A/N: I wasn't sure if I was going to continue this, but I've still been getting a few reviews every now and then, so it was hard to try and forget about it. I haven't given up, just very slow updates thats all. I am going to try and work on that though.

Let me know what ya think. I'm still not sure where I'm going with this really. No worries though, I'm good under pressure.

Chapter 16

"Strange Glowy-men"

It was dark. That was the first sure sign that something was definitely wrong. The second was the chill that was running through her body. After getting use to the incredible heat that was a constant on the god-forsaken planet she was stuck on, anything different seemed just…well…wrong. And it wasn't like the chill that was currently running down her spine was comforting. More like the exact opposite.

Erin wasn't sure what the fuck had happened. She had been lying around, on strike (and she felt she was making headway on her demands and getting her point across…even if she wasn't sure what her point was), and now she was cold, and it was dark. She opened her eyes as wide as she could, like it would somehow magically help her see something. Still nothing.

She sat up, and brought her hands up to her face. Not being able to even see your own fucking hands in front of your face is when you know you're in trouble. She could feel the panic start to set in.

There had to be a reasonable explanation. Of course there had to be. Duh. There always is. She was fine. Maybe, she just saw something really ugly! Like Johns' hairy butt! No….that would have just made her puke her guts out and probably push her to kill him…slowly. So…what did that leave then? The night had come?

But…even that didn't make sense. They wouldn't have left her here…would they? Fuck.

Erin got up, holding her hands in front of her. Once she was standing, she just stared at the inky darkness in front of her. The first step is always the hardest, right? She thought. Here goes nothing. Slowly putting her foot out, she brought it down onto solid ground. One down, who knows how many more to go! Erin put her whole weight onto her extended foot, and almost fell flat on her ass when suddenly the inky blackness changed to a rapid torrent of changing scenes. The wind that hadn't existed a moment ago pushed against her body, forcing her to take that one step she had taken back.

The scenes around her were changing so fast, she couldn't make it out completely. She knew that it was the planet she was stuck on though. The wind pushed harder against her, making her have to dig her feet into the ground and throw her weight into it to stay standing. The scenes around her sped up even fast if that were possible, making Erin start to feel dizzy.

Just when Erin felt she couldn't stand it anymore, and was going to throw up the meager bit of food she had in her stomach, the wind and the scenes just stopped. It was so sudden that she fell flat on her face in the soft sand. Groaning, Erin pushed her top half up from the sand, spitting out sand.

"Fucking sand." she mumbled.

"Calm your anger young one." came a booming voice from the darkness.

Erin jolted straight up and looked around the inky darkness trying to see where the voice had come from.

"Who's there?" she questioned into the darkness, keeping her voice in a whisper like disturbing the silence would somehow bring trouble.

And like everything else that seemed to be happening in this strange fucked up nightmare, or whatever it was, a brightly glowing figure suddenly appeared in front of her, causing her to throw her arm in front of her eyes to block the unexpected.

"Ok, the whole suddenly appearing thing? Yeaa, getting REALLY fucking old." Erin stated in a monotone voice, obviously unimpressed.

"Well damn, and here I was, practicing my dramatic entrance for the last year. All that time gone to waste! Oh! Woe is me!" said the being, which Erin could now see was a man as the glow around him waned.

Narrowing her eyes, she said "Aren't mystical beings not supposed to posses a sarcastic nature?"

"Aren't little girls supposed to be nice?" The man retorted smartly.

"My mother always told me not to talk to strangers either, and yet here I am, standing around in pitch darkness talking to a fucking glowing man. Either way, it's a moot point, I'm not a little girl anymore. This is pure woman right here." She figured she would throw some sass into the argument.

"You assumed that I was talking about your form. I was actually referring to your age. And your attitude seems to contribute to the fact that you are, indeed, a little girl. But, I digress. I was not sent here to play childish games with you."

"Puhleaseeeee! You totally started that argument! So I'm calling bullshit! But, whatever, I'll just take the higher ground of the two of us, and ask you what gives?"

"Hmmm…" The mans eyes were narrowed. Erin could tell he wanted to say something back, but knew that if he did they would never get to the real reason of this strange scene.

"So be it. You were brought here due to the obvious guidance that you are in need of." His voice had changed from sarcastic to sage-like in the matter of a second flat.

"Whoa, whoa! How bout we start with the basics here. Who, what, where and why. Didn't you learn how to do introductions properly?"

"Girl, you try my patience. However, you do provide a valid point. Forgive me for my lack of through explanation of the situation. Who I am matters not. What does matter is that the elementals of the universe you are currently residing in have been searching for someone who could help twist what was to come to a more….favorable outcome. You, for some unexplainable reason that I can not fathom, were chosen upon to be the one who would bear this burden. Your friend was taken along with you, because the elementals had decided she would be able to accurately guide you in the struggles you would face. Obviously, they underestimated your reluctance to listen to reason--"

"HEY!" Erin interrupted, affronted by the mans insult.

"—HOWEVER!" The man said loudly, gaining her attention once again as well as her silence. "They would not give up so easily after all their hard work. Do you know how difficult it is to drag two people into a completely different universe?"

"Wow, let me think bout that one…..obviously I have a very extensive knowledge into the traveling of universes even though the people on my planet have only been able to get to the moon and even that is debated against even happening." As usual, the sarcastic reply came without much thought.

"Your ignorance will have to be kept in check. Now, do try to restrain yourself, I will not be repeating myself, and I don't appreciate being interrupted."

"Please continue, your highness." Erin added a bow to make it even more dramatic.

"That's much better. As I was saying, you were sent here to change some events Erin, though it is obvious that you were reluctant to do so. Up to now though, we really could have cared less what you did change. If you had saved those boys, they would have just been killed either way. Their fates have already been determined. No, there is one in particular who's fate the elementals have taken an interest in."

"I'd like to take a wild guess here and say Riddick?"

"Of course. His destiny will affect so many people in this universe. The elementals included. Self-preservation is strong within all living beings, the elementals are no different. You will act as his guide, and I stress the GUIDE part. Not his whore. Though that show was minimally impressive."

"Gah! You pervert! You watched me and him doing….that thing we were doing? How gross." Erin shuddered in disgust.

"I only watched it starting, I had enough after that. We hadn't planned on there being any kind of connection between you two beside that of two warrior spirits. We obviously miscalculated, and that could cause some very serious repercussions down the line of time."

"Well…shit." Erin said, finally not sure on what was really going on anymore.

"My thoughts exactly. If it were up to me, you wouldn't be in this situation, but for some reason unknown to me, you were chosen."

"Unknown to you? Why send me someone to guide me if they don't even know the full story? I demand to speak to your manager." Stomping her foot to accent the demand.

The man just stared at her.

"Dear God, the whole universe is screwed."

And then, she woke up.

Gasping for air, Erin sat up and pressed her hand to where her heart was beating hard against her chest. Looking around with wild eyes, she took in not darkness, but the bright light from the suns, and the natural goings-on of the settlement they had taken over.

Reassured of her surroundings, Erin flopped back into the sand. That experience had actually shook her to the core in a strange way. She could have passed it off as a dream due to the exposure of a strange planet, but it had just felt too real. She couldn't dismiss it.

So she was here for a reason, big fucking whoop. She had known she had to be here for something. Sighing, she pulled herself up from the sand yet again. The whole conversation with Glowy-Man had been useless really. It revealed a whole bunch of nothing, except that she was supposed to help Riddick. But in all honesty, in the movie he had seemed to turn out pretty good, moving onto The Chronicles there had been some serious character development, until finally at the ending he seemed to finally find his rightful place. What was so bad about that ending? But then, was she so sure that this whole thing would play out with how the movie had been? Or were the characters free to choose in this version?

Too many questions, too little answers. She huffed in frustration and looked over to the ship, which was finally opening up again. She watched as Riddick slipped out, glancing once in her direction and inclining his head to her. It was strange seeing the bits in between what was shown in the movie.

What to do now? Erin wondered. Maybe she should go lend a hand? Erin chuckled under her breathe. Her? Help? Yea, right. So instead she just leaned back yet again, and closed her eyes, hoping no dreams would come.

Thanks for sticking around and waiting on this. I really do appreciate it. I lost my will to write anything for about a year. Which was why there was no updates. Please review though, you guys are the reason I came back here, and got back to writing again.