Laura Roslin sat in the cell madder than hell. No mad didn't even begin to describe it. The jerk had dared placed her in the brig. So, Starbuck flew back to Caprica to get the "Arrow of Apollo." It was their only chance to find Earth.
When Adama had mentioned Earth it was a myth a fable. Earth a false hope to give humanity a reason to survive and fight. The gods were funny life was funny sometimes. They found Kobol. It was real. She was sure of that. She was certain there was an earth now. Surer of earth than anything she had been in her life. Just as she knew, she would never see it. The damned man had summoned a legend and it had actually come.
She hadn't exactly coerced Lt. Kara Thrace. But, if she was honest with herself, she really hadn't given her any choice either. She had revealed the man she viewed as her father to be a liar. She had broken a pact with the Commander. A low blow granted, but they needed that damned arrow whether Adama knew it or not.
Now as she sat in the brig and cooled down she realized William Adama had reacted not just as a commander who had lost an invaluable strategic weapon and key pilot, to a drug induced vision as Billy had called it, but also as a father protecting someone he regarded as his daughter on what he considered a suicide mission.
Stupid! Stupid! How could she have been so stupid? Caprica was infested with Cylons and irradiated to hell. She sent Starbuck back into hell. She had been so focused on the Temple of Athena and finding the location of Earth. She should have thought this through more carefully. The personal and military ramifications of what she had asked were crashing in on her now.
Then there was Lee. She viewed him as a son, and if she was honest maybe a little bit more. No wonder the Commander had looked at her with contempt. She remembered saying "I know who you are, but Captain Apollo has a nice ring to it, don't you think"
She had been so wrong. He wasn't Captain Apollo. He was Lee Adama, son of a living legend, William Adama's flesh and blood. William Adama protected his own right or wrong. She had seen clear evidence of that with Starbuck.
She remembered promising Lee that both jobs wouldn't interfere with each other.
He had never shown his father anything but loyalty until today. It had been his decision she consoled herself. Yes, that was certainly true, but in all honesty she had her part to play in all this. She had probably helped cost him his rank, his wings, and possibly more importantly his father and Kara.
Adama had warned both of them. What was the old adage? "You can't serve two masters. She had been kidding herself. This was bound to have happened eventually. Adama had seen it, and had tried to warn them.
Hell, she thought she'd be lucky to ever see daylight again. And she wasn't sure she completely blamed Adama. Now that she'd had a minute to see his side. Damn, what a mess…
All her introspection abruptly halted as claxons screamed all over the Galactica.
Oh damn! Were they under attack again? "Condition one. Set condition one ..."
That sounded like Col. Tigh's voice "Marine!" Laura shouted.
The guard at the door jumped to attention and proceeded to her cell.
"Yes, Ma'am, what do you need?"
"What is happening? Why are we at condition 1?" She demanded.
"I don't know Ma'am. They won't tell me anything. We only receive news on a need to know basis down here Ma'am. Will there be anything else?"
"Please inform Commander Adama I would like to speak with him as soon as possible." Laura demanded.
The marine's eyes popped in surprise at her tone. "Yes, Ma'am I'll relay the message. Will there be anything else?"
No, thank you." Laura said softly and went to sit back down on the bench in her cell.