A/N: Short, but I think that ends everything. (sniffles) Last bit, it's finally the end. Thanks to everyone who followed this story all the way through!

Disclaimers: Not mine.

Rating: PG-13 for language and minor violence. You have been warned ...

Pairings: B/S , W/T, A/X

Distribution: Yeah, sure, take it. Tell me first, though.

Reviews: Yup, please.

Summary: If you don't know by now, you're just a little bit lost … that's ok. All you have to know: happy ending …

One year later …

"Spike! Hurry up!" Buffy called out as she watched her boyfriend struggle into the airport. She looked around at the little-changed Sunnydale airport terminal where first began her journey.

"Luv, wha' did you pack in here? Bloody bricks?" The bleached blonde heaved the luggage onto one of the chairs in the waiting lounge to punctuate his question.

Buffy just laughed.

"Seriously, pet, how did you get that onto the airplane without crossing any restrictions?" Still absorbed in his rant, Spike failed to see Buffy looking at him in amusement.

She suddenly pulled him into a kiss, effectively cutting off the steady flow of words.

"I love you," she murmured as she pulled back.

Spike still eyed her, half-suspiciously. "Is this some new evil plot 'f yours? Lull me into a false sense of security, then dump even heavier bags on me --"

"No, idiot!" Buffy smacked his arm lightly.

"Well, in that case, I love you, too." Without warning, he picked her up and swung her in a circle, kissing her breathlessly.

They came apart with a sigh.

"We still have to meet up with Wills and Dawn. They're picking us up," Buffy reminded him half-heartedly.

"Red and Nibblet can wait."

"Um, hello? The airport is the worst place for finding parking. Not to mention how hard it's going to be to find Dawnie at all," Buffy pointed out. "Plus, we still have to make it to Ahn's baby shower."

Earlier that year, Xander and Anya had gotten engaged, then married. For a while, their friends worried that they might be moving too fast, but they lived together happily in Sunnydale (where Anya is possibly permanently attached to her cell phone), now expecting a baby.

Willow, Tara, and Dawn still lived in the Summers' house, although they often traveled to L.A. to spend time with Buffy – and vice versa.

Giles, still owner of the Magic Box, had become fascinated by the occult and had already published a book. He was now working on his second.

Similarly, the younger Giles' writing career was also successful. Spike and Buffy moved into a penthouse apartment together in Los Angeles, after the blonde's acting career and fame soared.

All in all, there were happy times and happy endings for everyone …

At the present moment, Spike snorted, but finally started to move. "Right, 'cause there's gonna be hell to pay if the bloody gifts she demanded don't arrive on time."

Buffy giggled. "Exactly." Then her expression turned coy. "And if you behave, I'll make it worth your while."

Spike smirked and raised an eyebrow. "Is tha' a promise?"

"Mm-hmm." Then, without warning, her mood turned playful, and she reach up and pecked his cheek. "Race ya."

"Buffy, wait!" Spike called after her as she took off. Then he sighed, realizing that she had left him with all the bags again.

The End