Disclaimer: Nothing's mine. But Friday was a snowday, so I'm a happy camper.



"Hey Ginny, Harry! Sorry I'm back so late, that meeting went on, and on, and on, and-"

"We get it, Ron. So, what did you talk about?" Harry cut in. His arm was wrapped around Ginny's shoulders and she was smiling dreamily.

Ron shot Hermione a very nervous look. She quickly took over.

"Um, well, we had to be assigned patrols for September, we had to be aware of which places were out of bounds, we had to listen to the Head Girl drone on about how we're here to protect the school and how we aren't allowed to dock points."

"Hermione followed it, I didn't."

"Of course you didn't," Ginny said, shifting her weight against Harry. He moved slightly closer and Hermione distinctly heard Ron sigh warningly.

"So, um, what have you been doing?" Ron asked innocently.

"Just, talking," Harry said avoiding Ron's eye.

"Must have gotten pretty boring. And you two are really-"

"So, what are you most looking forward to?" Hermione interrupted, giving Ron a nasty look.

Ginny grinned mischievously and Ron glared.

"Probably getting the DA back together," Harry said calmly. "Even if we have a proper teacher."

"I wonder who it'll be," Ron said with his teeth clenched.

Ginny sat up straight and Harry drew his arm away at Ron's angry glare that had escaped.

"Ron, what is your problem?" Ginny asked irritably.

"You couldn't even wait until we arrived!" Ron exploded. "I've been trying to talk you out of dating older guys, but I guess it isn't working!"

"How would you know? It's none of your business anyway!"

"Hermione-" she looked down at the floor "-caught the two of you snogging the h out of each other just five minutes ago!"

"Ron, how can you not trust him! He's your best friend!"

"I know that, but you're my sister!"

"So? You don't control my life! Honestly, I can date whomever I want! And we aren't even dating!"

"After spending the entire trip snogging you aren't getting together," Ron said pointedly.

Ginny blushed scarlet. "I didn't say that."

"So you are?"

"What's it to you?"

"I don't want you to get hurt!"

"Bologna! You don't want me to have fun!"

"Fun? You call this fun?"

"Well, if you would just admit that you were madly in love with Hermione perhaps you two could have fun as well!"

Ron turned bright, bright red and Hermione let out a small gasp.

"I-I-I'm s-sure if I did tell her, um, that, we would not spend the, ahem, entire train ride, um, snogging, per say."

"I'm sure you wouldn't," Ginny said sarcastically as Hermione sank back in her seat and closed her eyes, her face just as red as Ron's.


Comprehension flooded Ginny's face at this. "Oh my gawd. Oh, my gawd. You told her, didn't you! Ha! Harry, you owe me."

"And me, mate," Ron grinned, sinking down next to Hermione. She opened her eyes and let him lay his hand across her shoulders.

"Really? Did you two, er, kiss, at all?" Harry asked with a small smirk.

Ginny laughed and looked expectantly at Ron, who had gone scarlet and silent.

"Yes," Hermione said quietly with a sheepish grin.

"That would be, four galleons and two sickles and a kiss, Mr. Potter," Ginny said with a laugh.

"That's two galleons for me," Ron put in.

Harry grinned and dug into his pocket for the coins. Once they had been distributed fairly, he put his arms around Ginny and kissed her thoroughly.

Ron shook his head at the two of them, but Hermione kissed him lightly on the cheek and he hugged her tighter to him, deciding that Harry and Ginny's relationship was rather immature.

Aw...right. Now where is that review button...?