(Author Note) I am truly sorry for the time it took me to place up this Chapter. I have been having MANY computer troubles in this month´s span. Please my apologies to the ones waiting to know what happens next.


So Close

Tasuki walked into the dark room in complete awe and curiosity. Everything in Miaka´s world was so amazing and wonderful...unlike anything he had ever seen. It was way different since the first time he saw it. That time Nakago had the city in ruins...Tasuki never knew that the world Miaka lived in was so...wonderful. Many people in odd outfits were storming the place to find a place to sit. Tasuki freaked as he walked down the slanted isle. "Miaka! Why is this room so freakin´ slanted!"

Miaka slapped her forehead. Maybe it wasn´t such a good idea to bring the red-head to a place like this. For God´s sake! Tasuki had been worse than Tamahome, the first time he came to her world. She smiled as Tasuki looked at her with those curious eyes of his. "Come on Tasuki...don´t question everything." She giggled. "Let´s find a place to sit...ok?" She grabbed the man´s arm and dragged him to the center of the room. Tasuki glanced at the rows of red. He stumbled a few times on the uneven ground, but managed to follow Miaka as she dragged him ahead. She pulled him into an empty row...and pulled a strange cushion down. She did the same to the place beside her. "Sit?"

Tasuki looked down at the cushion. "I think I´ll pass."

Miaka looked at him strangely. "Tasuki...it is just a seat!" She giggled.

Tasuki still didn´t trust her words...but sat down upon it anyways. As he did so...the cushion folded up, and Tasuki´s legs went flying to his head. "FUCK!"

Many people turned to the bad words...and glared at the red-head and Miaka. Miaka slouched and helped Tasuki manage to sit in the seat correctly. "Um...Tasuki? Are you ok?"

He scowled and looked into her eyes. "What kinda place is this! Damn it! Do all the seats in ya´ world attack you!"

Miaka laughed at the statement. "It is just a movie theater Tasuki. Don´t get all mad. All the seats are like this." She continued to laugh as Tasuki crossed his arms.

"What´s so funny?" Yui walked up to Miaka holding a large tray of food.

Miaka smiled. "It is nothing Yui. Tasuki was just being himself." The brown haired girl snatched the tray from Yui and began to chow down.

"What does that mean!?" Tasuki moved back in his seat to glare at the food fest Miaka, but his legs went flying over is head once more. "SHIT!" More people glared.

Miaka and Yui sweatdropped. Miaka sighed as she helped Tasuki once more try to sit in the seat properly. "Tasuki...can you try to control your language in a public place like this. Please?"

He looked into Miaka´s pleading eyes. `What kinda world is this? A place of goody-two-shoes!´ he thought. He only nodded and looked forward. Miaka sighed a thank you as Yui sat beside her. Tasuki stared through the darkness at nothing in particular. "Miaka? What is the point of..." A big boom was heard from the speakers all around Tasuki. The red-head jumped up and freaked. "What the hell!"

Yui groaned. Miaka grabbed Tasuki´s arm and forced him down. "Tasuki...just sit down and watch the movie." The bandit did as he was told...but wondered to himself...what´s a movie?! His answer was replied as a gigantic picture popped up! Many things were going on all at once. The red-head stared wide-eyed at the screen and was practically frozen in fear. The two girls watched to movie begin for five minutes...but it was soon interrupted by the one and only... Tasuki.

"Miaka?! Where the hell is all the noise coming from? Why are those people so huge? What is that thing he his holding? Why does it shoot fire? I thought my tessen was the only thing that can do that!? Why..." Tasuki blabbed on and on with questions, and it was not at all in a whisper.

A man in a seat in front of them turned around angrily. "Can you keep your trap shut! Some of us are trying to watch the movie!"

Tasuki glared at the man. "What did ya´ just say?!"

Miaka groaned. She smiled a little bit. Tasuki reminded her of how Tamahome was...but Tasuki was different. She sighed. Miaka clasped her hand over Tasuki´s mouth and apologized to the man. She turned her head and brought her mouth to the bandit´s ear and whispered, "Tasuki...just watch." She placed her head on his shoulders. Tasuki looked down at her and blinked a few times. He soon smiled as he wrapped his arms around her and watched the movie in confusion...but silence.

Half-way during the movie...Miaka closed her eyes for a second. Tasuki was so comforting to her. Before she knew it...she was in a small sleep state...

Fire blazed all around her. Heat rose to its peak as Miaka coughed on the fumes. It smelt of burning flesh...something she didn´t want to smell. Miaka ran forward...she didn´t know where she was going...but she didn´t want to remain where she was. The girl ran and ran and soon darkness filled the space around her. She shivered and slowed her pace down. She looked around and only noticed a strange man in the far off distance. She squinted her eyes to get a better look...TAMAHOME! Miaka smiled and ran toward him. "Tamahome!" She giggled in delight...but she stood frozen in an instant. When her beloved turned...his eyes were of red and his symbol was a dark black. She stepped back when she saw him holding an old man by the neck. Tamahome smirked and grabbed the old man by little hair he had. The warrior brought his hand to the old man´s chin, and in one swipe...he snapped the man´s neck. Miaka watched in horror! She felt tears well up and wanted to scream out. She stood still as the man she once loved, so gentle and kind but now brutal and sinister, walk towards her. The girl fainted the instant he touched her.

Miaka slowly opened her blurred eyes and was in a strange room filled with pools of red. She
tried to move...but was unable. She blinked around and soon her vision came. She turned her head and noticed that she was in a glass tube casing?! Miaka tried to move her body once more...but was still unable! What was going on? Where was she? The Priestess of Suzaku stared out through the glass and noticed that Yui was in one too! Yui seemed to be knocked out...for she was standing up...but was not moving and had her eyes close. Miaka tried to scream out to Yui...but her friend seemed as if she couldn´t hear her!? Miaka closed her eyes and cried. What was going on! Where was Tamahome? What of Chichiri? She opened her and saw a huge beast before her! Flames engulfed her body as she screamed in pain, "TASUKI!"

"TASUKI!" Miaka was jerked upwards by some strong hands. She couldn´t see clearly and everything was blurred. She gasped for breath and broke down crying. The strong hands were still placed on her shoulders, but they soon wrapped themselves around her body and close to the body that belonged to them. Miaka shivered at the thought of that nightmare. What did it mean? She soon snapped back to realization and looked to see who was comforting her. She stared up into HIS eyes...Tasuki.

The warrior brought his hands to her cheeks and wiped the tears from them gentally. "Miaka? What happened? Why are you crying?"

"CAN YOU SHUT-UP! This isn´t even a horror film! Take your snotty whinny girlfriend outside!" The same man who was yelling at Tasuki before stood up. "Take her outside! She is disturbing the rest of us that little BITC..." A huge fist swiped across the man´s face. He flew back at the strength of the punch and stared in disbelief!

Tasuki brought his fist down and relaxed it after punching the man. "Watch it damn it!" Tasuki picked Miaka up from the seat and walked out of the theater. Yui stood up soon after, smirked at the man, and followed.

"Tasuki...you can put me down. I am fine," Miaka replied weakly.

He did as he was told, but kept his arms around her. "Miaka? What happened?"

The girl stared into his eyes and pouted. She wrapped her arms around him and cried once more. "It was horrible! A nightmare! It seemed so real though!"

Tasuki watch the Priestess cry onto his chest. What ever this dream was...it shook her up pretty badly. He frowned and wrapped his arms around her closely. "Miaka...please don´t cry. Whatever it was...it was only a dream. Please...don´t...don´t cry."

Miaka stopped, but remained on his chest. She looked up and stared into his eyes...his fury yet gentle eyes. Tasuki smiled down at her and wiped her tears once more...when he was done...he didn´t remove his hand from her delicate face. Their eyes were locked for what seemed like hours. Before they knew it, Tasuki moved his face in closer. Miaka slowly closed her eyes and moved in closer too. Their lips...so close as if wanting one another. So close...

"Hey guys!" Tasuki and Miaka released themselves quickly before the kiss and freaked. Yui ran up to them. "Guys! What´s going on? What happened in there?" Miaka kept her gaze on Tasuki. They almost kissed! She couldn´t believe it! She blushed and watched as Tasuki did also. "Hello?" Yui waved her hand in front of her friends face. "I asked a question that I would liked answered if you don´t mind!"

Miaka released her gaze and stared to her friend. "I am sorry Yui. I just had a nightmare. Nothing to worry about."

Yui grumbled. "Yeah...sure. It was nothing...yeah right!" She smirked at her friend. "You
screamed Tasuki´s name so loudly...I think the whole world knows who he is now!" She giggled as Miaka blushed darker.

"I said I am fine Yui...I´ll you about it later. Let´s go find my brother." Miaka turned and walked toward the direction of the library. "Come on..." Tasuki and Yui looked at each other and shrugged. They began to follow Miaka...but a laugh was heard behind them. All three of them turned. Miaka gasped! "Sa...Sati!?"

"Hello...Miaka..." Her eyes were transfixed with a glare. The black haired girl smirked and started to laugh. "Or should I say...Priestess...of Suzaku?"

Yui and Miaka stopped breathing! How did Sati know who Miaka was? Yui stepped forward. "Sati! How did you..."

"How do I know?" Sati crossed her arms. "Don´t worry yourself with that right now!" She laughed again. "I am not so dumb. That is also why I am here. You two just kind of disappeared on me."

Miaka became confused. "I don´t understand."

Sati smirked again. "Back at the inn. You know...where Taka disappeared?"

"The inn? YOU WERE IN THE BOOK! HOW!?" Miaka was in complete confusion...but realized something. "Where is Taka, Sati?"

The girl sighed. "Right here..."

A man came out from the shadows with a smile on his face. His eyes were red and was wearing a loose black shirt and slacks. "Hello...Priestess."

"Taka..." Miaka began to cry.