Clouds floated in a cyan blue sky on a sunny winter day. Golden eyes watched them peacefully. The yellow eyed girl was happy with her day at school so far. She hadn't met up with the gang since that morning and was relived at that. She knew there would be questions as soon as the group saw her and she wasn't looking forward to telling her new and old friends about why she was in domino… they might not believe her… she sighed as her thoughts drifted back to her grandmother… she quickly shook her head of her thoughts and concentrated on something else, anything else. She started to think about how all her teachers had made her introduce herself to the class and each time she said something different about herself. She smiled as she imagined the looks people had given her…. Icy blue pools clouded her mind and Nyx felt a shiver go down her spine. She felt nervous around those pair of eyes, they were so cold and distant that she didn't think it was a good idea for them to be on her. She could understand if the owner saw her at the beginning of school and was sizing her up but those eyes watched her in all of her other classes, by the end of her second class she felt as if the owner was trying to look into her soul and find out her deepest darkest secrets.

Nyx shuddered at that thought, she didn't want some guy she didn't know ,and had no interest in getting to know, find out her secrets. She cleared the imaged of those orbs out of her mind and thought about her school. She smiled. She had made no new friends except the blond boy Joey and the dark haired boy Tristan. She smiled. She liked it that way, she didn't like people much, 4 or 5 friends were enough for her. She got up as the bell signaling the end of the lunch period was over. She walked over to the trash can keenly ware that two eyes were staring at her, trying to burn a hole in her back. She was half tempted to turn around and ask him what his problem was but she didn't want to get suspended the first day.

Kaiba's POV

I watched a girl with midnight black hair stand up from under a tree in the middle of the school lunch court. For some reason this girl had caught my attention and I couldn't stop thinking about her. I guess it was because of the way she acted, the girl was a tomboy, I could tell that just by the way she dressed. When I first saw her I wondered what her name was and why she was dressed in the guys uniform. The teacher told her to introduce herself and I found out her name. Nyx Athens it was a nice name I guess. When I heard her name I made a mental note to look up the girl, to see if she had a criminal record or something. Mokuba had lectured me this morning again how I needed a 'friend'. I told him I was a CEO and I couldn't have friends to hang out with, he countered that if I didn't get any friends he wouldn't either. I don't like that, but I didn't exactly know anyone I could be friends with, most of the people my age were idiots like Wheeler and Yugi and the rest of the geeks. But this girl seemed different, she didn't go with the rest of the crowd it seemed, she was different, and she must be smart seeing as she had every class I had, and I took senior level classes and she also seemed to be a loner. This girl might become my friend, we had some things in common. I tore my eyes from the girl as she went inside. I'd have to find a way to talk to her.

Nyx's POV

I stood outside waiting for Yugi, Tea, Joey, and Tristan to meet me. We had agreed to meet at the front gate of school and I would walk them to my house and tell them what happened, not something I wanted to do. I sighed to myself as I looked at my watch. I was getting tired of this, guys were passing me by giving me strange looks. I guess it's because I'm dressed in the male's uniform. I laughed at that. It seemed that no one in this school had seen a tomboy before. In Greece there were no such things either but for one year I had lived in America and I liked the way girls had dressed up as guys and acted as guys. I asked them why and they said because they were tomboys, they were girls but they didn't like acting like it. I had quickly taken myself up as a tomboy shedding the dresses i had been forced to wear when my grandmother was alive. I was allowed to start my life over now, create my own personality instead of having my grandmother force me to be what she had been. I had to laugh again as I remembered the first time I had gotten into a fight with a guy. The guy didn't want to fight me again, ever. I had basically beaten the crap out of him, that's what he got for insulting my family, he said my mother was a whore and that I was a bastard because I had no father. I guess he was lucky I didn't kill him. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I saw a tall guy coming towards me, he had dark brown hair and deep ocean blue eyes. He had a scowl on his face and a look in his eyes that told everyone not t mess with him. His glare seemed to be centered on me I met his gaze somewhat annoyed. What did this guy want?

He reached me and his eyes seemed to measure me up and at that moment I knew he was the guy who had been watching me all day.

"Yes?" I asked. It took all my will power not to snap at him. I wanted to know what this guy wanted. Maybe he'd leave me alone.

The guy didn't answer he just watched me. I was about to say something when suddenly I heard a voice call my name. I looked behind the guy to see Yugi running towards me. He looked worried for some reason. I gave the brunette in front of me a cold glare not really trusting him and waved to Yugi. The small boy finally reached us panting, he smiled at me but gave an untruthful look to the guy beside me," Konnichiwa Nyx-Chan, Joey, Tristan, And Tea are on their way" he said to me cheerfully, "Hello Kaiba" he said to the boy. That name caught my interest, Seto Kaiba? Wasn't he the guy who Yugi had defeated using Exodia the Forbidden? I gave this guy a real look over, yeah, this was probably the guy everyone talked about, the selfish, arrogant CEO of the multi-billion corporation Kaiba Corps. I shrugged mentally. It didn't matter to me I turned away from Kaiba and to Yugi. I nodded to him," alright, I hope they hurry though." I replied to the short boy. Kaiba glared at Yugi and then at me and just left. I glared after him and mumbled under my breath," what a rude person". Yugi held in a laugh.

I was about to say something to him about it being the truth when I saw tea, Joey, and Tristan coming. I swallowed my comment and greeted them. After that I started to lead them to my small apartment.

Kaiba's POV

I strolled toward the parking lot where my limo waited for me. Thoughts whirled through my head like 'why hadn't I said anything?'. The plan had been to go up to her and tell her I wanted her to be my 'friend' , but for some reason all I could do was look at her. I cursed to myself. If I had said something Yugi wouldn't have come over to her. But then again maybe I didn't speak to her because I knew she was friends with that gang of idiots. I shook the thought out of my head. I was beginning to think like Yugi, something I hated beyond all reason and swore I would never do. And I ,Seto Kaiba ,keep my word. Back to the situation, the girl Nyx was a friend of Yugi and would be told not to be near me… not that she would want to… she was giving me a look that I don't think was favorable. I let all my thoughts drop as I reached my limo and got in. I could figure out what to do later. Right now I had to run a company. Though as I thought that I couldn't seem to miss the raven haired girl with golden eyes surrounded by a group of teens I hated…. The image of those eyes would stay with me for the rest of the night and I wouldn't be able to work….