A.N. - I have not stopped writing my other stories, I just have to write out new ideas when they hit me. This one got as far as a whole chapter so it is going up. I will continue the work to finish my other stories with as much speed as possible. As the mood hits me will depend on which gets more writing. Also this has a twist from the norm. I hate when people match Ranma with someone else and make things go badly between Ranma and Akane. They treat it as if it is the only way that Ranma could end up with someone else. I have spent alot of time thinking up new ways to get him with the other possibilities out there and plan on writing different versions of his love life with as many different possible pairing as I can think of that sound logical and not so far out that they aren't plausiable.

Also this paticular story as seemed to taken on an importance to me as I find the more I explore Nabiki the more I see similarities between her and my wife. I know scary huh. Well please RR life always and make a stop by my website found the profile area.

Let the story begin.

Standing in front of her was a man, yet he so resembled the boy who had walked out of all their life's just three years earlier. Defiantly not a boy, and more he was a good three inches taller and his shoulders had broadened. He still wore his hair in his trademark pigtail, and the cloths, while bigger, where still his favorite black and red Chinese style outfit. In some ways he had changed so much, but there was no doubting the man in front of her with a cocky grin and dazzling blue eyes was no other then the infamous Ranma Saotome.

Three years of anger and sadness welled up in Nabiki all at once. He had arrived literally out of nowhere and was moving with grace and power that seemed to hide all that he was truly capable of.

Looking towards the three men who had cornered Nabiki in the warehouse he gave a sigh. "Look you all can just take off now or we can get rough. I haven't hit anyone in almost three hours and you guys look like you could be fun. So what about it?"

The reality of Ranma in front of her wore off as she remembered the three men in front of her. "Ranma while it is nice to see you again, maybe you shouldn't interfere."

Looking over his shoulder at her he looked puzzled. 'Great same clueless fool as always.' Nabiki's mind went into overdrive, when shock pulled her from her thoughts again.

"Umm Nabiki are you ok? They are just a couple Yakuza." As if to punctuate his point Ranma disappeared from the spot he stood and reappeared in front of the leader. "Now might be good time for you to forget about the debt Ms. Tendo owes you."

The startled Yakuza was terrified at the speed with which his enemy moved. Standing just inches from the end of his nose was the pig-tailed man. Quickly getting over his startled expression he stared straight into Ranma's eyes. "I don't know what you are thinking BOY, but this is none of your business."

"…Sigh…" Shaking his head Ranma looked back to the man in front of him. "I guess you need to understand who I am then." Just as quickly as he had moved earlier his hands pointed at the two men flanking the leader. Before anyone realized what had happened they where both knocked out as small balls of ki where released from Ranma's hands. "I am here on sensei Ito's business and he has given me leave to handle this women's case personally."

Nabiki noticed that the name Ito had seemed to shake the leaders resolve to the core. He seemed to look for a way to back out of the situation without making it worse.

"Y-you are the one his daughter has taken a liken to. The one that saved her from the Watanabe syndicate." His words where more as comment then a question, and the fact that Ranma was smiling didn't seem to settle this man down.

From outside came the sound of screeching tires.

'Damn if Ranma showing up wasn't freaky enough, what now?' Nabiki didn't get anything else out as she was suddenly swept up in Ranma's arms and was headed to the roof with a mighty leap from him. Everything was moving to fast for her to wrap her mind fully around.

"Damn they are here already." Ranma seemed to be speaking more to his-self then to her so she kept her mouth shut and held tightly to his neck.

They where quickly on the roof and making their way down the road going from roof to roof when Nabiki heard a noise coming from behind. "That's gunshots."

"Unfortunately, that is why we are leaving Kyoto tonight and getting you back to Tokyo by morning." He was moving with speed that Nabiki could only assume was beyond anything she had seen him move three years earlier.

It only took seconds for her to realize they where headed straight for her hotel. 'Things are way out of my control and Ranma seems to know way too much. I need to get some information and quickly.' Nabiki wasn't use to a lack of control of situations and this one had seemed to gone pass her control long ago. If not to make things worse she wasn't sure what was going to happen with the money she owed the Yakuza now.

Ranma was sailing through the air and landed quickly on the roof of her hotel. "Ok, lets take the roof access and get your stuff."

"Umm ok Saotome, but when we get to the train you will explain what is going on. And you will explain where you have been for the past three years." Nabiki gave Ranma one of her patented Ice Queen glares.

Laughing he said, "Sure Nabs just hurry we don't have much time."

Twenty minutes later they where sitting comfortable in the first class on the train headed for Tokyo and back to her normal life.

"Spill it Saotome. I want to hear the whole story and how the hell did you know I was there." Sitting across from Ranma in their private cabin it dawned on Nabiki she hadn't paid for the tickets so how where they sitting here. "And I expect to know where you got the money to afford these tickets while you are it."

"Man you are as bad as ever. If Akane hadn't been so worried about you I wouldn't have come I think." He seemed a bit put off by Nabiki's attitude, but it wasn't his anger that caught her attention, but his mention of Akane. "Ok I guess I better start by saying you know longer owe a debt to the Yakuza and for that same reason I had the money for these tickets." Then low enough she couldn't hear him, "Thought you would like these seats."

"Ranma lets start then with why I no longer have a debt and who gave you the money." Nabiki kept staring at him as if afraid if she took her eyes off him he would disappear. He seemed to be thinking and Nabiki took the chance to look him over more carefully then she had had time to earlier. 'Still in great shape if not better and that ass of his looks as tight as ever and his arms had been so strong while carrying me. Like it had been effortless. Damn it Nabiki this is the guy that left your sister what are you looking at him like that for.' Nabiki looked back to Ranma's face and realized he had been watching her eyes. Blushing Nabiki said, "WELL!"

"About six months ago I stumbled across a lady being kidnapped. I stopped it and took her home. Her dad happens to be head of the Ito syndicate; otherwise known as the people you borrowed money from. He felt he owed me a favor for saving his daughter Ayami, so I asked him to forget your debt or let me work it off. Mr. Ito said it was forgiven and gave me a little extra saying it was the least he could do. Before you ask, Akane was the one that figured you had to borrow the money from somewhere to pay for her upcoming wedding. I asked Mr. Ito what he knew about it or to tell me what he could find out."

Nabiki was more in shock, but quickly put her mask on before she could betray any more emotion. "Ok with that explained, explain how Akane told you."

Shrugging his shoulder Ranma decided it was time to let her in on all that had been happening.

"When I left three years ago, I didn't disappear without a trace. In fact Akane knew exactly where I was." Seeing Nabiki about to interrupt, Ranma lifted his hand to stop her. "Let me finish. Two days before I left, Akane and me opened up to each other. We admitted our feelings, but started to fight. It was then that we realized that to have a relationship would be damn near impossible. We also knew the old men wouldn't let us off that easily. So we hatched a plan to keep our friendship, but rid ourselves of all other problems. It was simple and we thought you might see through it, but then luck would have it Ryoga showed up. We let him in on what was happening. Knowing I would be out of Akane's life as a love interest he was more then willing to help."

Once again Nabiki was going to interrupt, but stopped when Ranma gave her a stern look.

"We did and still do care for each other deeply, but it has only turned into a love of brother and sister or best friends. With Ryoga's help we kept in contact where ever I was training at the time and then again when I entered college."

Almost face vaulting; Nabiki screeched, "You are in college!"

At this Ranma began to laugh. "Oh Nabs, I have one better for you, I go to Tokyo University with you."

This time Nabiki did something unexpected. She fainted. After a few minutes she opened her eyes and looked up and Ranma standing over her, his face just a few inches away. 'Damn he is so handsome, so much more then even when he left.'

"Hey Nabs you ok?" Ranma's expression seemed one of concern, mixed with relief.

"Ya Saotome. Just a little too much to intake." Nabiki figured it was best to set back up.

Returning to his seat Ranma continued his story. "So your sister played the heart broken women, even though we talked regularly, and I was the one that finally convinced her and Ryoga they should date." He said this one with a smile that seemed to truly say he was happy with the fact. "So after beefing up on my studies and talking to my mother, I entered college just to see you on campus. That was when I figured out why your sister insisted I go to school there. She wanted you watched over and make sure you didn't get into any trouble. You know I think she cares about you way to much sometimes." He gave a short laugh at the dirty look he got form from Nabiki.

"So all this time you have known that her and Ryoga where dating, you where in school and you have obviously continued training, so that you could get out of the engagement. I hope you know you left a lot of angry people when you left. Also what about the other two fiancés?"

"Well with all the training me and Ryoga went through I finally got strong and fast enough to beat Cologne. That effectively wiped out any claim Shampoo had on me. Then a letter to Ukyo explaining I didn't love her was all it seemed to take there. She replied with a letter about how should would always love me, but finally accepted that we would not be together. So now I am a free man studying ancient history and archeology at school." Ranma stopped and took a deep breath. Looking out the window he could see Nabiki's reflection.

He knew she was deep in thought about all that he had told her. 'Kami, she has to be more beautiful then I remember.' Shaking his head to clear those thoughts he looked back at her.

"So anymore questions?"

"Just one. Where are we headed?" Nabiki was still accessing all the information she had been gathering, and was surprised at all he had been through in the past three years.

"To your sisters wedding of course. I am suppose to be the best man after all. I didn't think it would be a good idea, but Akane and Ryoga both want me there, so what could I do, I said yes of course." Ranma's matter a fact attitude seemed so at ease to the jumpy, cocky teen he had been.

"Look Nabs when we get there act like nothing happened. I don't want your sister freaked out, when she finds out what the situation I pulled you out of."

"Fine, but please calling me Nabs."

"Sure Nabs." A smirk on his face irritated Nabiki.

The rest of the trip went on with silence. Neither of the traveling companions catching the other stealing glances at each other. Ranma and Nabiki's relationship had always been strained at best, but Nabiki couldn't forget how good of a man he had been and the number of times he had saved her sister when they had all lived under the same roof.

Getting off the train Ranma quickly grabbed up Nabiki and their stuff and made his way to the rooftops again. Knowing this would save them time she didn't say anything. Plus the feeling of being in Ranma's arms felt like the right place. She scolded herself for having these types of thoughts, but guessed they wouldn't quickly leave her.

In moment the trip was over and Nabiki felt a bit upset when Ranma set her down in front of the dojo's doors.

"Ok you go in then I will knock in a few minutes." Without given her a chance to argue Ranma leaped onto the roof and stepped out of site.

Entering the house Nabiki took off her shoes. "I'm home." She walked into the dining room to finding everyone sitting down to dinner. "Well sis it seems you and me are going to need to talk later."

Akane just giggled as she looked at the disturbed look on her sister's face. "I see my special gift found you after all."

Ryoga joined Akane in her laughter and the look on Nabiki's face as the sound of a knock came from the door.

Kasumi stood before anyone had a chance. "Who would be here at this hour?"

A shared glace between Nabiki and the two lovebirds was all that was needed to get Akane to jump up. "Would that be your gift at the door now?" Still laughing at their private joke she looked to the hallway.

Genma and Nodoka looked to Soun to see if he knew when they all heard Kasumi, "OH MY!"

With that Ryoga could no longer keep it at a giggle and burst out laughing so hard he felt tears come on.

As Kasumi reentered the room everyone saw the man following her. Ranma quickly glance about the room told him that it was going to be a long night.

Without thinking Ranma took a large step forward gathering Kasumi along his trajectory and letting her go again by the kitchen doorway. Planted in the wall where Ranma had just been standing was Happosai.

"Damn Ranma slow down a little bit. I don't think anyone but me and maybe Akane where able to see you deliver that kick."

Everyone's head snapped immediately to Ryoga.

"Sorry man, reflex action to the old pervert." Ranma shrugged then turned to the rest of the people looking between him and Ryoga. Before he could say anything more Akane swallowed him into a hug.

"Glad you found her, and thanks for making it. It means a lot to me and Ryoga." Akane gave Ranma a quick kiss on the cheek then returned to Ryoga's side.

To everyone's surprise and further their state of shock Ryoga was laughing again.

Nodoka was the first to come back to her senses. "Why do I have a feeling you have a long story for us?" With that she got up to give her son a big hug.

"It is good to see you again mom. As for the story I think I will let them tell you all and fill in where it is needed." His attention was immediately drawn away as an arm shot out and grabbed Happosai who had extracted himself from the wall. Happosai had thrown a bucket of water on Ranma, but everyone was in further shock to see a male still standing before them.

"So maybe I have a lot to explain, and only Ryoga knows about this one. As for you old pervert, you long ago lost any challenge to me. So if you want to live to see their wedding you will be good for the next few days." With that Ranma punted the old man out of the house.

Watching as the old man left out the back door, Ranma noticed Nabiki get up to leave the room.

"Ryoga why don't you fill everyone in on what's going on. I have something to do real quick." He then followed Nabiki to the back porch to talk with her.

Her back was to him so he was sure she didn't know he was there. Lightly coughing to catch her attention he sat down beside her.

"Look Nabiki, I am truly sorry I lied to you and everyone else, but I didn't know what else to do. It hurts me that you all where hurt by my actions. Kami knows I would do anything to keep from hurting you all." His voice never wavered, yet a quiver of regrets could be heard.

Nabiki turned to him, studying him and looking into his eyes as looked around the back yard. "Why are you sorry Ranma? It seems everything turned out alright."

Stopping his scan of the back yard he looked back at Nabiki. He studied her for a minute before continuing. "You all gave me more then you can ever know. A family when all I had was a father, a place to live when my life had been the road. Kasumi was mother and older sister at the same time. Akane gave me friendship and someone to care for. Soun showed me another way a father can be. And you Nabiki gave me one of my most precious gifts. You taught me that for all my skills in the Art, that there was ways to beat people that never required violence. You're the reason I went to college and have tried my hardest. Hell I even hold a 3.4 GPA if you can believe that. You Nabiki had more affect on my life then anyone else." Ranma then stood up and walked into the backyard. "Damn it is nice to be back home. That is if you all will allow me to stay for a while. I have some money to help out and since we are out of school for the summer I thought it would be a good chance to help Ryoga and Akane open the school back up."

Nabiki was still contemplating all that had been said. She was sure she wouldn't get much sleep tonight. "Ranma do you mean what you said. That I had that big of an impact on your life."

With a small laugh Ranma returned his attention to Nabiki. "Yes every word of it." Then without any word he pulled her towards him. "I would like to show you something that I never even told Akane about."

Nabiki quickly nodded without a second thought. Just the idea of being in Ranma's arms was exciting her. Where a young boy had once stood, was a man who thought through answers. Physically a perfect specimen of a male, mentally he seemed to mature a lot also. Everything told her going with him would crumble her resolve and anger at him, but a part of her that she had only reserved for family was screaming to go. Lifting her with the ease she had seen twice already that day he leaped to the roof.

From inside the Tendo home only one person notices their sudden departure. Akane smiled as she saw the look in her sister eye before they disappeared. 'He is a good man sis, he can make you happy if you too let each other.' Akane then turns back to her crying father. "Daddy please there may yet be a chance the schools could be combined, but for now BUTT OUT!"

Crying Soun looked at Akane. "My daughter must hate me to have lied to me and yelled at me."

Just shaking her head, Akane takes Ryoga's hand. "Lets go for a walk. Tomorrow will be a busy day and the day after is the wedding. I don't think we will get much time to ourselves for the next two days.

A.N. - You can feel free to flame me or thank me, but either way I love all comments on my work. Also on a side note, I know the characters are somewhat OOC, but as my minor is in pyhsc., I felt that characters that have grown up more will change some of who they are. I believe the core of themselves would be still intact, but things will change as people do. So from that P.O.V. I have wrote them as I feel neccesary. If you wish to make a comment on that do so, but know I already know this fact.