Part two of my series. Rated PG-13 for language, mild violence and adult situations.

Thanks to Ytak for my first review and to Failte for telling me to go for it.

This takes place about a year after "Beginnings."

Voltron and its characters belong to WEP. All others belong to me.


"Sir, we will be landing on Arus in about a half an hour."

Keith punched a button on the intercom. "Thanks Conrad. I'll be there in a moment." Keith put down the file he was reading and got to his feet. He stretched his arms as best he could in the cramped quarters and made his way to the cockpit. "You made good time Ensign." Keith said as he slipped into the co-pilot's seat.

"She flies like a dream Sir! Boy it's dark out there." Conrad mentioned.

Keith glanced out the window. "You're still on Earth time. It's early afternoon back there. Here it is…." Keith paused a moment to figure out the time conversion. "A little after 4:00 AM." He looked out the window again. It's good to be home.

They flew in silence for a few minutes. Keith watched as the Castle came into view. "You can land behind the Castle." He told the Ensign. "There's a landing strip in the back."

Conrad nodded, and proceeded to make a flawless landing. Sighing wistfully at the controls, he turned to help Keith unload his things. "Want me to get the boxes out of the storage compartments?" Conrad asked.

Keith shook his head. "I'll get those tomorrow. They've been in storage for over fifteen years, a few more days won't hurt." Keith hefted his duffel bag onto his shoulder. "C'mon, I'll show you the guest quarters."

Keith led the Ensign down a deserted hallway, stopping in front of a door. Punching a few buttons, the door opened and Keith led Conrad inside. "It's not much, but it's comfortable."

Conrad looked around and smiled. "It's alot bigger than the rooms they give us at the Academy Captain."

Keith laughed. "I guess you're right." He turned to leave. "Make yourself at home. The cafeteria is right down the hall. See you later." Keith left and headed to his own quarters.

The Castle was dark and quiet. Keith's footsteps seemed too loud echoing in the hall. He opened the door to the rooms he and Allura shared, and slipped inside. Trying not to wake the Princess, he carefully placed his bag on the floor, and walked over to the window. He looked out over the lake and sighed. It's definitely good to be home.


Keith turned, startled. "I thought you were asleep."

Allura stepped out of the shadows. "I don't sleep well without you." She rushed into his arms. "I missed you." She said, holding him tightly.

Keith closed his eyes. "I missed you too." He held her for a moment, then leaned down and kissed her deeply.

Allura sighed in contentment, and looked up a Keith. A puzzled look crossed her face. "Keith! What did you do to your hair?"

Keith blushed and self-consciously ran his hand over his head. His once unruly black hair was cut short and styled. "I figured it was time for me to start looking respectable." He looked up at her. "Do you like it?" He asked hesitantly.

Allura walked all around Keith, looking thoughtful and speculative. "Hmm…I'll have to think about it."

Keith grabbed her and kissed her again. "Think faster."

She laughed. "I guess I could get used to it." She broke away. "How did it go on Earth? It's been a long two months without you."

"Not bad actually." Keith walked over and pulled a file out of his duffel bag. "Princess Allura, it is my pleasure to welcome you as a formal member of the Galaxy Alliance." He said, handing her the folder.

Allura looked down at it, then back at Keith, tears filling her blue eyes. "Really? We're official now?"

"We're official now. You just need to sign the treaty. When do you want to make the announcement?" Keith asked her.

Allura thought for a moment. "Next week. After the wedding. It will be a nice touch, you and I and Earth and Arus."

Keith smiled at her. "I love you."

Allura walked over to him. "I love you too." She grabbed him behind the neck, pulling him down and kissed him passionately. Stepping back to catch her breath, "Let me show you just how much I like your new haircut."