Disclaimer: Not J.K.R…:sigh: tragically.

Warning: SLASH…yummy

A/N: Thank so much to my beta, truthfulchaos, you rock, love ya doll.

Hey everyone…I really hope you all enjoy this story…I worked really hard to try and finish it before I started posting…but then my beta got it back to me and said she loved it, so now I'm skeptical about my ending…but I can't keep myself from posting any longer! I can't leave my lovely readers unsure if I'll ever post again, so her it is, leave me reviews, love or hate, love is always nice though…

Summary: It's like every story you've ever read…but totally different.

Exactly the same…but nothing alike.

For example, it's the story of Draco Malfoy, savior of the Wizarding world, and Harry Potter, destined for darkness, and how they overcame everything, and fell in love. It's about Draco's struggle with his godfather's death, and Harry's need to feel like he has a place in this cold, cold world.

With that said, I'll let you figure out the rest, try to follow along.

Don't blink, or you might miss it.

This is Twisted

"Draco" Ron whispered, throwing the nearest thing on the nightstand, a potions book, at his friend.

"AH! Bloody hell, Ron, that hurt" the blonde cried, rubbing his head where the book had hit him.

"Sorry, mate, I just wanted your opinion on something."

"At four o'clock in the bloody morning"

"I've been thinking about it for a long time."

"What is it then" Draco turned on his side so he was facing Ron, deciding it must be a matter of importance.

"It's about Hermione… and well… I think I'm going to ask her on a date. Do you think I should"

Draco smiled in the darkness; he'd wanted his two best friends to get together for a long time now. "Of course you should! Merlin, Ron, you should've ages ago. Now let me go back to sleep"

"Right, thanks… sorry, mate."

The next morning Draco and Ron went sleepily down to the breakfast table where Ginny, Mrs. Weasley, and Hermione were already eating.

The twins had left home that summer to pursue their Joke Shop career, with much thanks to Draco for donating his winnings from the Tri-wizard Tournament. But of course, no one knew about this exchange.

"Draco, what happened to your head" Mrs. Weasley squealed as he sat down.

"Oh." The blonde reached up to feel the lump protruding from the middle of his forehead. "Ron pummeled me with a book in the middle of the night."

"Ronald" Molly cried.

"It was an accident, mum" Ron tried weakly to defend himself against his mother.

"How do you accidentally hit your best friend in the head with a book" Ginny inquired, a wicked smirk on her face.

Ron glared daggers at his sister.

"It's fine" Draco offered. "No permanent damage done. Just next time, Ron, throw a pillow."

Ron smiled sheepishly and nodded.

Later that day, Draco watched as Ron pulled Hermione into the back yard.

He smiled and made his way up to Ron's room, where he stood by the window and looked out into the loneliness of his life.

"Harry, eat your breakfast, aren't you hungry" Lily Potter asked.

The raven-haired Slytherin poked at his eggs. "No, not really."

"Your mother told you to eat" James snapped.

Harry scowled and took a small bite of toast. "There, I ate."

"Don't take that tone with me" James bellowed, rising from his chair.

"I believe I just did."


"Stay out of this, Lily" James commanded his wife. "Harry, you will eat your breakfast and then come see me in my study."

James left swiftly and Harry turned toward his mother. "Best do as he says." She sighed and left the table after James.

Harry sat by himself, sulking for a few minutes, poking at the food on his plate. Then he finally headed to see his father.

"Do you see this, Harry" James pulled up his sleeve to reveal a tattoo on his forearm. "You are never going to receive this honor if you don't learn to follow orders."

The Dark Mark.

"Who's to say I want it" Harry retorted, dropping himself lazily in a chair across from James's desk.

James stiffened. Was his only son declining the mark of their Lord"What did you just say to me"

"Maybe I don't want the bloody Dark Mark. Huh? Maybe, I don't want to spend the rest of my life as Voldemort's lap dog."

"Do not speak his name" James shouted.

"Voldemort, Voldemort, Voldemort."

James glared at his son and Harry smirked back at him.

"Get out."

"What" Harry breathed.

"I never want to see you in this house again."

"But, father"

"Get out"

Harry hadn't been expecting that. He was used to getting in trouble for mouthing off to James, but was he really just kicked out of the Manor?

He stumbled out of the study, dazed, and somehow made it to his bedroom.

"Harry" Lily cried, entering mere moments later.


"I just talked to your father. Merlin, are you packed"

Harry looked at her in shock. "What"

"He wants you out of here before lunch."

Harry's jaw fell open, then he gritted his teeth, and with a flick of his wand all his things were packed and ready. He shrunk them and put them in his pocket.

Then he pushed past his mother and made his way to the door.

It was the middle of the afternoon at the Burrow, Draco and Ginny were outside, stretched out on the grass trading Wizard cards, Ron was flying around on Draco's Firebolt, and Hermione was reading some of their new school books having gone to Diagon Alley the day before.

"Ronald! Ginny! Draco! Hermione" Mrs. Weasley called.

Draco and Ginny hopped up, Hermione closed her book and followed, while Ron pretended not to hear his mother.

"Ronald Weasley! Get down here now"

Ron rolled his eyes and flew over. "Yes mum"

"I want all of you to go pack for school, we're leaving for the platform early in the morning" Molly said. "And when you're done come down for dinner" she called after the four pairs of retreating footsteps.

"Broom" Draco called and Ron tossed him his Firebolt. He shrunk it and threw it into his trunk then closed it.

"Dray" Ron called as Draco lay down on his bed.


"Are you alright? I mean, you haven't said anything about Severus all summer." As soon as he said it, Ron knew it had come out wrong.

Draco closed his eyes as a rush of memories came back.

…The Ministry….Voldemort…Severus Falling through the veil…James Potter…

"Draco, I"

The blonde held up his hand. "I know, Ron. It's okay."

"You just…hardly talk about it…I mean, it's not good for stuff like this to go unmentioned."

"Thanks Ron, really, thank you, but I'm just… not ready yet."

"Okay, I just want you to know I'm here when you are."

Draco nodded and hopped off the bed. "Ready to eat"

The redhead smiled. "I'm always ready."

"Harry? What are you doing here"

"James and Lily kicked me out" Harry said coolly as he strode into his godfather's home.

"What? What the hell happened" Sirius Black inquired.

Harry tossed his luggage out of his pocket and returned it to normal size, and then he stretched out on an overstuffed couch in the living room.

"Well" he began"I believe it started when I refused to eat my breakfast, which then turned into me not being on the right path to receive the Dark Mark. And finally I refused Voldemort and said his name a bunch of times."

Harry closed his eyes, remembering the events, and Sirius took a seat in a chair across from Harry. "You're lucky I wasn't already at school."

"I was willing to take that risk. There was nowhere else for me to go" Harry assured his godfather.

Sirius nodded. "You might as well stay packed. We leave for Hogwarts early tomorrow morning. I have to be there before the students, so I'll drop you off at the train station before I head to Hogsmeade."

Harry yawned and Sirius got out a blanket for him and he slept soundly on the couch.

Please Review.

Much love and kisses,
