A.N. - Ok so we get to the meat of where the story begins. First off this chapter has a three purposes. 1 - To show the growing relationship between Nabiki and Ranma. 2 - Introduce a new character. (Though they will not make their first apperance till the next chapter.) 3 - Show off Ranma's new skill level. (Though this will only skim the surface of new techniques I have thought of for him.)

Racing across rooftops, Nabiki felt a surge by being in Ranma's powerful arms. Ranma had changed so much in the past three years and she wasn't sure what of the old Ranma still remained. Yet the sweet side few ever had a chance to see was side of him that seemed to have grown. Also his love for the art had not left him. Then there was the way he had dealt with Happosai. The ego in the way he had talked to him showed he may not have changed in the ways that truly made him the one and only Ranma Saotome.

With a final leap the landed in the Furinkan High school yard. With a short run they where across the yard and in the air again, landing on the roof, Ranma finally came to a stop. The trip had only taken moments, where it use to take fifteen minutes for her to walk to school. 'He has to of increased his power twice over by now. There is no way he isn't the most powerful martial artist by now.

Finally releasing Nabiki, Ranma walked to a ledge on the roof. "I use to come here when I was happy or I needed to think. I know everyone figured it was always the bridge I went to hide under, but that was when I was upset." Ranma turned to look at Nabiki. "I know you still have lots of questions and I hope to answer them all, but I have a little story I want to tell you first."

Ranma's eyes held the steel blue hardness that made him seem over confident and unbeatable at the same time. To say Nabiki's curiosity was peaked would be putting it lightly. "Ok Saotome, you have my attention, please go on."

"Do you remember the shot period when we were engaged?" Nabiki just nodded wondering where the conversation might lead. "I have had the past three years to think over a great many things. Among them was what Akane and myself meant to each other. When I came to the reality that at best we could only be friends, I began to wonder if anyone out there was right for a person like me. Akane and me are too much alike to ever be together. We are both so competitive and both want to be the best at all we do. I quickly figured out that was like mixing oil and water; you just had to wait long enough for something to go wrong. Now I still have strong feeling for Akane like I said earlier, but they have changed. She will always be my first love and one of my best friends. Yet that is all. So then I wondered about my future. I thought about all those I had known. Ukyo was just a friend and no matter what else she may want, that would be the only way I could ever feel about her. Shampoo was beautiful and nice enough, but once again I knew that I couldn't and didn't want to be more then friends. All these women I have known and have chased after me, but I never returned the feeling. Then it struck me. The one thing that missed from all these relationships, minus with Akane of course, was a chance to go after them. I needed a women I could protect, while at the same time never have to worry about."

Ranma looked once more at the night sky before leaning against the wall. "I needed a women who could be my equal, but not just like me. She had to have her own unique way of dealing with things and be willing to except me for who I am. You see my curse isn't cured, even though Ryoga and now the rest think it is. I have just learned a way to deal with it. I have learned through my training in the Hiryu Shoten Ha to control my cool ki. It allows me to put off a cold aura around me. Then later when I fought Saffron and he sucked all the coolness of my attack and made it hot, I figured why can't I do the same. So I trained till I could control the temperature around me. When Happosai threw the water at me, I just made it warm before it hit. No transformation. Simple enough, but I was expecting that attack so I could do that. Surprise water and rain often still force my transformation. And for this reason, I knew I needed to find someone that could except me for who I was and yet met with guidelines I had set for someone I could live my life with." Taking a moment to look into Nabiki's eyes, he knew what he would say next wasn't going to come as big of a surprise has he had thought. "That leads me back to the question I asked at the outset. Every time I thought of the one person I might already know that could be that person I came back to you Nabiki. I would think of are time engaged and wonder what might have happened if it hadn't turned out the way it did. Could you and I have made a relationship? Could you have loved me? These questions kept coming to me till I realized a quiet part of myself had always liked you and more then just as a possible sister-in-law."

Looking into Nabiki's eyes, Ranma began to wonder if he had said too much to quickly. Well once he had learned to resolve things and speak his heart, he knew he couldn't hold back any longer. Those where the things that had gotten him where he was in life and had kept him distant from those he cared about.

Nabiki was making a quick assessment of the situation. Here in front of her, was a man where a boy had been just three years earlier. This man had grown by leaps and bounds when the pressure was off, and had openly admitted to Nabiki that he had some kind of feelings for her. If she was reading the situation correctly, he wanted to know if she was willing to explore this farther. So it was a simple question she posed to herself. 'Is there anything about him that should keep her from trying?' The answer was a simple no. She herself had wondered many of the same things. Had she not scorned him the day he had arrived from china, what might there have been between them.

"Ranma you make it all seem so simple, but are you sure that I am the one you want? You never have had a shortage of women after you. Not to mention those that would ignore your curse and love you." Nabiki had to know just how serious he was. If he was willing she was, but if there was any doubt left in him, she didn't know if she could be as gracious and let him go as her sister did. She knew from a look in his eyes he was the first man she found herself falling for. Sure she had had boyfriends, but Ranma was offering a chance for more.

Walking to Nabiki, Ranma shook his head with a smile. "Nabs I am not only serious, but I have to tell you that in the three years gone with time to think about it, and watching you at school, I think I am already falling in love with you."

Ranma chose that moment to step up and take her into his arms. With one hand on her back he used his other to lift her chin. Lightly placing a kiss on her lips, Ranma pulled her tightly to him.

Nabiki did not fight the kiss. She put her arms around Ranma's neck and kissed him back. After a few moments they broke the kiss, but didn't let each other go.

"I guess now would be a good time to tell you that a part of me always wanted you too."

Ranma's smile grew till it seemed to stretch from ear to ear. "You know if the two old coots have anything to say about this, we will end up married before Akane and Ryoga." With that Ranma burst into a fit of giggles.

"You know Saotome, who says that is a bad thing." Nabiki smiled at Ranma and then pulled him down for another kiss.

After an hour of small talk and kissing Ranma once again turned to look at stars. He face seemed so placid from the happy man that had just been there.

"There is one small complication to this all. Mr. Ito's daughter I saved, Ayami will be under my protection for a while. Her father is concerned that while he is setting up his retirement, that others may try and attack his daughter again. So I have taken her under my protection till it is all over. She will arrive in the morning. The problem is, she seems quit taken with me and can be a little jealous around other women. That added to the fact that she has to be with me every where I go for the next month doesn't help." Ranma watched Nabiki to see if there were any signs of her being upset.

"So you are telling me that while we are trying to work on a relationship, there is going to be another girl around you 24/7 for the next month?"


"I don't see any problem at all Saotome."

Ranma didn't miss the sarcasm in her voice, or the fact she had chosen to use his last name again. 'Oh this is just too good. I think the little surprise about Ayami is just going to be funny as hell.'

"Look Nabs, I am sorry about this, but I swear to you on my honor, you have nothing to worry about."

This seemed to placate her fears, at least a little.

"Ok Nabs, I guess we had get back. I am sure there are several who want to give me the third degree back at the dojo anyways." With a smile he swept her up into his arms and jumped from the roof. In moment they where racing across the city via rooftop again.

Shortly after Ranma and Nabiki had left the Tendo Dojo, they where followed by Ryoga and Akane who where out for an evening walk. Holding hands the couple made their way to a nearby park. As the stars twinkled their light and the moon shone over the lake the two held hands.

"So Ryoga-chan, what do you think my dear sister thought of our little present?"

Ryoga looked down at Akane and smiled. Akane couldn't ignore just how handsome his face was when he gave a full smile that showed his fangs off.

Moving his arm around her to hold Akane close to his-self Ryoga stared into her eyes for a moment.

"Oh I think those two are perfect for each other. Lets face it; Ranma needs someone like her to keep him on his toes. And we know no harm will come to her in his care. Yet how do you feel with your sister ending up with him?" Ryoga could be slow at times and often lost in his own illusions to how life was, but he did not delude his-self to think Akane had no feelings for Ranma anymore. They may have changed, but he had been a critical part of her life when even Ryoga found his-self incapable of protecting her.

"Look you baka, I may still care for him, but it is you who I love and will marry in two days. So please don't worry about that anymore." Reaching up to give her fiancé a kiss Akane placed her arms around Ryoga's neck. "Plus I just hope he can make her happy. So much about them is different, yet they are like to sides of the same coin. One is the brains and the other is the muscle."

"True, and with Ranma training me in the Anything Goes School and my training him of my style, I think he has to be at least three times more powerful then when he beat Saffron. I mean did you see how he handled Happosai? I am going to have to get him to officially challenge him for mastership of the school. He beats him and the school is assured many years of success." Ryoga hid his smile as he thought of the chance to one-day challenge Ranma for mastership his-self. He knew that if Ranma kept progressing at the rate he had been, few if anyone would ever be able to do it, but it would be fun to.

Akane leaned her head against Ryoga's broad chest and giggled. This brought Ryoga from his little thought to look back at her. Her eyes where on him and showed the moons light inside their warm brown stare.

"Who would have ever thought you and him could put that old rivalry away. I mean the way you two fought even after our engagement was broken I thought it would never end."

"…Sigh… This is true, but the day he convinced me to tell you my feelings was the day I forgave him for everything that had happened. I knew that know matter what ever happened in the future we would work through it and that both of us only wanted the best for you." Squeezing his fiancé a little tighter, he looked back at her.

Changing the subject Akane still held tight to Ryoga, "So there is something we haven't discussed yet."

This seemed to shake Ryoga as each time they had brought up this subject header he realized she was forcing him to get over parts of his shy personality.

"What about children. You have never told me how many you would like to have."

Ryoga let out a breath he realized he was still holding. Maybe this conversation wouldn't be so bad. "I haven't given it much thought. However many I guess we have will be enough for me. As long as they are healthy and have their mothers looks I will be happy."

For his answer he got a smile from Akane. "Good answer. But that brings us to the wedding night."

Now Ryoga knew he was in trouble. He could already feel the blood rushing to his nose. "Um why don't we just let things happen as they happen? I have the school to run and you can decide when you are ready."

"Another good answer. See I always knew there was good reason to keep you around." With a wink she gave Ryoga a deep passionate kiss.

For his part, Ryoga had long gotten over fainting at the intimate kissing and petting that would happen between them. Still the thought of their first night as husband and wife had him scared.

After several long moments they broke the kiss. They watched the reflection of moon on the water for a long while before Ryoga finally broke the silence.

"It is getting late, maybe we should head back and see if Ranma and Nabiki have returned. Knowing the way everyone else, they will jump Ranma as soon as he gets in with twenty question fun."

"Ok Ryoga. It may be our special day ahead, but those two will need our help. Plus I know Ukyo hasn't quite gotten over Ranma, and his sudden reappearance single may be just what it takes to set her off after Ranma again."

With just a look between them, they headed for home.

Ryoga and Akane returned to the dojo just moments before Ranma and Nabiki. Upon entering the house what they saw came as no real surprise to them. Nodoka was holding the Saotome honor blade and looking between the two fathers who where sitting quietly, but with concerned looks on their face.

Looking to the door, she smiled as the couple entered the room. Nodoka let the blade down some upon seeing them enter.

"I see the two old coots have been busy trying to find away to get me and Ranma back together." It wasn't a question from Akane, but Nodoka nodded her head.

"Yes I had to explain to them the multitude of bad reasons behind such thinking. Key among them was your upcoming wedding."

"…Sigh… I should have known having Ranma come here would be a bad idea with these two idiots." Looking at the two older men Ryoga shook his head. "Ranma has given this his blessing, why can't you two do the same. Plus the school will still prosper, which is your main concern. Ranma has been training with me to refine the school more. Together Ranma and myself will make its name among the greatest known."

As though the look of hurt they got from the older men in the room wasn't bad enough Happosai chose that moment to return.

"The last I heard I was still the master of the school, and Ranma was just one of my students. Hibiki my boy, you are just a meddlesome gnat that needs to be knocked down a peg or two." Going into a fighting stance Happosai made ready his attack on Ryoga.

"It seems some things will never change." Everyone's' attention was drawn to the back door where Ranma and Nabiki now stood. Nabiki standing, but leaning against Ranma continued. "Ranma wouldn't it just be simpler to defeat him for mastership of the school so this won't be an argument any longer?" Looking over her shoulder she saw the glint of anger and mischief in Ranma's eyes.

"Nabs I think you just may be onto something."

"Ranma my boy, I don't think you want to get in that deep over you head." Happosai's battle aura was calm but no longer directed at Ryoga.

"I tell you what you old pervert. If I can beat you, you give me mastership of the Anything Goes Martial Arts School. Other wise I concede you the rightful master.

Before Happosai could say anything more Genma jumped to his feet. "Boy don't do something so foolish. The master will wipe the floor with you."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence pops, but this is a formal challenge and lets see if the old pervert has the courage to accept it like a man." Ranma knew that his gentle prodding would get Happosai to attack.

"Oh Ranma, it will be my pleasure to fight, but I want it now and that way you can't back out of it." Happosai made his first fatal flaw. It had been three years since he had seen Ranma in action and he had know way of knowing the extent of his schools besides that he had gotten faster. "One last regulation. The fight isn't over till one of us is unconscious. Just knocking your opponent away will not win." This was Happosai's second fatal flaw. Ranma just smiled.

"Fine in the backyard then. I don't want to hurt the dojo."

Everyone was concerned by Ranma's choice to go through with this, all except one lost boy who hid his smile.

With in moments the two stood across the yard from each other. The Tendos, Saotomes and the rest of their guest watched from the back porch. Ukyo held her self close to the door while Shampoo and Mouse lounged off to one side. They had been among the few to know of Ranma's improvements to his skill. He had spent any free time he had training with cologne and learning whatever skill she would teach him. While he had long surpassed her in skill, Ranma conceded that she had many abilities that could still improve him further.

"Ok 'Master' you get the first move." No one missed the sarcasm dripping from Ranma's words.

Happosai unleashed his battle aura. Calling on all his training in hope to match or at least compensate for Ranma's new speed. Without another word he launched his small body at Ranma. Ranma just held his ground not moving. Just seconds before Happosai reached Ranma; he pulled back his fist to strike.

It was like swinging at something that wasn't there. One second Ranma had been standing before Happosai, now he was behind him. With and elbow to the head Ranma sent Happosai bouncing off the ground.

All those around the battle had yet to see and kind of aura come off Ranma, yet he was moving with speed that was beyond their vision.

Happosai stood back up and turned back to Ranma.

"HAPPO DARIKARIN!" Without further holding back Happosai unleashed a bomb.

'Shit the old fool is only concerned with beating me. Who doesn't care who else may get hurt.' Ranma launched at the flaming bomb coming his way. Quickly grabbing it from the air he crushed it in his bare hands, removing the wick.

"Remind me to say thanks for the lesson on strength techniques there Ryoga."

Smirking from the sidelines the only response he gave was a simple nod.

"So Ranma how many can you handle?" A smile spread across the old mans face has he yelled. "HAPPO DAIKARIN REPEATER!" With speed born of centuries of training he launched a volley of his bombs.

Ranma only smiled as started to concentrate his ki. "SOARING EAGLE!" Moving with the speed trained by the Kachu Tenshin Amaguriken he released ki ball after ki ball. Each seemed to engulf its own bomb and carry it away into the sky to explode harmlessly.

"What's the matter old pervert? Find your best trick useless?" Ranma then looked at Happosai's eyes. "Tonight I claim mastership of Anything Goes Martial Arts, and my first act will be to remove you from its records."

For the first time since he was just a student, Happosai began to worry. His strength and speed had always won for him in the past, but now he would have to outsmart Ranma. Happosai then made a dash for the koi pond only to find Ranma blocking his way.

"Boy if you know what is good for you, you will except your defeat now."

The last of Ranma's resolve left him. "KACHU TENSHIN AMAGURIKEN REVISED!" Unleashing a thousand ki reinforced punches at Happosai in under a second Ranma added five hundred kicks to the already mighty attack. When finished, Happosai was laying on the ground looking like one large bruise. He would live, but there was no doubt he was unconscious.

Yet Ranma was through with him. Picking him up by his shirt he dunked him into the koi pound to wake him up.

After the third dunking Happosai began to come around. "Now 'Happy' it is time to finish our deal."

Pain wracked his body and Ranma seemed not to have even begun to sweat. Happosai knew he had lost, but to give up mastership would lose him everything. "I know you cheated…" He never got to finish has Ranma pushed him below the surface of the koi pond again.

"You where saying?" The intensity in Ranma's voice was not cruel, but steel edged with experience.

"Fine Ranma, you are now the master of the Anything Goes School of Martial Arts." Happosai seemed defiant and received a final dunk before Ranma looked around.

"Ryoga and Akane it is your choice whether you want this old fool at your wedding. Let me know that he isn't wanted here, and I will make sure it is the first wedding present I have to give." Looking at the two still standing at the porch he awaited their answer.

Ryoga smirked, but looked to Akane. In return she was still standing slack jawed at all that had happened. She knew Ranma had improved, but his new level made his defeat of Saffron look like child's play.

"If Ryoga has no objection I would prefer the old pervert gone." Looking to her fiancé she saw him nod. Turning back to Ranma she saw the famous smile that had melted more then one girls heart in its time.

"Ok so the decision is made Happosai. They don't want you here. So I am going to give you a little trip to Russia. Now I think it is best to explain my technique Soaring Eagle. It will fly you wherever I direct it to. But understand breaking out of it may be easy, but has one drawback. It will explode if forced to disappear before it reaches its destination. Simply put, you will be sitting in the middle of a flying bomb. Break it and you will be severally hurt. Let it take you where I send you, and you will make it there with only the damage you have received today. Is that understood?"

Happosai's world began to spin. Ki control of the level was rarely seen and added to the fact he was to be removed from his home only lead to more misery. Having already seen a touch of what Ranma was capable of he agreed with a simple nod.

"Fine, and I wouldn't come back anytime soon if I was you." Throwing Happosai high into the air Ranma threw his hands into the air. "SOARING EAGLE!" Quickly the ki from Ranma caught up with Happosai and enveloped him. Seemingly to spout wings the ki covered Happosai swung around in the air a few times then took of to the northwest like a lighting bolt.

As quick as it had begun the excitement was over. A collective sigh was heard from the group. Ranma took a moment to look around before his eyes settled on Nabiki. Her stare was of such intensity that Ranma couldn't help his-self and he began to blush.

Walking towards Nabiki, Ranma put one hand behind his head to rub it as if to say, what is everyone looking at. As he neared the porch Nabiki quickly stepped forward and put her arms around him.

Taking a quick look around as if to say, hands off he is mine, Nabiki was glad to feel Ranma's arms go around her shoulders.

NEXT CHAPTER - Ayami arrives. The wedding rehersal and the wedding of Ryoga and Akane.