Disclaimer: I own nothing accept Hanako and Yukiko belongs to Kai

old friends?

"Pleaseā€¦.Please" Yumi begged.

"NO" both Shishio and Soujiro yelled back at her.

"I've suffered enough at her hand when I was younger." Soujiro mumbled.

"I know it. It's you Jiro-chan. So it was you that killed the Seta's." Hanako said giving Soujiro a knowing look. "And you did it with out me." She said "for that I oh you a nukes sandwich." She took a swing and he dodged it but, she brought up her foot and nailed him in the mouth. "Or a heel sandwich which ever you prefer." She said sweetly.

"I see you serenely haven't lost any straith. If any thing you've gotten stronger" Soujiro said looking at her.

"Did you expect any less?" she asked him.

"No" he said quickly, "Where's Yukiko?" he asked.

"UH..."Hanako looked thoughtful.

"You lost Yukiko didn't you." He stated more then asked.

A look of panic on Hana's face told him the answer.

"Well Bye Jiro-Kun" she said running in the direction she just came from "Oh, and if you ever need an ego deflation just call" with that she was gone.

"Ok Soujiro who was that girl?" Yumi asked looking confused.

"Oh, are family's use to get together and we would work together." He said still smiling.

"FORGET WHO I WANT TO KNOW HOW SHE MANEGED TO HIT YOU!" Shishio yelled looking at Soujiro expectantly.

"Well Shishio-sama you see we use to spar and well my guess is she continued to train will I didn't." he stated.

"So, how old is she?" Yumi asked.

"14 miss Yumi. And to be quite honest I'm surprised she made it to her 14 birthday" Soujiro said looking thoughtful but, still smiling.

"Why is that, Soujiro?" Yumi asked as they walked to Mont. Hiei.

"Well, you see she's quite the little rebel. She always fights back. And her father doesn't like that so he kicks her around a lot." He said looking at the ground remembering the last time he'd seen her.

Flash back

"Hey, Mister Mikage Hanako broke another barrel of rice. And so did Soujiro dad." Soujiro's brothers yelled to the house.

"What!...Another one!" was yelled by to men exiting the house.

"Hanako you little bitch can't you do anything right" Hanako's Father yelled backhanding her in the face.

"Soujiro you have to be the clumsiest person I know" Soujiro's half brother yelled Backhanding him as well.

But, Hanako had a true fighter's spirit she was right back on her feet in fighting stance. This caused both men to laugh its true Hanako was a stroung girl but, she was not stroung enough to fight both of them. Hanako put up a good fight she even got a few hits in managing to brake Soujiro's brother's nose and bust her father's lip. But, in the end Hanako was on the ground with a broken arm, a bustedlip and a few teeth missing.

"Hanako!" Soujiro yelled running to her side.

End flash back

With Hanako

She fallowed her sister's tracks only to see bigger tracks along with her sisters until she came to a clearing in the middle of the forest and another set of tracks joined them. Her father's tracks retreated will Yukiko's and the other set went another way. Hanako fallowed them until she came to a river and there were no more tracks to fallow.

"Yukiko, where are you?" Hanako whispered into the wind as night fall came. She set up camp.

The next morning Hanako set out for Shuboya a town of reengages, deserters and Assyins it was such a place were she know she would be able to find a job and nobody would get on case if she killed a few people for making cat calls at her well off to Shuboya. With that she set off hoping Yukiko was alright.

So, what do you think Tell me in a review

Oh, and to read more on Hanako and Yukiko read Behind the Smile by Tohmas Girl

Well bye-bye for now.

oh, and this is crently being prof read by a friend so, back off the spelling