
June made its way in, Lucas' second birthday had just passed in March and Peyton's was quickly approaching. The two girls decided to give the play date one last try in a desperate attempt to salvage their friendship. A two year old Lucas wandered through the park in his cargo shorts and Nike's, awaiting the little girl's arrival. The blonde toddler came scrambling into the park at full speed, headed for the sandbox, Lucas took notice and followed blindly. The mothers spent the next four hours at the park trying to coerce the children into going home. That was Peyton's first sleep over, Karen took her home, allowing Larry and Anna some much needed alone time. From that day on, the two blondes remained inseparable.
The toddlers grew up together. Going to birthday parties, having water balloon fights, sleep overs, anything else you can dream of, they did. At six, Nathan was revealed to the little boy. Dan had made it clear that his two sons were not to interact with each other. Karen and Deb made it clear that their two little boys would be friends and in each others lives. Peyton met Haley that same year. Haley James was the smart, witty little girl who managed to gain a place in Peyton's heart. The four children formed a tight friendship, though it never approached the bond Lucas and Peyton still shared.
– 'Mid-life krysis, you invited everyone, you can't win' –
A year later, Brooke Davis moved to Tree Hill, partaking in the small circle of friends, as did a mini Jake Jaglieski. At seven years old Nathan and Jake firmly insisted that Peyton, Haley, and Brooke were sure to have the dreaded disease, cooties. They urged Lucas to stay away. Granted, he may have listened and stayed away from Brooke and Haley, but he didn't even try to keep away from Peyton. She was his best friend, he couldn't leave her behind. Brooke and Haley warned her, told her boys were gross, that she should keep her distance. She didn't go near Jake and Nathan, but Lucas wasn't a boy, he was her best friend.
"They said you had cooties," they told each other in unison. Lucas cracked a crooked smile as Peyton erupted into a fit of giggles. Minutes later Lucas spoke and looked over at his friend who sat on the opposite swing.
"I won't listen to them if you won't."
"Good, 'cause I wasn't gonna."
– 'You can't wake from this nightmare, ever day is like a movie' –
June rolled in again and his ninth year had come and gone. They were in his room watching Jaws. Their favorite movie that week. It was that ninth year, that exact day their fantasy world would be flipped upside down. It was close to eight o'clock on a Saturday night and the phone startled Karen.
"Karen...it's Larry," his words were almost incoherent, but she heard him.
"What happened? Where's Anna?" she has asked the question but the words that came from her mouth surprised her. She chalked it up to woman's intuition.
"Oh, God...Karen, her plane went down. There were no survivors," he choked on his words, almost not believing them as they fell out of his mouth.
"What!" she shrieked. Her best friend was gone. The world stopped moving, everything felt frozen. The air around her stopped circulating.
"I'm going out to Ohio, that's where it fell. Do you want to come?" his voice was broken, sentences muffled.
"Y-y-yea. I'll get Keith for the kids. Do you want me to tell Peyton? Or do you want to do it yourself?" He breathed a sigh. He hadn't even thought, his little girl. She had no mother.
"Don't answer. I'll do it," the young woman responded to her own question. He grunted and she told him her plans before calling Keith and venturing to her son's room.
– 'Third world war on the rise, don't take it in the city, making love - to get high, mid-life krysis' –
Warily, Karen made her way through Lucas' door to find the two children jumping on his bed, laughing at their antics.
"Don't fall off! Jaws will eat you!" the little boy warned his best friend. Karen's heart tore a little more upon watching Peyton smile, that smile would never be the same.
"Peyton...can I see you for a minute?"
"Sure, Karen! Be right back, Luke." The older woman watched his expressions. He looked puzzled and Karen silently prayed that he would prove he was her best friend by being there for her.
Karen sat the blonde down, not even remotely trying to step the waterfall of tears.
"What happened?" Peyton questioned the older woman in front of her. Something was definitely wrong.
"Oh, Peyton. There was a plane crash -"
"NO!" Karen watched the horror flicker in her eyes. "NO! My mom is fine!" Peyton quickly stood and took off running. Not home, she couldn't go home. Her father was home and seeing him in pain would make it all real.
Lucas stuck his blonde head through the doorway in time to see the curls fly through the front door and out into the warm night.
"Mom! What happened!" he ran to his mother, begging for an answer.
"Her mom's plane -" before she could finish her sentence her ten year old was following the footsteps the little girl had just set. She heaved a sigh before going to pack and wait for Keith. Then once again bursting into tears as she saw the picture that sat on the shelf of her best friend.
– 'You invited everyone, you can't win, you can't wake from this nightmare' –
The night was relatively warm, inviting people outside for barbeques. Most people in the neighborhood remained outside, watching Lucas run towards an unknown destination. The downpour started as his feet hit the wet grass of the Rivercourt. He didn't expect to find her there, it had more or less always been his spot. Though, he knew she wouldn't have gone home.
She remained in her spot, direct middle of the court. Her knees pulled up to her chest, letting her chin rest on top. Her little red eyes were visible, even from where he stood. He crossed over to her, not talking, just crouching down to her eye level.
"Why?" she whispered, turning her head away from him.
"I dunno." A beat of silence in the rain. Her hair flattened against her head. She was only nine, but seemed wise beyond her years by then.
"What're you doing here?" he asked softly, awaiting her answer.
"I knew you'd come here...but no one else would," he smiled at her words. She was his very best friend. He sat himself down beside her, not having anything more to say. She just leaned against him and cried. He watched, feeling horrible that she was in pain, his buddy, forever. For years after, that would still prove to be true.
Tell me if you liked it or not and if you would want me to continue. The next chapter I have written and would pick up when they're like 17 and 16. It'll deal with a few things but don't worry, I've got a plan. Keep a look out for an update for The Saddest Song. And my others too! The song used was "Mid-Life Krysis" by Travis. Review!